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<br />2QOSOl'O!13
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<br />12. Substitute Trustee. Lender, at its option . and with or without cause', may from
<br />time to time remove Trustee and appoint, by power of attorney or otherwise, a successor
<br />trustee to any. Trustee appoin,tedhereunder. "Without conveyance of.the Property, the
<br />successor trustee shall succeed tOallthetjtle,powerand duties conferred upon Trustee
<br />herein.and by applicable law.
<br />13. Subroga,tion. Any of the proceeds of the Note used to take up outstanding
<br />liens against all or any part of the Property have been advanced by Lender at Borrower's
<br />,request . and upon Borrower's representation. that such amounts. are' due and are, ,secured .by
<br />valid liens against the Property. Lender shall be subrogated to anyand all rights, superior
<br />titles, liens and equities owed or claimed by any owner orhplder of any owner or holder
<br />of any outstanding liens and debts, regardless of whether said liens or de,btsare acquired
<br />by Lender by assignments Of arereleasedby the holder thereofuponpayment.
<br />14. Partial Invalidity . In event any portion of the sums intended to be secured, by
<br />this Sequritylnstrumentcannotbe1awfully secured hereby, payments in reduction of
<br />such sums shall be applied firstto those portions not secured hereby. In the event that
<br />any applicable law Jimitingtheamopntofinterestor other charges pennitted to be
<br />coUected is interpreted so. that anycl1arge. provided for in this . Security Instrlftnent or in
<br />the Note, whether considered sepflratelyortogether with other charges that are
<br />considered . .
<br />a part of this Security InstrumentandN ote transaction, violatessllch law by r'ilason, such
<br />charge is hereby reducedtotheex;tentn(;)cessarytoeliminate such violAtion. The
<br />amounts .of s\lchinterestor'. other 9parges. previously paid' tqLender . in ex~ess of the
<br />amounts pennitted by applicaplelaw shall be appliedbylender to reduce the principal of
<br />theil).debtedness.evidenced bytlw Note,pr, at Lender's'option,'berefunded.
<br />15. Loa,n ()harges. ". If the JOan 'secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a
<br />law which sets maximum loan charges"and that law is finally interpreted so that the
<br />interest or other loan charges collected or ,to be collected in connection with the loan
<br />exceedtbepermitted limits, then: (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the
<br />amount ne.cessary to reduce the charge to the pennittedlimit; and (b) any sUms already
<br />collected from Borrower whicbexceeded permitted .'limitswill.. be refunded to Borrower.
<br />Lender mayCboosetolllakethisrefundbyteducing. the principal owed under the Note or
<br />bym'aking. a direct payment toa()rro'8er....1f a' refun,dreduces"i ".
<br />prin.cipal, tpe . reduction . will. bc::tre(iteqasa . partialprepaYJ.11entwjthout any prepayment
<br />charS(;)uudertheNote. '. . , '.
<br />1.6.. Dor.. row..e. .r'.s..AuthorUa,tionfor Disclosure ..ofFinancial Information.
<br />. ".,' ".."" " """" ", . "". ..' "',",,,," ',' , "" ".,"" ",.
<br />." "" .'" . , .
<br />Borrpwerhereby authorizes. ..' the~older "of any.. mortgage,' deed" of . trust. or other
<br />encUIDprancewith a lien thatllasapriority ()ver this Security Instrument to disclose any
<br />financial....infonnationrequested"inwritillg....by .the above-named Lender regarding
<br />.. :aol'tOwer's loan.. .'. Such' illfonnationmayinclude,butSl1all . not be limited to, the
<br />fp1l9~g informatipn: .9urrc::nfl()fUl1:>alance, lOan status,. delinquency notices, tax . and
<br />. ........ insurancereceipts,hazardiJ:).~uranc~poli9ies...andflood insunuWepqlicies,and. any other
<br />l.:nfprm., .,.,.a. don deem....e.....dnecessa&in.it~~o.l. e~iscr, etionby~en~e.lr. .
<br />.. ' , " , ". . "" ',,', ".
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