<br />IInrrnuty m.r.r~
<br />
<br />200510257
<br />
<br />ID4ts lJtt~.rutltr.r., Made this..m..__?~.~.~.......__.day oL...~.~PJ:~~~~.!:........., in the year of our Lord, ..2 o.Q 5.... ,
<br />
<br />between. ____~~.~~.~ __~.~~.~~~~.~...~.~~~~.~.~y...~~~?~.~~~.~.?!:l..mm........... __....... ........., (a Cemetery Association), oL..g~.g............. .County, u.~.~~!.~!?~~.......m....m...
<br />
<br />. . d d .. de db' f h I f th S f Nebraska f h f' d Robert Irvine
<br />a corporatIOn orgamze an eXlstmg un r an y vIrtue 0 t e aws Q e tate 0 ..__..m....................., party 0 t e mt part, an ....__..............................__...__............__....
<br />
<br />....... ..m" .....__ __........__............ __.............. __... ..... ...............__....of the County of.......~.~~.~...... ____......, and State of... .~~.~!.~~.~.m..........
<br /> party of the second part: Witnesseth,
<br />
<br />that the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of.....~.~~.__~~~~~~.~__~~~.__~~Ug9__.:_:_._::_:::_:_..:::_:_..:~:_:_._:_.:_:_:_:_._:::_:_._:::_:_:_:_.:-::_:_._:::._::.(~.?
<br />~.~.~.~~?..OOLLARS,
<br />
<br />in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has sold and by these present does grant, convey and confirm unto the said party....__of the second part, the
<br />
<br />following described premises, to-wit :m.~~!..~~.~m~.~?.!-.~.. .{~~.?...!!...?9.!.. __~~.~...~.~ __.?-:~.~!.4...~.~~.~.!::~.~~...... ____.... __..... ....__~....m........... ....__......
<br /> __ ( ) m'C
<br />
<br />~ ...__., of.. ..... .~~~p: !::.. .~!~~.l?~~.!::......... ..__m....... .......Cemetery in.. ..__ __~~.~~..... ..__... .......... . County ,.__~ ~~:':.~~~....__.. __, together with all
<br /> appurtenances thereunto
<br />belonging: Subject, however, to all Articles, By-Laws, Rules and regulations of said Cemetery Association, as they now exist or may hereafter be changed, modified
<br />
<br />or enlarged, and the said grantor Cemetery Association for itself or its successors, does hereby covenant to and with the said party...... of the second part and
<br />
<br />...._......~.~.~__....heirs and assigns, that at the time of the execution and delivery of these presents it is lawfully seized of said premises; that it has good right and lawful
<br />authority to convey the same; that they are free from encumbrance and does hereby covenant to warrant and defend the said premises against the lawful claims of all
<br />persons whomsoever. In witness whereof, the said grantor Cemetery Association has hereunto caused its corporate seal to be affixed and these presents to be signed
<br />by its President and Clerk the day and year first above written.
<br />.
<br />
<br />My commission expires..Cl ~.jf......<:?l.~.c:..r.......
<br />
<br />· This SJl&Ce may be used for further conditions, restrletlol18 and cove~~[ if an:J'
<br />FORM 6lHl-Revised
<br />
<br />~':~~:nd~,le~:~deHv=~~the~~:en'::um..mmu. Mount Pl.e.esan~..~~"~t~~:l:~~~~s~~:~~:~:
<br />umum~~~;;.~;;.umummumummmmm Byu,fd~~~mu~~C1:~.u
<br />
<br />STATE OF.m....................................m.n..........} 28th S t b 2005
<br />............................!:l.~.~.~..... ..m................COunty sa. On this........... ........... ............ ..day of.......... ~P....e:~...~.:.~............................m..,
<br /> n....m, before me, the undersigned,
<br />
<br />a Notary Public in and for said County, personally appeared............ ..m.. ....... ....... .P.~~... ?~~!:I:~.~.E!:.m......n....... ....... ..................... .......n.m.................m.......
<br />., President and
<br />..................._................B.g.p.~.r.~...g.~...1.~I.!?Q):L.......... ............., Clerk of the..~~~p.~...~.~.~~.~~p.!::...~!7~~.~.~!y...A~.l?9.~.~~.!::~.'?~.....,
<br />A Cemetery Association, to me personally known to be the said President and Clerk and the identical persons whose names are
<br />affixed to the above instrument and acknowledged the execution thereof to be their voluntary act and deed as such officers,
<br />and the voluntary act and deed of' the said...~1~.~::.!::...~.~~.~~.~~.!-....s:.~~~:t:-.~.!7...~~~.?~~.~:t:-.~~!I:.n........., A Cemetery Association.
<br />W. h d d N . 1 Se 1 Cairo Nebraska "d Co th d d ,-- abo .
<br />Itness my an an otarla a at.....m.m.....,......m...............................lD sat unty e ay an year 1d.lIt ve WrItten.
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