<br />200805516
<br />
<br />
<br />I, Martin~ 'Doetsch ,the undersigned say I am the
<br />co -owner of the claimant of the foregoing Claim of Mechanics' Lien. I have
<br />read said Claim of Mechanics' Lien and know the contents thereof; the same is true of my own
<br />knowledge.
<br />
<br />I declare under p~alty of perjuryJhat the foregoing is tf'46 and cprrect.
<br />Executed on (0 ~:\ , 20 t.) 4, at 6tO." g \21 g,,~
<br />
<br />Nebraska
<br />
<br />~~N1
<br />
<br />v~tA
<br />
<br />Signature
<br />
<br />Sworn to and subscribed before me on this zs: day of U t..+rJe.- Zoot
<br />
<br />_ GENERAL HOTARY.Slate of Nebraska
<br />'_ My Gomm. Exp. J~tle 6,
<br />
<br />~~1~".'
<br />
<br />- y commission expires 2 PIO
<br />
<br />
<br />-~~...............~"._~""~~~,.._~-~,~.~--~-,~-~"",. , ".,-'-.-.----.--.~.'~"',.,-~ '-""-'.._._"-'_._.._'-__~.""'=~~_'~~'~~~~~~.W._~.~~-"~~~_w"._,_.__.__~_."~~_.,._,w~~,..._____,,.__.~.~..~,~~,,,_~,...,_,,.~,.,,.,,.,,-=---,,,,,.___,_.__,,.,,,____,.__~._,_____."_"..,..,
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