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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />EXHIBIT lOA" <br /> <br />200805781 <br /> <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast <br />Quarter (NE ~ NE ~) of Section Twenty-Ttlree (23), Township Eleven (11) <br />North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more <br />particularly described as follows: <br /> <br />First, to ascertain the point of beginning, start at the southeast corner of said <br />Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE ~ NE ~); thence N 00000'00" E <br />(assumed bearing) along and upon the east line of said Northeast Quarter of the <br />Northeast Quarter (NE ~ NE ~), a distance of Two Hundred Thirty-Nine and <br />Thirty-Five Hundredths feet (239.35') to the ACTUAL point of beginning; thence <br />N 89058'59" W parallel with the south line of said Northeast Quarter (NE ~ NE <br />~), a distance of One Thousand Three Hundred Twenty feet (1,320.0') to a point <br />on the west line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE ~ NE <br />~); thence N 12009'15" E a distance of Nine Hundred Eighty-Four and Sixty-Six <br />Hundredths feet (984.66') to a point on the southerly right of way line of the <br />Burlington-Northern Railroad; thence S 61047'13" E along and upon said right of <br />way line a distance of One Thousand Two Hundred Sixty-Two and Seventy-Four <br />Hundredths feet (1,262.74') to a point on the east line of said Northeast Quarter <br />of the Northeast Quarter (NE ~ NE ~); thence S 00000'00" W along and upon <br />the east line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE ~ NE ~), a <br />distance of Three Hundred Sixty-Five and Ninety-Four Hundredths feet (365.94') <br />to the ACTUAL point of beginning. <br /> <br />..__ ____ ."._'~._' _.__..,.".._..............._.'_. __,~~_~----.-.-r__,',_ -__, __ -'. - .,.--'- ,,- .'-' ~ - <br />