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<br />1. The real estate subject to this lien is:
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<br />2. The person against whose interest in the real estate the lien is claimed is:
<br />. Jlt'\-'\ 4 .()V\d~ Hova h .
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<br />;:L The name and address of the claimant is: J:::b0~ 4 rJ1 /4 HotJ8 h
<br />.eLo.1-& 59 'f 2- G)^c\'~ :t.~ 1a. H J . NE 108802.-
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<br />4. The name and address of the person with whom the claimant contracted is: .Ji VI-'\. I-Icv';j h
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<br />lol9 Q. St-. I4LJrDv"~ I NF 10gB 18
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<br />5. A general description of the claimant's services performed to, to be performed or materials furnished or to be
<br />furnished for the improvement and the contract price is:
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<br />__.n NeLd Shop ) HoIA1e. " -/- mprvvel71ei-1 Is
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<br />EJ. (Complete one of the following)
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<br />_~'- The amount unpaid, whether due or not, to the claimant for the services or materials is $ tlOO,.
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<br />,__~ The unpaid amount is not fixed by the contract, but a good faith estimate in the amount of $
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<br />7. (Complete one of the following")
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<br />_ The time the last services or materials were furnished was
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<br />.-i- r~he time the last services or materials were furnished has not yet occurred but is estimated to occur
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<br />PlQCiY L. fElK
<br />__01 NOtary
<br />.. of NebfOIIlO
<br />.., C\AM'\IIIIDn ExpIreS Mar 30. 201 1
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<br />Subscribed and sworn to before me this
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<br />Notary Public ;r. '\
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