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<br />-- <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br /> <br />200805851 <br /> <br />A tract of land comprising apart 01 the South Hall of the West Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the <br />Southeast Quarter (Sl/2Wl/4SW1/4SEl/4) of Section Eighteen (18), Township Twelve (12) North, <br />Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska more particularly described as <br />(allows: Beginning at the soutllwest corner of said Southeast Quarter (SE1/4)j thence northerly along <br />the west line of said Southeast Quarter (SEl/4), a distance of Two Hundred Seventy.Nine and Four <br />Tenths (279.4) feet to a point Three Hundred Seventy-Eight (378.0) feet south of the north line 01' said <br />South Half of the West Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter <br />(Sl/2W1/4SWl/4SEl/4)j thence easterly along a line Three Hundred Seventy.Eight (378.0) feet south <br />of and parallel to said north line of the South HaIr of the West Qua-rter of the Southwest Quarter of the <br />Southeast Quarter (Sl!2Wlj4SWl/4SEl/4) a distance of One Hundred Sixty-Five and Five Tenths <br />(165.5) feet; thence southerly, a distance of Two Hundred Seventy-Nine and Twenty.Seven Hundredths <br />(279.27) feet to the south line of said Southeast Quarter (SElf4)j thence ~sterly alDng the south line <br />of said Southeast Quarter (SEl/4), a distance oC Ooe Hundred Sixty-Five and Thirty-Six Hundredths <br />(165.36) feet to the place of beginning <br />