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<br />200805380 <br /> <br />If the amouni& held. by Lender for Escrow ItemS exceed the atnounts peonitted. to be held by RESPA, l..ender <br />shall accoMt to Borrower fQt the excess fimds as required by RBSP A. If the 8IIlO\ll1ts of funds held by Lender at any <br />thne are not $ufficient to pay the Escrow lrem5 when due, L.endet may notify the Borrower and require Borrower to <br />mak~ up the shop:age as pennltted by RSSPA. <br />The: Escrow FundS are plr;dged. as additional security for 1111 swns secumd by thi5 Security ID$t1'ImIeJ1t. If <br />Borrower tenders to Lender the full payment of all S\1IXlS, Botrower's account shall be credited with the balance <br />remaiDini for all installment items (a), (b), and (c) and any mongage insurance premium jtstallmcnt thaI lAmder has <br />not becolUe obligated. to pay to the secret~, and. Lender shall ptomptly refund any excesS fundS to BorroWU. <br />tmmediatcl)' prior to a. foreclosure sale ot the Property or its acquisition by Lender, :Borrower's account shall be <br />cred.itcd with any balmce remaining for all installments for items (a), (b), and (c). <br />3. Application of Payments. All paymel1t6 under paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied by Lender as follows: <br />am. to the l1IOrtgage insurance premium to be pllid by Lender to the Secret.atY or to the monthly charge by the <br />SccretaIY insto~ of tbe monthly mortgage insurance premium; <br />~, to my taxes, special assessments, lCMehold paymentS or ground rents, and fire, flood. and other hUMd <br />iJ)SUIance premiums, as required; <br />DUm. to inteteSt due under the Note; <br />~ to amortization of the principal of the Note; and <br />:fifth, to late charges due \\l\der the Note. <br />4. J:l'fre, Flood aDd' Jlaprd lDSurance. BorrOwer shell Insure all iInprovm>>eDIlI on the Property, whethet <br />now iI1 existenCe Of subsequently erected, against any bazan'J3, casualties, and contingencie5, including fue, for which <br />l,.ender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the periods that :Lender <br />requites. Borrower shall also insute all bnprovem.cntli on the PropertY, wb.el:he:r now in exiSttnee or subaequcnt1y <br />erecrtd. aaaiDst loss by floods to the extenI required by the secrctaI)'. }Jl inaurance shall be carried. with cmnpanies <br />approve4. by Lebder. The insurance policies au.d any renewals shall be held by Lender and shall iDclud.e loss payable <br />clauses In favor of, and in a form acceptabl~ to. Lender. <br />In tl1c event of loss, Borrower shall give Lender imJ)1ediate DotiltO by mail. Lender may make proof of loss if not <br />made promptly by Borrower. Each ~ company concerned is bereby authorized &nd direCted 10 make paYJ)'lCllt <br />for such loss directly to LcndeI, insteaCI. of to Jk>rrowel' and to Lender jointly. All or ttJY part ot the msurance <br />proceeds may be applied by Lender, at its option, either (a) to tho reduction of the indebte4ness under the Note cmd <br />this S~ty lD5ttument, fitst to any delinquent amOunts applied in the order in paragraph 3, and then to prepayment <br />of principal, or (b) to me restoration or repair of the dama:e4 Property. Any application of the proceedS to the <br />principal shall not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly payments whiw ale Jeferred. to in p~agraph 2, or <br />change the amount of such payments. Any cxCC3S insurance proceeds over an Bmo\U1t required to pay all outStanding <br />jndebtedness under the Note RDd this Security InstruDlellt shall be paid to the entit)' legally entitled. thereto. <br />X:n the event of fOreclosutC of this Security Instrument or other tranSfer of title to the PropertY that ~guisbes <br />the indebtedness. all tight, tide and interest of Borrower in and to insurance policies in for(:e shall pass to the <br />purchaser. <br />S. Oc<:upauq', PrcsCl'\'ation, MaiuteoaDce alld Prokdlon of the Property; Borrower's Loan ApplicatioD; <br />Leaseholds. Borrowc:r $hall occupy. eatablish, aM. use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty <br />days after the execution of this SeCllrlty Jnsttml1CI1t (or within sixty (lays of a ls:rcr aale or transfer of me PropCtt)') <br />and sbp]l continue to occupy the property as Bottower's principal residence for 8I least one year after the dlrte of <br />occupancy. unlcss Lender d.etermines fbat requirement will cause und.ue hardship for Borrower. or unless extenuating <br />circumstances e,ust which are beyond. Borrower's control. Borrower shall notify Lender of any exrenuatin! <br />cirC\1lnStilIlces. Bonowcr shp]l not commit waste or tlestroy, damage or substantially change the PropertY or allow the <br />Property to deteriorate, reasonable wear anll tear excepted.. Lender may inspect the Property if the Property is vacmt <br />or abandoned or the loan is in default. Lender may take reasonable actioo to protect and preserve such vacant or <br /> <br />-'-4RIIIIE) 196011 <br /> <br />page 3 of 8 <br /> <br />&$"' <br />I..tial., ~< ,./"" . ,..." ./ <br />
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