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<br />The undersigned, as Assignee under that certain Assignment of Rents ("Assignment") executed
<br />by Donald D. Mehring, not personally but as Trustee on behalf of The Nancy A. Erwin Trust uta dated
<br />June 23, 1989 and Donald D. Mehring, not personally but as Trustee on behalf of the John M. Mehring
<br />Trust uta dated May 21, 1994 and Donald D. Mehring, not personally but as Trustee on behalf of The
<br />Elizabeth A. Erwin Trust uta dated May 10, 1994 and Donald D. Mehring, not personally but as Trustee
<br />on behalf of The Christian S. Mehring Trust uta dated January 20, 1995, as assignor, WELLS FARGO
<br />BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, successor in interest to Wells Fargo Bank Nebraska, National
<br />Association, as the result of an acquisition and name change as assignee, dated as of November 12,
<br />2003 and recorded on November 14, 2003 , as Instrument No. 0200314967, in the Office of the Register
<br />of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, does hereby release unto the person or persons legally entitled
<br />thereto, without any warranty, all of the right, title and interest now held by said assignee in and to the real
<br />property described in said Assignment of Rents and Leases and incorporated herein by this reference.
<br />This satisfaction is executed at the request of the assignee under said Assignment of Rents and Leases.
<br />Property:
<br />
<br />--'
<br />
<br />-~
<br />CJ
<br />
<br />EXHIBIT "A"
<br />
<br />Parcel 1: ,Lots Eight' (8) and Nine (9~, Crestoga North Subdlvlsfob, Ball County, Nebraska AND
<br />
<br />A tract of land comprising a part 01 Lot One (1), Conestoga North Twelfth Subdivision, In the City of
<br />Grand Island, HaJI County, Nebraska, andjmore particularly described as lonows: BegiDning at the
<br />Southwest corner 01 Lot Nine (9), Cones top North Subdivision; thence Easterly along and upon the
<br />South line 01 Lots Nine (9) and Efaht (8), Conestoga North Subdivision, a distance 011bree Hundred
<br />(300.0) Feet to the Southeast COrDer 01 saldj Lot Eight (8); thence Southerly parallel with the West line
<br />01 said Lot One (1), a distance 01 One HUD.~ Forty aad Seventy-Three Hundredths (140.73) Feet, to
<br />a point that Is One Hundred Ninety-Five (195.0) Feet North 01 the SO,uth be of said Lot One (1); thence ,
<br />Westerly paraDel to the South Line 01 said 4t One (1), a distance 01 nree Hundred (300.0) ~eft; thence
<br />Northerly, paraIle), wJUa tile W~t Dne 01 s~ld Lot One (1), a distance or One Hundred Forty and
<br />Seventy-Three Hundredths (140.73) Feet to the/point 01 ~nning. , , ' ,
<br />
<br />Para:l 2: A tract 01 land comprising a part ~l Lot One (1), Conestoga North 1\velfth SubdfvisiOb, in the
<br />City 01 Grand Island, Hall County, Nebras~ aad more particularly described as loUows: A tract of
<br />l
<br />land comprising apart of Lot One (1), C~toga North Eleventh Subdivision, in the Clty of Grand
<br />Island, BaD County, Nebraska and more paljdcuJarIy described as 10Uows: Jle&budDg at a point on the
<br />south Une 01 said Lot ODe (1), said point ~ 1\vo Hundred Sixty (260.0) leet east of the southwest
<br />corner or said Lot One (1), and also being onl the prolongaUoQ of the west Une of LOt Nine (9), CODestoga
<br />North Subdivision; thence northerly, along a,nd upon the pf'l)longatlon 01 said Lot NIne (9) and also
<br />being paraUeI with the west Une of said Lot 0,ne (1), a distance of One Hundred Ninety Five (195.0) leet;
<br />thence easterly, parallel with the south line 0' said Lot One (1), . distance 01 One Hundred FIfty (150.0) ,
<br />leet; thence southerly, paraDe) with the west yne of said Lot Oae (1),. distance 01 One Hundred Ninety
<br />Five (195.0) feet to a point on the smith Un~ of said Lot One (1); thence westerly, along and upon the
<br />south line 01 said Lot One (1), a distance i One Hundred FIfty (150.0) leet to ~e point of beginning.
<br />
<br />C.507 _NE.DOC (Rev. 08/02)
<br />