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<br />This form Is available electronically.
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<br />CCC.297
<br />(08-18-04)
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<br />"'~~-'-~ '~~"=---"'_c.~---U;S.,*P~I!NTOF' AGRICUlTURE
<br />Commodity Credit Corporation
<br />
<br />
<br />See Page 2 for Privacy Act and Public Burden Statements.
<br />
<br />WHEREAS, (a)
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<br />200807271 ItJ,~D
<br /> Form Approved - OMB No. 0560-0204
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<br />and
<br />
<br />(b) , of (c) 1787 S NEBRASKA HWY 11 , County of
<br />
<br />(d) HALL , State of (e) NEBRASKA . (herein called Debtors), have
<br />
<br />applied tothe Commodity Credit Corporation (herein called the Secured Party), for a loan and have agreed to give the
<br />S_ecured Party a security interest in the following~descri?edfixture(s) (j):
<br />
<br />sukup drying bin - 48' dia., 10 ring. Inside and outside ladders w/ platform stairs. Hawk
<br />cut floor, supports, flashing, and 48' 10" sweepway, horizontal unload (3 belt) Motor,
<br />centrifugal fan 15 hp, 3 phase, Fan cent. 20 hp, 3 phase, transition, and shutter fan 20 hp.
<br />
<br />which fixture(s) is (are) affixed to the following-described real estate: (Add legal description) (g)
<br />NEl/4NWl/4 2-10-12, Hall County
<br />
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the making or insuring of such loan by the Secured Party, the undersigned
<br />parties hereby (1) consent that the Debtors may grant to the Secured Party a security interest in said fixture(s) under the
<br />Uniform Commercial Code, (2) consent to the installation of said equipment and agree said equipment shall be and remain
<br />severed from the real property described above, and (3) agree that upon default of Debtors the Secured Party may (a) take
<br />possession of and remove said fixture(s) without notice to the undersigned parties and without liability to them for any
<br />diminution of value of the real estate caused by the absence of the fixture(s) or by any necessity for replacing the fixture(s),
<br />and (b) enforce its security interest against said fixture(s) as personalty.
<br />
<br />Thtt u.s. Deparlmflnl of AgrlcuJtiH'& (USDA) prohibits discrimination In an itl program and dvme, on the basis of rac8, COlOr. nationslorigln, 8Q8, ct/sablmy, and where app/Jc8bl8, sex,
<br /> maritsl status, famlllal,tatus, pflfBnlBl
<br />.,alu., reHglcm, .8XU81 orientation, gene6c information, politic. beHerr, reprisal, or bBcIlU., 811 or part of an IndMdual'. Income /s derived from IIny publIC 8uiBtance program. (Not
<br /> an prohibited bases apply to all programs.)
<br />Person. with ClflatJIIItIe. who requlrtJ ~&tIve melitis for oommuftlcatiOn of program In'orm~tIon ( Brvine, 1affJ8 print, aUlllOtape, etc.) should contact USDA', TARGET CsntM lit (202)
<br /> 72Q.2GOO (voice and TOo). To file 8
<br />oomp/o/nt of DI.crlmlmlllon, _to USDA, DInt</or, Offloo of Civil R/gIlt., 1400 I_pttndenco Avenue, Sw., Woshlngton, DC 20250-0410, or coil (000) 70~272 (voIool or (202) 72CU3B2 (TOO).
<br /> USDA I..n .quEll opporlunHy
<br />provI</8r ond omployer,
<br />