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<br />200805518
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<br />A tract of land comprising part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4SE1/4) and a part of
<br />the West Half of the Southeast Quarter (W1/2SE1/4), all belnp In Section Thirty Five (35),TownshlpEI.9ven
<br />(11) North, Range Nine (9) West ofthe 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as
<br />follows: ~
<br />Beginning at a point on the south line of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter (W1/2SE1/4), said point
<br />being Eighty Seven and Twenty Two Hundredths (87.22) feet west of the southeast corner of said West Half
<br />of the Southeast Quarter (W1/2SE1/4); thence S 890 26' 49" W, along and upon the south line of said West
<br />Half of the Southeast Quarter (W1/2 SE1/4), a distance of Three Hundred Ten and Seventy Two Hundredths
<br />(310.72) feet to the southeast corner of Gilbert Acres Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska; thence N 01022'
<br />46" W, along and upon an east line of said Gilbert Acres Subdivision, a distance of One Thousand S!xty Nine
<br />and Eighty Nine Hundredths (1,069.89) feet to a corner of said Gilbert Acres Subdivision; thence N 87045'
<br />01" E, along and upon a south line of said Gilbert Acres Subdivision, a distance of One Hundred Thirty Three
<br />and Thirty Eight Hundredths (133.38) feet to a corner of said Gilbert Acres Subdivision; thence N 000 40' 45"
<br />W, along and upon an east line of said Gilbert Acres Subdivision, a distance of Two Hundred Ninety Nine
<br />and Sixty One Hundredths (299.61) feet to the northeast corner of said Gilbert Acres Subdivision; thence S
<br />t
<br />890 06' 48" W, along and upon the north line of said Gilbert Acres Subdivision, a distance of Two Hundred
<br />Ninety Four and Fifty Two Hundredths (294.52) feet to a northwest corner of said Gilbert Acres Subdivision;
<br />thence S 530 53' 49" W, along and upon the northwest line of said Gilbert Acres Subdivision, a distance of
<br />Thirty Five and Twenty Three Hundredths (35.23) feet to a northwest corner of said Gilbert Acres
<br />Subdivision; thence S 010 10' 29" E, along and upon a west line of said Gilbert Acres Subdivision, a distance
<br />of Thirty Seven and Eighty Six Hundredths (37.86) feet to a point on the north line of the Southwest Quarter
<br />of the Southeast Quarter (SW1/4SE1/4) of said Section Thirty Five (35); thence S 890 07' 24" W, along and
<br />upon. the north line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW1/4SE1/4), a distance of Forty
<br />Two and Twenty Three Hundredths (42.23) feet; thence N 01042' 51" W, parallel with the east line of said
<br />West Half of the Southeast Quarter (W1/2SE1/4), a distance of Seven Hundred Thirty Eight and Twenty One
<br />Hundredths (738.21) feet; thence N 880 38' 07" E, a distance of Six Hundred Eighteen and Ninety Eight
<br />Hundrsdths (618.98) fest to a point on the east line of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter (W1/2SE1/4),
<br />said point being Five Hundred Sevsnty Three and Thirty Two Hundredths (573.32) feet south of northeast
<br />corner of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter (W1/2SE1/4): thence S 010 42' 51" E, along and upon the
<br />east line of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter (W1/2SE1/4), a distance of Seven Hundred Forty Three
<br />and Forty Nine Hundredths (743.49) feet to the northwest corner of said Southeast Quarter of the Southeast
<br />Quarter (SE1/4SE1/4): thence N 890 07' 24" E, along and upon the north line of said Southeast Quarter of the
<br />Southeast Quarter (SE1/4SE1/4), a distance of Seven Hundred Eighty Two and One Tenth (782.10) feet:
<br />thence S 12032' 01" W, a distance of Three Hundred Sixty Nine and Nine Hundredths (369.09) feet: thence S
<br />460 50' 41" W, a distance of Twenty One and Seven Hundredths (21.07) feet: thence S 480 51' 18" W, a
<br />distance of Four Hundred Seventy Two and Eleven Hundredths (472.11) feet: thence S 200 36' 49" W, a
<br />distance ,of Two Hundred thirty On'e and Thirty Three Hundredths (231.33) feet; thence S 29041' 01" W, a
<br />distance of One Hundred Eighty One and Four Hundredths (181.04) feet; thence S 380 10' 46" W, a distance
<br />of One Hundred Twenty Four and Thirty Two Hundredths (124.32) feet: thence S 370 14' 47" W, a distance of
<br />Two Hundrsd Sixteen and Twenty Eight Hundredths (216.28) feet to the point of beginning
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