<br />I -. v - .-
<br />
<br />200805417
<br />
<br />11 b ( ~..\_S
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<br />I:~
<br />
<br />/'1J193
<br />
<br />_ ART'ICU;:S OFMERGlR-
<br />OF
<br />,'BAVJ!l~ COMPANY
<br />INTO
<br />
<br />Pursuant' to, Section 3Q2A.621 of Ch.ap"".r 302A_ of the iU.nnes9ta'
<br />Statl,1tes " the, ~ndersi9ned corporation, CqW~GRA, -INe ~, a coz:p,o:r:at1on
<br />of. t'he 'St'ateof Dela~a:r&, hereinafter' ref~u;r.~- to, aa the ".urViving
<br />C;~'rpot"'t;.i~,n" 1 '~wnin9 at le,llst nitlety pere,nt of the out'litliJ\tUn9, '
<br />ellarea, Off!t,caeh,class .-nd, ..,ri$8 ,ot ~~\7i:Y QOKPANY, . _ooz:poratio" of
<br />t.b~ Sta~of ",(:I,nn.sota, l\ereinaftjtr, r.f.r~~d to a.. tbe "subeic1i.ry, .
<br />cC!,~,p?~~t,+~n~,(,,~~.()~t:.,tM, f()lloWiJl9'Artio~.,s ofMer~er-.,' - .
<br />
<br />.,<,":",'.\1'~~.'~':,~';~.:""":''''.''~~.~.1:.:..'';'' , .
<br />
<br />, '-'-'<'>~'~,~.~':i'-:'~~<--name!l at the corporation" participating ,in the
<br />merger'.' '::'tl1...'S'tat.. under 'tne IlJ,wll of which they are ;e.Ptilctively
<br />or9an1z~:ar8 ,asfol1Qwa: " , ..,' .
<br />. . I, , .' ~
<br />
<br />Nama of Corporation
<br />. ,
<br />
<br />State
<br />
<br />C,?NAGJiA, INe:'
<br />
<br />. Miim..ota
<br />
<br />,O'e~",are
<br />
<br />. I', .
<br />SECOND: The laws 9f :the Stat.. uridac which the foreign surViving:
<br />oorporation 1,., incorporated' pepaJ..,t such metier.
<br />
<br />THIRD: The name Qf the'8urviv.ing co:~poration is CONAGRA, INC.
<br />and SJ.lch corporation 1. ~o. begoverri'ec1 by\ ,'the laws' of t.he State of
<br />Delaware. '
<br />
<br />,. ,FO'~ll'.,,'fl:le: at~.Ched' Pl.~ltQf,M.r91~.t:':~a$. approved' 'bi,th~'
<br />'.,ffirJllaUvevotef :of '" m.jori'ty of t;he- (li.,,~.~t9r. of, th.. par:ent,
<br />_j>r~.e.~~:,-', :, ' -, ~ " " .. ,'I' .. ': " ",' ",'
<br />
<br />, -. . ~ -
<br />" ,"::.r:U'TH'{ 'A,J;~'Of" the ah8:ral.1,l)ll1ers o('~~'Subsid1ary C9rpCl:r:ation"
<br />:,in,: _~~~~1\~r ~.1.,1t4_ tbenec:e8.ity o'tth.~~!.+i~9 of ,,~opyof;th.
<br />-Pl~;;9.'f,)I,~X',-~.}:""to ea"h ,of' them. PUr'IU~:''''~o and .in aoco,r4ance wit.h
<br />th.,w:a,1Vl.ln,t1btl.:1~i~ 'ria. maa,e to e.(;:,1\ ~~. the .h"r.hol~,.r. ,o.fthe
<br />.ub~t'4t.,~y. .:'" .. " ' . . , . .
<br />
<br />", ':SIX1.'H: The nwnber ot' outstanCling -l:l,,;e. of each clu.8 ana
<br />..r1es"'Qf.t,he. _~uP'idi~y'corporation al\~r"~~e numb~r of share. of
<br />each clA8sanel:series'-owne4by 't~f!I I:lal'eril'" .urviv~n9 corporatiQJ,1
<br />is as follow. a, .. ,
<br />
<br />Number '~ Shares
<br />, oe~~,q~'tion , :.i;{f#-iw11i~~~d
<br />Clau:""iia. -.ed..a, Parent COI:'PQration
<br />PEAVE,Y:..COMPANY . Common , 10'IOPO " 1:0",000,
<br />
<br />. . .. .
<br />. . ~
<br />,.: _,.."SmN'lHt 'CONAGAA, ~NC., the survivi,.n9 oorporation,' agr... tha.t
<br />it may be .erved, w1thp,,-ocliIlS t.n ,.inne.ota' in any proc;:eeain9 for
<br />the! enl,o.c:eement, of, any,oblirjation- of ',oonatituent.. ~ot'po%-.t.~'on. and,
<br />"in ,_a~:r.-~pr_~c..n.Ung tor ,the.rtforcement ott'he','riiht'.'9_f ,:,4~...,.ntin9
<br />,..h,~~~hQld.r ofl conltituentoorporationagainst the il.u:vivinq,
<br />- ' corpor.toion.
<br />
<br />Name of
<br />
<br />'~::~:!mp
<br />
<br />4
<br />
<br />.-,
<br />"-
<br />~
<br />~
<br />~
<br />