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<br />SurVB vor's CertlflcatB <br />I Mreby cerllfy Ihal on Aprif 22, 2008, I compleled an accural9 <br />survey of 'GRANO ISLAND MALL FIFTeeNTH SUBDIVISION', In Ih9 Clly of <br />Grand Island, Nebraska, as shown on 1M accompanyIng pIal Ihereof; <br />Ihal Ihe loIs, blocks, slre9ls, avenues, alleys, parks, commons and <br />olher grounds as conlalned In sold subdivisIon as shown on Ihe <br />accompanyIng pIal Iherflof are well and accuralt1ly slak9d off and <br />marked; Ihal Iron marhrs wflrfl placfld 01 all 101 corners; Ihal Ih9 <br />-dltntmslons of each 101 are as shown an Ihe pIal; Ihal each 101 bears <br />lis own number; and Ihal said survflY was made wllh "fer9nc9 10 <br />kilown and recordlJd monumflnls. <br /> <br />(~l!!\ <br />~l\44\ IJry 'gfln r~~ SurvlJyor No. 578 <br />0"01\1)\1 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />d./LD r OV a III <br />$ubmlfffJd 10 and approvlJd by 1M RlJglonal PlannIng CommissIon of <br />Hall Counly, Grand Island, Wood RIver and IhlJ Vlllag9s of AIda, CaIro <br />and DonI phon, NlJbraska. <br /> <br />~c:V~'; <br /> <br />airman <br /> <br />VV)r{' 'l.~ <br />------oii fI <br /> <br />Approv9d and accflpflJd by Ih9 Cily of Grand Island, NlJbraska, Ihls <br />c-Lday of~'t . 2008. <br /> <br />~~~.~ <br /> <br />OJ):- ~~ldN!1 <br />I y ClJf <br /> <br />(SlJal) <br /> <br /> <br />200806H8 <br /> <br />il 9 al 0 B 8 C r iJ/.1.1QIJ.. <br />A Iracf of land comprisIng all of Lol On9 (I), Grand Island Mall <br />flghfh Subdivision, In Ihe Clly of Grand Island, Hall Counly, N9braska, <br />said Iracl confalnlng 10.884 acres morlJ or 19ss. <br /> <br />Acknowledgement <br />KNOW ALL MeN BY THese PReseNTS, fhaf GRANO ISLAND MALL, LTD., <br />a Nebraska LimlllJd Parln9rshlp, blJlng Ih9 own9r of Ih9 land dflscriblJd <br />hlJrlJon, has causlJd samlJ fo blJ surv9Y9d, subdIvIded, plafflJd and <br />dlJslgnalfld as 'CRAND ISLAND MALL FIFTeeNTH SUBDIVISION' In Ihe Clfy <br />of Grand Island, NlJbraska, as shown on IhlJ accompanyIng plaf <br />Ih9r90f, and do h9r9by d9dlcal9 Ihfl 9as9m9nls as shown Ihereon for <br />IhlJ local/on, consfrucl/on and malnllJnance of public sflrvlce ul/lIl/es, <br />foglJlhlJr wlfh fhe righl of Ingress and egress IhlJrlJlo, and hlJrlJby <br />prohlblflng IhlJ planl/ng of IrlJlJs, bushlJs and shrubs, or placing olher <br />obslrucl/ons upon, OVlJr, along or undlJrnlJafh IhlJ surface of such <br />lJaslJmlJnfs; and fhaf 1M foregoIng subdivIsIon as morlJ parllcularly <br />dlJscrlblJd In Ih, dliScrlpf/on h9r90n as appflars on Ihls pial Is madlJ <br />wlfh Ihe f{fi1J conslJnl and In accordanclJ wlfh Ih9 dflslr/Js of Ihe <br />und/Jfslgn9d own9r and proprl/Jfor. <br />IN WITNeSS WHeREOF, I have affixed my slgnafurlJ herlJfo, al Lincoln, <br />N/Jbraska, Ihls~day of~, 2008. <br /> <br />CRAND ISLAND MALL, LTD., a NlJbraska Llmlf/Jd Parlnflrshlp <br /> <br />_~n "YhrurJ.. <br />Dawn NoWkJ;ViclJ-PrlJsldlJnl <br /> <br />DedIcation <br />SlallJ Of NlJbraska ss <br />Counly Of LancasllJr . <br />On IM_:Jf:Lday oLrn.D.!'--------, 2008, bIJfor9 m/J, -On no, J.I&\-.l1.~ <br />a Nolary Public wlfhin and for sold Counly, plJrsonally applJarfld DA <br />NOWKA, Vlc/J-P"sldrmf of GRANO ISLAND MALL LTD., a NlJbraska LimlflJd <br />Parlnershlp, and 10 m/J personally known 10 b/J IhlJ Id/Jnf/cal person <br />whosfl signafure is offixlJd hlJrlJfo, and Ihaf sh, did acknowllJdg/J Ih, <br />flxflcuf/on IhlJfliof 10 hlJ hlJr volunlary acl and defld and Ihe volunlary <br />acl and dlJlJd of sold Parlnsrshlp. <br />IN WITNESS WHeRCOf, I havlJ hlJreunlo subscrlb9d my namlJ and <br />afflXfld my official slJal of Lincoln, NlJbraska, on Ihfl dalfl losl abov/J <br />wrlf/en. <br />My commission flxplrfls {80' IY..::..ll <br /> <br />. ~1H:el~?...i.Mf.::"'\ <br /> <br />c--/(\~o J4rh <br />ofary u c <br /> <br />(Seal) <br /> <br />GRAND ISLAND MALL FIFTEENTH SUBDIVISION <br />IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRA SKA <br /> <br />ROCKWCU AJ/O ASSOC. l.l.c. ~ ENGlNCCRING ~ SIJRVty/N6 . CIWIO ISIANo. NEBRASKA <br /> <br />Sh..1 No. 2 01 2 <br />