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<br />NOTICE OF Tfl.lJiTEIi'iIlALE <br /> <br />_NOTICE IS HEF\f5BY GIVEN <br />Ihat on Septenlber IS, 2008, at <br />'0:00 o'clOck A,M., on the first <br />floor of the Hell County Court- <br />house, ", w. ,.t Street, In the <br />Clly 01 Grand Island, Hall <br />County. Nebreska. tha, under- <br />signad, Tha Slale Bank of lebo. <br />a Kansas Corporation, lebo, <br />Kansa$. as Trustee, acllng pur- <br />suant to the eower of $ele con. <br />ferred In Ihe'Deed of Trust exe- <br />cuted by J'r InvestmentS,l..John <br />P. 8ellamY and 80nnle ::.. Bel- <br />lamy. hu~band and wite. In <br />which The State Bank of Lebo I. <br />named a$Seneficiary and as <br />Tru$!ee, daled. April 9. 2007. <br />and 'recorqed on October 2. <br />2007, In the ,ollica of tha Ragle- <br />lar of Deeds. 9fHall Covnty, Ne- <br />bra~ka, es. Docvment No. <br />0200708452 by reason 01 de- <br />faullln th.. Paym",nt of Iha, obli. <br />gation .eQvred by tiuch Deed of <br />TrLlete,hd 1n, the "parformancliof ' <br />thaoovenantsQontalned therein" <br />including that craach ardefault,! <br />notice of which 'was recorded on <br />May 22, 20Q7, In' the office Df <br />Ihe Aeg/Gter 01 Deeds of Hall <br />Covnly, N..breske, a~ Document <br />Nos. 0200804452 ' end <br />0200804453 '1'111 sell al public <br />"00110n to the hlgl1esl bidder for <br />cash. ceillflad funds. or cash- <br />ier's ahack, the interest CDn- <br />veyed '.to the Tlvslaa by such <br />D.."o of Truet in and 10 the prop- <br />erty " deGcrli:l$o' .therein' as fol- <br />lows: ' " " <br /> <br />THIli NORTHWEST QUi\.RTER <br />~NW1/Vv ,OF 'SECTION <br /> <br />sW"~F,'"N,,T,W.,~,., ,~, ~:,e,t a~):"N,TO"O,Ill~~,' <br /> <br />RAN,S Ty,lEI.VJ(12)jW,llilr <br /> <br />g~UN~~ '"JrBFI~~KA:MA;;. <br /> <br />cepllngitlraol cbnv"y8d bya <br />Warranty Deed flied on Fobru- <br />.ry 2, 2004, 11$ Pocu!"lInl No. <br />200400978 Wllhlhe Hall <br />Counly R..gleler otDeeda, <br />and excoptlng a "I"el con- <br />voyed by WairanWtlaed fllad <br />on March 21,1995, 'I' Docu- <br />manl No. 96-101612 with the <br />Hall County Regi.t.r olO"ode <br /> <br />L01.S ONI!. (11, THREE (31 <br />AND FIV, E (5) AND OUTLOts <br />A BAND' C BELLAMY'S <br />FIRST SUBDIVISION, HALL <br />COUNTY,NEBRi\.SKA <br /> <br />LO, TS ,QNE .111 THRU TWENTV <br />NINE (29).l3ELLAMY'S SEC- <br />OND 'SUBDIVIsION, HALL <br />CQUNTY,NEBRAS!<.A, AND <br />O,UTLOT C (Iorm,rly k,nolNn <br />ae Outlot 0, Bolllihly'e Flr.t <br />SUbd/vl"lon, Hall County, Ne- <br />breaka) <br /> <br />THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER <br />(SW1/41 OFSECTlON ONE (1), <br />tOWNSHip TWELVE 1121 <br />NORTI~, RANOE TWELVlii 12 <br />WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., <br />HALL COUNTY. NEBRASKA, <br />excepllngth" EA8T HALF OF <br />THE'SQUTHeAST QUARTER <br />OF THE .$OUTHWliiST QUAR- <br />J TeR IE112 SE1/4 SW1/4), OF <br />SECT 9N ONE (1); TOWNSHIP <br />TWELVE (12) Nl:l1ITH, RANGE <br />TWELVE (12) WEST OF THE <br />6TH P.M., HALL COUNTY. NE. <br />BFJASKA <br /> <br />Tha sala Will be made wllhoul <br />covenanl or warranty regarding <br />IIt/e, pO$Sa~slon or,' enoum-,.. <br />brancas, for the, pvrpOsaa of <br /> <br />~~&~ngJ~:dOb6~,*~~~t~e,~'::I~~I~y , <br /> <br />faes, charges, and axpanse. Jl <br />Ihe Truslae. sums. I' any, ax. <br />: pended undar. the terms thereof <br />and Interest thareon. Tha sale <br />'1'111 be' conducted by JDhn M. <br />Cunningham, Atlomey at law. <br />222 N. Cedar St., P.O. Box <br />2280. Grand ,.Iano, Nel)raska <br />68802, AllOrnay lorTr~..t..,The <br />Slate Bankllt.J,;aba,' .' <br /> <br />DATED: J~ly31,2008. <br />THE 8TATUIANK OF LEBO, <br />aKa_ <br />C..rpof.t1on,~, Kan.... <br />Trlllltee <br /> <br />5-12-19.26-2 <br /> <br />200806823 <br />