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<br />200807950 <br /> <br />EXHIBIT A <br /> <br />Parcell: Commencing at a point 1030 feet north oftbe Southeast comer of the Northeast Quarter <br />(NE1I4) of Section Pour (4), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall <br />County, Nebraska to the actual point of beginning, thence north 70 feet, thence west 792 feet, thence <br />south 110 feet, thence east 2471/2 feet, thence north 40 feet, thence east 544 1/2 feet to the actual point <br />of beginning <br /> <br />Parcel 2: Commencing at a point Nine Hundred Ninety (990) feet North of the Southeast Corner ofthe <br />Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) of Section Four (4), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West oftl1e <br />6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and running thence North Forty Feet (40'), thence West Five Hundred <br />Forty Four and One Half Feet (544 1/2'), thence South Forty Feet (40'), thence East Five Hundred and <br />Forty Pour and One HalfPeet (544 1/2') to the place of beginning <br /> <br />Page 12 of 12 <br />