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<br />200804906 <br /> <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />(Continued) <br /> <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />DERilITlONS. The following capllalllAld words and terma "'all have the following meanings when UHd In this Deed of Trust. UnlllSS <br />epecfflcally 8\8ted to the comrary. all mterenC88 to dollar BI1IClUMB shall mean amounts In lawful money of the Unll:8d S_ of America. <br />Words and tem1s used In the singular shalllnclutle the plurel, end the plural shell Include the singular, sa the context msy require. Words <br />and _ net _rw'. daflnad In "'''' Dead of Trust ahall have "'a maanlnga attrlbu1ud to auch terms In the Uniform Commerels' COda; <br /> <br />.........ry. The word "Beneficiary" means Platte Valley State Bank &. Trust Company, and Ita SUCC_OrS snd aaslgns. <br />Borro_. The word "Borrower" means SlIverbrook, LLC end includaa all oo-slgnars end co-makers signing the Nom and all their <br />8UCCeesors and assigns. <br />Deed of Truat. The words "Deed of Trust" mean thls Deed of Trust among Truator, Lander, end Trustee, and Includea without <br />limltadon all esslgnment and security lmereat.provlslons reladng to the PersonslProperty and Rents. <br />DefauIL . The word "DefaWt" means the Defauit 881 fonh In "'Is Deed of Truat In the 88OtIon titled "Default". <br /> <br />EnvIronrnent8l Laws. The words "Envlronrnentlll Laws" meen any and allstate, federal snd local stetutea, regulations and ordlnsncea <br />reletlng to the protection of human heallh or the environment, including without lImit8tlon the Comprehaneive EnvIronmental <br />Response, Compensetlon, end Uabllity Act of 1980, 88 amendad, 42 U.S.C. Section 9601, at seq. I"CERCLA "), the Superfund <br />Arnendmenta snd ReeUlhorll&tlon Act of 1 98/1, Pub. l. No. 99-499 ("SARA"', the Hazardous Mllt9risls Transponetlon Act, 49 U.S.C. <br />Section 1801. et aeq.. the Reeol,lrCa ConserVatlon end Reoovery Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 6901, at IIeq., or other applil;:able atata or <br />_sllaws. rules, Or regulatlona adopted pursuant thenno. <br />e-rt of Default. The words "Event of Def~uIt" mean any of the events of default aet forth In this Deed of Trust In the event1l of <br />default aactiI;:n of this Deed of Trust. <br /> <br />au..ntor. The word "Guarantor" means any lllI8rantor, surety. or ec::commodBtion party of any or all of the Indebtednll88. <br /> <br /> The word "Guaranty" means the liuaranty from Guarantor to Lander, Including without IlmltBtion a guaranty of all or part of <br />the Note. <br /> <br />~a Subatancea.. The words "Hazardoua Sub&tances" mean met&rlals that, because of their quantity, conoentrBtion or <br />physical, chemical or Infectloua characterlBtica, may cause or pose a preaent or potential hazard to human haalth or the environment <br />when Improperly used. trea1Ild, stored, dl$poeed of, generated, mallUfllCtlll'ad, transported or otherwise hendled. The words <br />"Hazardous Subatanoea" are _ In their. very broadem lienee and include wllhout IlmltBtion any end all hazardous or toxic <br />aubet&nc8tl, materials or w_ aa datinad by or listed under the Environmental Laws. The term "Hazardous Sub8tances" al80 <br />includ.... without IImltBtion, petroleum and petroleum by-producta or any fraction thereof and aabaatos. <br /> <br />lmproftmenta. The word "Improvements" means all exlstlng and future Improvements. buildings, structurea. mobile homes affixed on <br />the Real Property, faciil1lee, eddllions, replacements and other construction on the Real Property. <br />~. Tha word -Indebtedness" means all principal, Interest, and other amounts, cOstS and expanses payable under the Nota <br />or Related Documenta, together wIIh all renewals of. extensions of, modlflcatfons of, consolldatlona of and IlUbatltutions for the Nota <br />or Related. Documenta and any amounts expended or advanced by lander to dlacharge Truator's obligations or elCp&Jl88S incurred by <br />Truatae or Lander to enforce Trustor's obligations' under this Deed of Trust, together with lntareat on such amounts as provided In thla <br />Deed of Trust. <br />~. The word "Landaf" meanIl Ptette Valley State Bank &. Trust Company, its succeaaora end aaa/gns. <br />Nota. Tha word "Nom" means the promissory note dated June 3, 2008. in the original principal amount of $990,000.00 <br />from Trustor to Lander, tllgethar wIIh all renewals of, extenaions of, modificatlons of, refinancings of, consolldatlons of, and <br />substitutions for the promla8ory note Or agreement. <br /> <br />PenonaI Property. The wonla "Pel'llOnal Property" mean all equipment. fixtures, and other artiolea of personal property now or <br />hereafter owned by Trustor, end now or hereafter attachad or affixed to the Real Property; together wllh all acc_ns, parts, and <br />additions to, all replacernentll of, end all aubstltutlona for, any of auch property: and together with all proceeds (including wIIhout <br />llmltBticn all ins"'anca pr~ end refunds of prernluma) from any sale or other dlapoe/tlon of the Property. <br />Property. The word "Property" means colrectively the Real Property and the Peraonal Property. <br /> <br />n...I Property. The worda "Real Property" mean the real property, Intare&t8 and rights. aa funher described In this Deed of Trust. <br /> <br />Related Documenu. The words "Ralatad Documants" mean all promIeaory notes, credit agreements, loan agrllfll1lllllt8, anv/ronmantal <br />agreemants, guaranties, security agreernenta, mortgages, deeds of trU&t, security deeds, collllt9ral mortgages. and all other <br />InetrumBnt8. agreements and documents. whGther now or hereafter exlatlng. lIX8Cuted in oonnectlon wllh the Indabtednaaa. <br />Rente. The word "Rents" means all preaent and future rentlI, revenues, lnoome, """-. roy8ItIea, profits, end other banefIta derived <br />from the Property. <br />T_. The word "Tr_" means Platte Valley State Bank &. Trust Company, wltoee addreas Is 810 Allen Or, Grand laland, NE <br />68801 and any subs1ltute or aucceaolOr trual8e8. <br />Tnaator. The word "Truator" rnaana SlIverbrook, LLC. <br />TRUSTOR ACKNOWLEDGES HAVING READ ALL THE PROVI8lONS OF THIS DEED OF TRUST, AND TRUSTOR AGREES TO ITS TOMS. <br /> <br />TRUSTOR: <br /> <br />