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<br />," ~ '." <br /> <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />EXHIBIT liB" <br /> <br />200806159 <br /> <br />The East Half of the Northeast Qua~tBr (El/2 NEl/4) of <br />, Section Twenty-one (21), Township ~ine (9) North, Range <br />Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, <br />EXCEP1'ING a tract of land comprising a part of the <br />Northeast Qu~rter of Section 21, Township 9 North, Range <br />9 Wesco! the 6th P.M., Hall county, N~braska described <br />as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of the <br />Northeast Quarter of Section ZI, Township 9 North, Rang~ <br />9Weat; T~ence West 00 de~rees 00 minutes 00 seconds, <br />along the South lin9 oftha Northe~st Quarter, thirty- <br />three (33.00) feet to the point of beginning; Thence West <br />00 degrees DO minutes 00 eeconds, one hundred fifty~three <br />and twenty-eight htmdredths (153.28) feet; Thence <br />Northwest 05 degrees 42 minutes 3~ seconds, par~11el to <br />the East line of the Northeast Quarter', two hundred <br />(200. 00) feet; Thence Nort hSllst 07 degrees 41 minutes 18 <br />seconds, two hundred one and eighty-one hundr~dth8 <br />(201.81) feetj Thence South 172 degrees 18 minutes 42 <br />seconds, parallel to the East line of: the Northwest <br />Quarter, six hundred fifty-three ~nd twenty-eight <br />hund redths ( 653.28) teet to the point of becJinning. <br />contains 0.296 acre of right-at-way tb be acquired; and <br /> <br />The No.rthwest Quarter (NW1/ 4) of section Twenty-two (2 2) , <br />Township Nine (9) North/Range Nine (9) West of the 6th <br />P.M., H~ll County, N~braska, -EXCEPTING~A trdct of land <br />cOl1lpr 1sing a part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22, <br /> <br />Township 9 North, Range 9 West; commencing at the <br />Southwest corner of the Northwe~t Quarter of Section 22, <br />Township 9 North, Range 9 West of the 6th P. M., Rall <br />County, Nebr~ska; Thence East 00 degree3 00 minutes 00 <br />seconds, alon9 the South Line of the Northwest Quarter, <br />thirty-three . (3:L 00) faet to the point of beginn~ng; <br />ThAnce North 90 degrQQs 00 minutes 00 seconds, parallel <br />to the West line of the Northwest Quarter, six hundred <br />fifty-three and twenty-eight hundredths (653.28) feat! <br />Thence Southeast 174 degrees 51 minutes 26 seconds, three <br />hund red one and twenty-one hundredths (30 1. 21) feet; <br />Thence South 05 degrees 08 minutes 34 seconds, p~rallel <br />to the Weat line of the Northwest Quarter, one hundred <br />(100.00) feet; Thence South 06 degrees 05 minutes 05 <br />seconds, tHO . hundred f i !ty..four and seventy-two <br />hundredths (254.72) feet to the point of beglnning. <br />Contains 0.233 acre of right-of-way to be acquired. <br />