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<br />"', j \ .'" <br />.., <br />~ \~..""'J <br /> <br />200807937 <br /> <br />. EXHIBIT "A" <br /> <br />A tract of .. part of the Quareer of <br />the Northu8't Quarter om 1/4 Nlt 1/4) of section Twenty-one <br />(21), Township Sleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) west of the <br />6t.h P.M., in the City of Grand Island. Sall County, Nebr...ka, <br />more particularly deacribed as follows : Firat, to ascertain <br />the point of beginning, start at the intersection of the <br />westerly line of Elm St~t with the SOutherly line of Anna <br />Street; thence running Southwesterly alon9 the Southerly line <br />of Anna Street a elistance of Three Hundred Thirty-four (334.0) <br />feet to the ACTUAL point of beginning; a180 being a point on <br />the West line of Clebum Street as cond.emned by City Ordinance <br />No. 1591 d.ated pebruary 2, 1938; thence continu;1ng along the <br />Southerly lineot, Anna Stre.~ a d1stanc89flig~y-fiV. and <br />~~"",."..,-:~..l)jJbs...... ....( 85.4) peet; thence running Southeasterly para., 11el <br />, to"thtr~.'rly line of Blm Street II distance of one Hundred <br />porty (140.0) feet; thence running Northeasterly parallel to <br />the SOUtherly line of Anna Street a diatanoe of <br />and Pour TentbJa (as. 4) feet to a point on the West.erly 1 ine of <br />Cleburn Street; thence running Northwesterly along the <br />Westerly line of Cleburn Street a di8tanceof one Hundred. <br />Fortv {lol0. O} feet to the point of beginningf <br /> <br />......~.> <br /> <br />_ ____" '"L.;,::: .:..........,...- _ _, _.;' ...,~., '.~.'.I' <br />