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<br /> <br />N <br />IS <br />IS <br />ex> <br />IS <br />en <br />IS <br />~ <br />IS <br /> <br />n. NWI/~, SIC. 11, ru; N -lilt 1 PfI <br />UJuopU,Ulld <br />r';";~oI~t~ ~CotsJ.'~':.7 <br />M/. r....d J/4 . M/.! J/4" Pip. <br />--,---------. -------~~----~-~--_. <br />, , <br />I I <br />I I <br />I I <br />: Lot 13: ~Lot 14 <br />, ,- <br />I r #u II /" UO " <br />I ,,., <br />I I. <br />I I Ii / 6\' <br />, I a, '{ , <br />--...--_~__~__L__..... ....... <br />.""', <br />.. , <br />L <br />~, <br /> <br />fi <br />N.( Cot. 1/W1/4 SIC. /9. ~ <br />~-!.,IIII( rDUlld : <br />I <br />'IN-OO' A""7 ~f <br />f '1 <br /> <br />l<5~ i~ <br />~ ; ~ '; !~ <br /> <br />l'l,,-I"'( <br />iI ...I~! <br />ll-'ilJ <br />" "''lIillj:x <br />.: : S <br />"'~ ! <br />~ <br /><J <br /><:. <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br /> <br />" A <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Lol2 <br /> <br />(jr..n <br />Str.,t <br /> <br />~-I-----..... <br />I ...., ~ <br />: F "8 'f, _~.. <br />: '. ..!~ <br />! Lot 17 1 ~;! <br /> <br />'~fidlU/ilJ~"":i fi&,,~~~'~\~ <br />I , 'l@ NN. r....d ,;~, /\Po\1lI r0Ui/4 J/4" Pi< <br />._.L_________..J \ 12Uo'A 112I.O/'R 112.60'A 042.9,'R) J} <br />s:w. Cor. Lot 16. ~fJ.1O' A (26.J.9}' R) 41! AII9"([1t;. ~ N BrU'"/,, ;.f l\ <br />UtJIlt, And z..-ri.':i ffit /\Po DI.lo." RI,ht Df 11., I <br />.--------...-, .---~-.---~~---T-~~~---------"'i 00tw I <br />I, I I ::" <br />IE 11 , q :: :N ilJ , q I/o : II::!'" <br />'I I I .... ,!;l <br />Lot IJ I =0... I Lot 6 I Lot IJ I _I~ <br />--o~~------J ~ l----------- ,C>~-~-----------J !rIl i~ <br /> <br />~ I -../I I ,. I I .."" <br />I I I I 'Ii! <br />Lot 7 I I Lot " I LDt 7 I I~ <br />Il.lJrJi'lUO: : JJ<<AfilUlilJuo::~ <br />.' I I I I <br /> <br />A ckn 0 w/o doomon t <br />SIal. 01 N.braska Ss <br />Counly 01 Hall <br />, On Ih'_It..l1..-day al---'1p"" ( , 2008, b.laf8 mo,.....Q <br />o Nolpry Pvbl/c wl/hln and lor sold Counly, p"sanolly appoaf8d RONALD L. HAR ERS and <br />AlARY A. HARDCRS, hvsband and Ivll., and CHRISrOPHCR J, THeLCN, Vleo 01 <br />THCLEN GRAIN COMPANY, 0 N.broska Corporal/on, and 10 m. pltsonal/y known 10 b. Ih. <br />Idonlleal p"sans whoso slgnolvf8s 018 all/x.d hOf8lo, and Ihal .ach did acknowl.dg. Ih. <br />.x.cullon Ihlt.ol 10 b. /lis or hit volulllary acl alld d..d alld Ih. volvnlary acl and <br />d..d 01 sold Corporal/an.. <br />IN WlfNCSS WHEREOF, I hOV8 hlt.unla svb.crlb.d my nom. and all/x.d my alllclol <br />s,al 01 Grand' Mand, N'brask'f'c 'J.n Ih. dol. lasl abovo wrlllon. <br />My aommlsslan .xplru ~1-tJ.~, <br /> <br />Lo/1 <br /> <br /> <br />(U:-~:r:;a~'1 <br /> <br />w.rmc. ' <br />~'71ifQ;-rPiib7fc~ <br /> <br />Survoyor's Certificate <br /> <br />I c"llly Ihal an April 8, 2008, I compl.l.d an accurol. survoy 01 'THeLCN <br />THIRD SU80IVISION', An AddJl/on 10 Ih. Clly 01 Wood Rlvlt, Hall Covnly, N.brosko, os <br />.hawn an Ih. flceompanylng pial Ih.,.ol; lhal Ih. lois, blocks,, flVonU'S, all.y., <br />parks, commons and olh" grounds os conlalll.d In .ald subdivision Os shawn on Ih. <br />accompanying pial Iho1801 flro ....11 and accuraloly .lakBd 011 and mflrkod: Ihal Iran <br />marksrs ...". plac.d 01 all 101 Ihal Ihs dlmonslans 01 .och 101 018 a. shown on <br />Ih. pial: Ihol .oeh 101 b.ars lis o...n lIumbor; find Ihal sold surv.y Was mod. ...llh <br />f', 10 known and Tllcord.d monum8nl$. <br /> <br />" liRA, <br />~~m.t;.{9 <br />S'fi'''~8 <br />~., ~& <br />~(),tu ~\.~ <br />II . S S <br />SlIbmlll.d 10 and approv.d by Ih. R.glanal Planning Commission 01 Hall CO/J/Ily, Grand <br />Island, Wood Rlv., and Ih. Vlllag8S 01 Aida, Coiro and Doni phon, Nobra.ka. <br /> <br />~.. <br />. ChalrmC;;- c;:Je"~ <br /> <br /> <br />TL u..L)~Io=::.I.-' <br />~~\LQ;iifSu-"oyar No. 578 <br /> <br />R~ <br />0010 <br /> <br />AppraV8d and d by Ih. Clly 01 Wood Rlv." N.broska, Ihls~day 01Ju,h,1_' <br />2008. cr <br /> <br />ROCKweLl AND ASSOC. L L C <br /> <br />~ <br />" <br />~ <br /> <br />.- nd cal.s 1/2" Iron Plpo FOllnd Unl..s Olh"wlso NoI.d <br />a-Indlcalos 1/2" Iron Pip. w/Surv.y Cop Plac.d Unl... Olh.,wls. Nolod <br />A-Indlcal.s ACrUAL OI.lane. <br />H-Indlcal.. RCCORDCO Olslonc. <br />All Ols/anc.. Shown On Curv. A18 Chord OI.lane.. <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />t <br /> <br />'" <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Curve Dota <br />UN' <br /> <br />:u <br /> <br />i <br />'II ~. <br />:/1/ <br /> <br />.. <br />!'l <br /> <br />r - 11.92' <br /> <br />c ~ 2J./8' <br /> <br />Local/on <br /> <br />Sksteh <br /> <br />L eoal Ooscrl/l1.!.QJL <br />A Iracl 01 land comprising 0 pori 01 Lal F(fI..n (15) and 011 01 Lol Slxl..n (/6), <br />rh.l.n Subdlvl.lon, Flrsl MdJl/on 10 Iho Clly 01 Wood Rlvlf, N.brosko ond 0 pori of Ih. <br />Norlhw..1 OUOrllf (NWI/4) of S.cllon Nln.l..n (/0), rownshlp T.n (10) Norlh, Rang. <br />EI..on (II) W..I 01 Ih. 61h. f.AI" all In Hall Counly, Nobro.ka, ma18 parllculorly <br />d.scrlb.d a. lollaws: <br />a.glnnlng 01 Ih. norlh.asl corn., 01 sold NorlhwBSI Quarllf (NWI/4); running <br />soulh'rly along IhI .a'll/n. 01 .ald Norlhw931 Quarl" (NWI/4), 011 on Assvm.d Ooarlng <br />01 SOO'04'57"[, 0 dlslanc. 01 Clghl HVnd18d FIliI' Six and !lghiy Flv. Hundrodlhs <br />(856.85) 1..1.. running N89'IJ'10"W, 0 dlslanc. 01 rhlrly Throo and Fovr <br />Hllndrodlhs (JJ.04) f..l, 10 a palnl on Iho w93lorly rlghl 01 way II no 01 /Valnlll Slrool <br />and 10 Iho ACTUAL polnl 01 b.glnnlng; lhonco con/lllulng N89"IJ'10"W, 0 dlslanc. 01 Two <br />Hvndrod Slxly rhroo and Sovonly Hvnd"dlhs (26J.10) 1..1, 10 Iho .oulh..ul cornor 01 <br />sold Lal Slxl..n (16); rllnnlng NOO'IO'/J"W, along Ih. wO$I Ilno 01 sold Lal <br />Slxl..n (16), 0 dlslane. of On. Hundrod rhlrly rwo and Slxly !lghl HVndrodlhs (IJ2.68) <br />f..l, 10 Iho .aulhwul cornor of sold Lal Fllloon (/5) and 10 0 polnl 01 cllrvalvf8; Ihonco <br />runnlllg norlhw..lorly alOng Ih. soulhw..l.rly Iln. 01 sold Lol F/fI..n (/5) and Ih. arc <br />of 0 curv. 10 Iho loll who.. radius I. F/fIy (50.00) f..l, Ih. long chord 01 which boors <br />NIJ"J1'18"W, 0 long chord dlslanco 01 Tw.nly fit". and Clghl..n Hundrodlhs (2J.18) <br />1..,; running N6J'18'J8"[, 0 dlslanc. 01 On. Hundrod Fody rhro' and rwo <br />Hund18dlhs (/4J.02) f..l, 10 0 polnlan Ih. .asl I/no of sold Lal F/fI'on (/5); <br />rvnnlng NOO'J4'2J"C, along Iho oos! 1111I of .ald Lol FlII..n (15), 0 dlslanc. 01 Clghly <br />Ono and rw.nly On. HVlldrodlhs (81.21) f..l, 10 Iho norlhoasl carnor 01 .ald Lol F/fI..n <br />(15); Ih8llco running S80"20'10"[, along 1M oxl.nslon of 1M norlh IIno 01 rholon <br />Subdlvl.lon, Flrsl Addlllon 10 Iho CI/y 01 Wood Rlv." Nobrosko, 0 dl.lanc. 01 On. <br />Hundrod Forly and F/fIy On. Hundrodlhs (140.51) 10.1, 10 0 polnl on 1M wul.rly rlghl 01 <br />way IIno of Walnul SIr.ol; Ih,ne. rvnnlng SOO'04'31"E, alOng Ih. w.slorly rlghl 01 way <br />/In. 01 Wolnvl Slro.l, 0 dlslanco 01 rhro. Hllndrod rwa and Slxly On. Hundrodlhs <br />(J02.61) fo.l, 10 Ih. ACrUAL polnl 01 b.glnnlng and conlolnlng 1.515 ac"s moro or I.... <br /> <br />Dedication <br /> <br />KNOW ALL AleN BY rHCSC PRCSCNrs, Ihal RONALO L. HARDERS and MARY A. HARDERS, <br /> and wlf., oM IHeLEN GRAIN COMPANY, 0 N.brosko Corporal/on, b.lng Ih. <br />own"s 01 Iho land duorlb.d h."on, hOV8 covsod sam. 10 bo svrvoy'd, sUbdlvldod, <br />plall.d and dulgnal.d os 'THeLCN THIRD SUBDIVISION', An Mdl/lon 10 Ih. Clly 01 Wood <br />Rlvlf, Hall Counly, N.brasko, os shown on Ih. accompanying pial Ih.,.of, and do h".by <br />dodlcal. Ih. oo..monls, If any, os shown Ih.,oon for Ih. local/on, eonslrve/lon and <br />malnl.nanc. of publlo sotvlc. 1111I1/1.., lag.lllOr wllh Ih. rlghl 01 Ing"ss and .gr..s <br />IM18la, and horoby prohlblllng Ih. plan ling 01 lro.., bllsh.. and shrUbs, or placing olhor <br />abslrucllons vpan, avor, along or uJ/ll.rn.ulh Ih. surfaco of such .a..m.nls; and 11101 <br />1M forof/alng subdivision os mo" parllcularly d..crlb.d In 1M d..crlpl/on hltoon os <br />app.ars on Ihls pial Is modo wllh Iho fro. and In accardanc. wllh Ih. d..lros <br />of Iho vnd.rslf/n.d aWlllrs and proprl.lors. <br />IN WITNCSS WHEgEOF, W. hfl.o all/x.d our slgnolu". hlt.lo 01 Grund, N.braska. <br />Ihls.JJ! oL..L~p~tL.-, 2008. <br /> <br />.BMl~t!,L~~ <br /> <br />R01lald L. Hard"s <br /> <br />.2Jt/-o&.yl. da,:&.~ . <br />Kiary A. H~rdors <br /> <br />THeLCN GRAIN COMPANy' A Nobrasku Corporal/on <br /> <br />d.: 1:;;;<1..-'-1 $& tv. /JI~ {f"" <br />7:1ii1i'!ifpllir.. rh.l.n, Vlc. pr.. <br /> <br />iiol <br />;:; 't;' F: <br />~.{- ~ <br />~ r ~ <br />~ -~ <br />u. <br /> <br />n .. <br />0--1 <br />C,.. <br />~ ~~ <br />0." <br /> <br />~i <br /> <br />::: <br /> <br />~m <br />n <br /> <br />i5 <br /> <br />KA <br /> <br />eNGINeERING I SURVErlNG - GRANO ISLAND. NeBRASKA <br /> <br />Shul No, I Of I <br />