<br />. '~2.tYOt8i()"4~j7 9
<br />
<br />D: Tru. st. or. shall".i..trlm..... Mi.a.....'t~l.y......... potifY..J;I.en.. .c::ti...l?i..~....ry.......I..Jl. :w...ritJ..n.....g. ~sso.. p.n as Tro.,. *>.r.. ha. ...s r.eason.. to believe lh. cre.' is.an~ pending
<br />or ,. thtea:ten~4. mVrstij}~tlOnJ" clal'tti,. .01' pr,Qq.;eding.' J:elatmg to. the release; or threatened release. of any Hazardous
<br />. SUbstanceot thevlOlatidn'oI any EfiVll'dtl1t1~~al I;.a.w. .. ". . . ;
<br />12. ESCROW FOR TAXESANDINSUltA~CE. UnleSSPtherwise provided in a.separateagreement,'.:frustorwill not be
<br />required to pay to ':aeneficiar>'f(1l1dsfqttaxeS~'nd i~\.11"~nc~ iI,i,ese,row..",' . '
<br />\. ' ,",,' ',.', " '.,1,.,.
<br />
<br />this .se.C1.lI'.,.".i...ty. Ins..' .'. t~um.. e :p.t..ar~..J.'.oin.t...'1n.4j.n..cl'.v 1...(j.}.....l.a...\.....~..J.f.Tr.u.s. to. r..s..j~. '.ilS. ...th....,.'......iS ,seCll.r.. it...y.....I~. t..rum....en. tb. ut. do.es not.. sign... a.....n...e. V..idence of
<br />debt,T,fl1stor does so only't~ mor~g'lge;t1V~tpt.'s, interes.rlp-(~~ i.prop~r~. tp ~c;:cure PN'lpent. <;If the Secured .Debt and
<br />'Trust'?!:; does not. agree to be . pdrs();nal~y,)wNe. tlnttPe s.~cut'~d'J;).ep~: ,If thiS 'Secur~ty',~{l.Str:u1l1c::ntscrC;ures. ,a guara:p.ty . betwe~n
<br />Benefic1ary and Trustor, Trustor agreestowillve.'. a.n.. .y....ns. ht. s.. .'. th.'.at.. m.... ay p..r...e. ve. nt. '.B..e...ne. ticlR1.:Y. ft. om b.. n..ng.lOg any actlOn or cla1m
<br />aga.inst J:rustor or any party incfebted 11~der,.~e()1;>lig,atiqJ1. ,..Thesefi~htslTI~yinclude, :bWare notJimited tO,any
<br />antI~deficlency or one-actIon laws. The dutIes andHberl.efftB. 6f thlS SecurIty Instrument shall bmd and benefit the successors
<br />and assigns of Trustor and B~neficiary.:. . . . .. .
<br />;,' ,,' " ,!
<br />
<br />14. SEVERABILITY; INTERPRETATloN. This Security Instl11ment is complete and fullyintegl'ated. This Security
<br />Instrument may not. be . amended. or . modifi.e~ . by. ora} ~~~eFrn.ynl, . f\ny, ~eplion . in, ~ni$. SeC~lrit~ Instl")lment,.a~ta~hrnents, or
<br />any agreement' related to the Secured 'Debt that confhets' withapphcable' law Will not be effectIve, unless that law expressly
<br />or i.m. lPlie. dl. y pe.rm. i. ts tho e. v. .a. ri.ati.o....ns ..by' w... ..r. it.t.e.n. a. .g. r.e. em.. e.. n.1.. .. If. a.n. .Y. ... s. e.. ct.i.O. .n... Of.'. ..tI.'H.'S. s..e. cu.. d. ty. . I.n. str.u. m. e. n.....t . cann. .'.. ot .'be enforced
<br />.. according to Its terms~ that sectio~w11~ be ~everedaActwill nq~ aff.el,)t:thy"enforc;~bHity .of the remai:p.dca:.,qf.thisSFcurity
<br />;' Instrum~nt. Whe~everl1srd,. thes,mgUlar 'sNinJJ1clude~the I?lutal ~M q\eplural tlW.llltj.gular: The',ca,pttons. ~d hc;adlOgs of
<br />. 'th~seCtI0t1s0fth1S... Secur1~ In.stru...m. ent .a.f... e.... ....'1. 9......~.........c.. o...n. y.~n. 1e.,...nc... ~'. o. n.....l...y.. . a.....p. d...... JIJ:~.,n. qt.JPbe,tisel;110 mterp. ret or. de.f me the terms of
<br />, i th~s SecuntyIns~ent.T1tlle 1S of thev~,~~en~e,~*;th1$Scr'!JlntYI~~m~nt , .... .. .. ..... . . ,..
<br />
<br />,i 15. SUCCESSOR TRp~TEE" Betlefi,9iaiy!$~)3eil~ficiarY's,dpt~Q~;, maY~ro~ tinie)otiine rerrlOve 1'~st~e~dappoint a
<br />'. i '.successo. r. t. rustee W1thou.~any otijer' form~l.'i.t.y. t...h.... a..l'tl1.e...' .deS~g. n.. ~tlO. ;n. ....m.'..w. dt..~ng., '.Th.. e s. uC. ces. so.' rtl'U.~tee, Wlt~!=lUt conv.eyance of
<br />. '~~lk~~~:~~~ ; shan succeed,,, to all' thf? tltle'~l'p~~e~.and ,d~tles'rconferl'ed Jlpon' 'p"Uste~ byth1S., Secunty Instrument and
<br />
<br />
<br />16. NOTICE. Unl~ss otherWisereqUir.ed b.Y.la.,w,an.;y...~ot.ice..;sh.~llbClgiven. b.Y.de.liv.~r.ing it.or.b. y 11UIUi,ng)i~.J:>y..fi.'rs.t. class.tp.ail
<br />to the appropnate'party' s:addrcss onpage',)!'of' th1s -Secunty' instiument, or to any other addresS deSIgnated In wntmg.
<br />Notice to one trUstol' will be deemed to,oenoticcnoallttlistors.;""" .
<br />
<br />17. WA~RS. Except to the extent prohibited by law, Trustorwaivesan~ppraisemenCand homestel',lsiex~mp~on rights
<br />. ,,,relatmgto.the,Property. .' . "'. ;.;1)., .;,. ". '", ; ,...
<br />., "', ':., ;, ' L, ',:. -:.:' . , J , :
<br />, "I 18.. LINE.... . .... 0.. F CREpI. T. 'T!te Secure~ O.ebtlinClud~S.. ~'r,e.Vdlvins, }in.~. 'ofCredlt. 'Alt,h~t.lgh theSeCllr~(l' pebtn$y be reduced to a
<br />, .zero balance,th1s SecuntyInstrNmentwillrertuun'ln <lffect'untllreteased; .... '.. . . ..
<br />, !.,' ,." i~:." "l, .,;,.;;..., \'.,'i '~: "'-:'../ . "'0 1. t:. :'.,.:., ". ~
<br />
<br />19. APPLICA~LE LAW. This SeC1!Xity ~ns~rument is iov~rned\)y the law~ as~gree,(lto in the. S,ecllreq Dept,.exr~pt to the
<br />:extentrequ1red by the laws 'of the JUf1Sd10t10t1.Wh,ere'UlePrl'lperty is 'located,.ahd :~pphca\11e federal 'laws and regulauqns.
<br />. ;' i \;'" ~" .; i ,. ",,:: 'r " 1. "" : ;", :" : ',;',!.. 11 ' . : I, ' ,I!, ". .
<br />
<br />20. RIDE'RS. The covenants and agreements of each of the riders checked below are incorporated .into and supplement and
<br />amend the terms of this Security Instmment.. I
<br />[Check aU appliaableboxes] ". ." " '. . " ....!
<br />'. ; n . Assignrri~nt' of Leases'and'Rcrttsc;JQtner..,.. ........... ,;:.'".. .... ..'~ "." ...;.... . .... I... ...... ..; .... i:...... ... ...... ...... ... ... ...
<br />zf.,d .~ONS,11ttJ<:TIPN.;~O*-N'~'.This,.S(;l91,11'~ty 1J1$h~J;ntmt is,,;{lrconstruotlon.security jnterestwhich secures an obligation
<br />. , incurred for the conStn1ctlOnof an ImprOvement on the Property. .
<br />
<br />
<br />'{.'
<br />
<br />
<br />l,::'
<br />
<br />I ~. ,'.
<br />
<br />" 1r,
<br />
<br />",1 ..,",1 '.l"
<br />
<br />,...
<br />
<br />
<br />I, .., '-.I
<br />
<br />~,' " , , "', ".,::' , " , , " " , " ':\ , :i" ~ ' ,:' ' : , ,\\" ,I " . ,
<br />''SIGNATURES: .By ,signing below , . 'Frustoragreesto,the:terms:and covenantsc.ontainedJinthis SC,euriW 'Instriitrtent and in any
<br />
<br />,x;;:;~:ptOf::~:rS~~~~:~7~:~.:L~ ..~, 0__
<br />
<br />
<br />.., .... .."',..n.,.'.... ;........ " '., ;.... .............. ...'....... ...,...,.....'1... ..'A.".. , .... (.<:;(~....,^.~...~...... .'. ..,.......... .'I"I"'f... .A. .:-to
<br />(SigIilltur~Ilf_B"S!eMAN . (Datc).i,;,,(Slgnatu$t~I~Il'ANN'A;kBOSSElMAN ' (Date)
<br />.,. 1
<br />
<br />~ I ". ;
<br />
<br />'\~CKNO~EnGMENr:NEBRASKA" ... .",":','.i'~,::,'"':":"i,;,,,',...,. ....,
<br />. . .fSTATEOF.....................,..,........................., COUNTY OF ,...........~...........,............} ss.
<br />.(lndlvl\lUlJ)'. . .... ......... ',. .'l...d....d'..b. fi ...'/'th""'., '~''''''d'j.;'' f "'?'?...... . ..........;'O'.$'^.
<br />, . .' ThIS mstmment Wa:sacknow e ge .... ,e (lf~ 1l1e, 1$..;. ';'I"''ff.;'.:.. n'r<lY. 0.. ....., .....j'...... ..~....I'I":'.., ..................
<br />by . f~.~q '~'. ~~~mM~N;. P.E.~~!'!~ '~" ~H~mM~N,. ~.~~~A.~P.~NQ .~m..,. ... . .. ... ... " . .., ... . .. ... .. . . .. ... .. . ..' . ,. ,. . . .. .. . . .. . ., . .. .. .
<br />My commission expires: ..~~..,.....;,,,:..:~.'.~~tt:::tf~......
<br />
<br />'. "i. J ,'.' . . (NplilryPu1;>lic)
<br />
<br />
<br />: ~'! :
<br />
<br />.,i.
<br />
<br />'ll.>';)'
<br />
<br />~,.c 1994 B.nk... Sy.l.m.. Inc" SI. Cloud, MN Form OCP,AEOT.NE. 511.01200.5
<br />
<br />"(pag/!J 4 of 4)
<br />