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<br />balon9ingt.Q'or:, due- 'to ,the merging ,'Corpora.t.i.on;... CONAGM,ahal1
<br />. thtlncef9r~h- be', ,re:a-pt;:lnsil:>le ~J?4 liable for~Ji~,,~~t t~. liabU1ti.. ,
<br />and6bli'1ations o~f,', the mo'r.g"tnq, CQrporat1;bJl:J",4.~)i:~[ch.im8 .~d.Un9 or
<br />actinn pr., prpt;l~,d';h:l9' pending by. ,oraga,i-ns1;.; ., -'#Ier9i~9 9Orpo:;ra:tlon
<br />m..y be p:p)..eU:t,.~', :.:s' i;f ..such :tqerqer,hac.\ hO,t,\ : n ,place. Neltl'ler'
<br />t.ile, d;hts:,of, ,c:rodi,toranor any liens upon,.. _" rop~rt.y of the
<br />merging c:o,rporat.ion .hall be impdred by .1,1~,,,,;,,\,,,.rqer. tn;add;i ticn
<br />. t'! "t~:e ~QOV~" th~:tu,r~h.reffect. of ':,t11em.r'!.~~::',;;ha1'l baas s.t
<br />forth ,.i,~ 'the appH;cables,ta,t.s 'law ~ " ' , .' . >
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<br />, - ': :)'..' _~,AP~.ro.vp'l:,(),t Dirtctora. " Th!'s' "Pl.~h, "Q~~i'l,r,9.r sh.il' be~" ,
<br />8Ubnlitt4td: to: a "eat.i.ng ,0 the ,Boaraof D~r,e'~;.~~~ _o,f CONAG~ 1n _
<br />acco~d~nce wit'h" ,~:pplicable st~te hw in:t:las.j*,~, toa ~rger of a,
<br />S.ub51.dury cor,porA;t.~;on. ,dIn ~.te11 of, .1,)Ch..f!t...'~~~, the Plan of
<br />Merger, may he 8Ep'roved. by the "directors' of,~!~1!' corporation
<br />by con"I},t to l\ct;iQ!'l W.1.thout a meetJ,ng' ip a~~~anc. with -the ,
<br />'.provisions 'of; app1ieable stat.e hw . ,The' Pl~i\i>!d_f Merqex' shall
<br />alao'. I:!e approved: by the Boardot Director&~;t'Ii~pem.I'9in9
<br />. . corporat.i,o.i)'." 'Af~.r. thbl ',Plan Q~, ~~r9:er' J~,~~~,pJ.~anc2 _p'pz:oved
<br />by the reBpec;:~1ve"Board of J){r.ec:tqra, and ~~~~pt t;.o th~"
<br />. oond1t1ona,cor.t,a,ihad j,~ 'thi;;," ~l,.an~'Articl.e!l,.~~.:Merger' i!hdl be
<br />.. filed 'with tb~Secretary of State of Oeil,.w~.er~bd'Minnesota.
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