<br />2005/SEP/21/WED 12:55 PM GI ABSTRACT, ESCROW
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<br />FAX No. 30e Jei '1'1~i
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<br />200509743
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<br />FILE: 05-f)766
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<br />Parcell.: Lot 'two (2), Block One Hundted Ftfty-'l\fo (152), In Union PaciAc:: llatlwa.y CompallYs Second
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Isla.ul., Hall County, Neb....aska
<br />
<br />Parcd Z: Lot SeveD (J), Block One BUDdredFltty-Two (152), in Union Paeific RaU:way: Company's
<br />Second Addition to the CltY of GraJl,d Island, BaD County, Nebraska, aDd. a tract of land ckllcrlbed as
<br />$at portio'Jl of Sutherland Street vacated by aty of Gnnd IslaDdt OrdiDaDc:e No. 1451 acJ.1ointnc):,ot
<br />Seven (7), BloCk ODe Sn:ndred Flftywtwo (152), thtlon Pacltlc ltaflwaY CompanY's SeeoJUl AdcUUOD to
<br />the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, beiD: more panicolarly clescribed as fonows:
<br />BclgiJmin& at the Southwest comer of Lot Seven (7), Block One Hundred Fifty-two (lg); thence
<br />Northeasta-ly along: the Southerly U:nc of said Lot Se'fen (1), a cUstaDce of Si:rty-sb: (66) feet to the
<br />Southeast corner of said Lot Se'fen (7); thenu Southeasterly along the exteDsioa of the liDe between Lots
<br />SeveD (7) and Eight (8), a cltstance of Seventy' and 'Ibtrty-seven Hundredths (1037) teet to a polJl~ on
<br />the N'ortberly ript-of-way line ot SutherlaJld Stnlet, a ilistaDce ot Seventy-five and Forty-six B'UDdredtbs
<br />(75.46) feet to a point on the SO'Qt.heas~ly ~$lon of the line betweeb. Lots SU (6) Pel Seven (7), of
<br />salel Block One Buulked FUty-two (152); thence Northwesterly aloDl sald exteJIpon of the line betweCD
<br />Lots Sa (6) JDd Seven (7), a dlstal1ce .of Thlrty-thl'ee and Sb:ty-seven Bwulredi:b8 (33.67) feet, to the
<br />:point of bqi:nDing
<br />
<br />Parcel 3: Lot Eight (8), Bloclt: ODe BUlu1re~ FIfty Tw-o (152), bt Union Padflc :RailMty ComponY'S
<br />Second Addltion to the City of G'1'8J1d' JslaDd, BaU COWlty, Nebraska, and a tract of land Pa(rl.bed as
<br />that portiOD of Sutherland Street ..ac:ated by aty of Grand IslaDd, OrdinaDce No. 1457, adjoining Lot
<br />llght (8), :Block ODe Hodred Fifty 'l\to (1~), Union Pacific Railway Co.paafs Second .Addition to
<br />the City of Grand Island, Hall CountY, Nebraska, being more particularly described as tollows:
<br />Be,mnmg at the Sout1nfest4!:rly comer .of Lot Elpt (8), Blod. ODe lIundred FItI.y Two (152); thence
<br />Northeastaly ,.10n8 the Sontbtrly line of sald Lot Eip.t (8),.& distance of SIXty Sb: (66) Feet to the
<br />Southeasterly ccn'iler of sald Lot np.t (8)1 thence continuing Northeasterly Oll aforesaid lbte, a distance
<br />of Twelve and Jtiabt Hundredths (12.08) teet to a point of the Northwesterly rl&hf...of-way line of the
<br />Burlington Northena Bailroad belt line; thence Soutbwe/ilterly on the Rauroad Right of way line of a One
<br />Thouspd Two Bun,,"d Ninety ODe and Elgbty Seven BpcJredths (1,291.87) toot racl1us cune to the
<br />rig:ht, a dlstaDee of ODe Bondred (100) feet to 8 point on the Noriherly right of way line of Sutherland
<br />Street; thence Westerly on the Nort:het'ly rlght of way line of Sutherland Street, a distance of Jo~ Fou
<br />end 'lbk1y Five Hundredths (44.35) feet to a point on the Southeasf.crly extension of the 1,ine ~
<br />Lots Seven (1) a:n.d Eight (8), of said Block One BuncIrtd Fifty Two (152); thence northwesterly em sald
<br />. extenSion Une, a distance of Se'fenty and 'IbSrty Seven HundrMdu (7~37) feet to the point of begbming
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