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<br />(~t' . 1 : r t: ') ;, \. <br /> <br />200804778 <br /> <br />apinian aperate to' prevent the enfarcement af the lien while those praceedings are pending, but anly <br />until such praceedings are cancluded; ar (c) secures fram the halder af the lien an agreement <br />satisfactary to' Lender subardinating the lien to' this Security Instrument. If Lender determines that any <br />part afthe .Praperty is subject to' a lien which can attain priarity aver this Security Instrument, Lender <br />may give Barrower a natice identifying the lien. Within 10 days af the date an which that natice is <br />given, Barrawer shall satisfy the lienar take ane ar mare af the actians set farth abave in this Sectian <br />4. <br /> <br />Lender may require Barrawer to' pay a ane-time charge far a real estate tax verificatian and/ar <br />repartingservice used by Lender in cannectian with this Laan. <br /> <br />5. Property Insurance. Barrawer shall keep the impravements nawexisting ar hereafter erected an the <br />Prapertyinsured against lass by fire,hazards included within the term "extended caverage," and any <br />ather hazards including, but nat limited to', earthquakes and flaads, far which Lender requires <br />insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amaunts (including deductible levels) and far the <br />peri ads that Lender requires. What Lender requires pursuant to' the preceding sentences can change <br />during the term afthe Laan. The insurance carrier praviding the insurance shall be chasen by Barrawer <br />subject to'. Lender's right to' disapprave Barrawer's chaice, which right shall nat be exercised <br />unreasanllbly.L(:nder may require Barrawer to' pay, in cannectian with this Laan, either: (a) a ane-time <br />charge far flaad Zone determinatian, certificatian and tracking services; ar (b) a ane~time charge far <br />flaad zane determinatian and certificatian services and s~qsequent charges each time remappings ar <br />similar changes accur which reasanably might affect such determinatian or certificatian. Barrawer <br />shall alsO' be respansible far the payment af any fees impased by the Federal Emergency Management <br />Agency in cannectian with the review af any flaad zane determinatian resulting fram an abjectian by <br />Barrawer. <br /> <br />If Barrawer fails to' maintain any af the caverages described abave, Lender may abtain insurance <br />caverage, at Lender's aptian and Barrawer's expense. Lender is under nO' abligatian to' purchase any <br />particular type ar amaunt af cQverage. Therefore, such caverage shall caver Lender, but might ar might <br />nQt pratectBarrQwer, Barrawer'sequity in the Property, ar the cantents Qfthe PrQperty, against any <br />risk, hazard' ar liability and might prQvide greater ar lesser caverage than was previausly in effect. <br />Barrawer acknawledges that the CQst Qf the insurance CQverage sO' abtained might significantly exceed <br />the cast af insurance that Barrawer CQuld have Qbtained. Any amaunts disbursed by Lender under this <br />Sectian 5 s1J.all .qecame additianal debt af Borrawer secured by this Security Instrument. These <br />amaunts shall bear interest at the Nate rate fram the date af disbursement and shall be payable, with <br />such interest, upan natice fram Lender to' Barrawer requesting payment. <br /> <br />All insurance palicies required by Lender and renewals af such palicies shall be subject to' Lender's <br />right to' disapprove such palicies, shall include a standard martgage clause, and shall name Lender as <br />martgageeand/ar as anadditianallass payee. Lender shall have the rightta hald the palicies and <br />renewal certificates. If Lender requires, Barrawer shall pramptly give to' Lender all receipts af paid <br />premiums . and renewal natices. If Barrawer abtains any farm af insurance caverage, nat atherwise <br />required by Lender, far damage to', ar destructian af, the Praperty, such palicy shall include a standard <br />martgage clause and shall name Lender as martgagee and/or as an additiana,11ass payee. <br /> <br />In the event atlass, Barrawer shall give prompt natice to' the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may <br />make praaf af lass ifnotmade pramptly by Barrawer. Unless Lender and Barrawer atherwise agree in <br />writing, any insurance praceeds, whether ar nat the underlying insurance was required by Lender, shall <br />be applied to' restaratian ar repair af the Property, if the restaratian ar repair is ecanamically feasible <br />and Lender's secl,lrity is nQt lessened. During such repair. and restaratian periad, Lender shall have the <br />right to' hald such insurance praceeds until Lender has had an appartunity to. inspect such Praperty to' <br />ensure the wark has been campleted to' Lender's satisfactian, pravided that such inspectian shall be <br />undertaken pramptly. Lender may disburse praceeds far the repairs and restoratian in a single payment <br />or in a series af pragress payments as the wark is campleted. Unless an agreement is made in writing or <br />Applicable Law requires interest to' be paid an such insurance praceeds, Lender shallnatbe required to' <br />pay Barrawer any interest ar earnings an such praceeds. Fees far public adjusters, ar ather third <br />parties, retained by Barrawer shall nat be paid aut af the . insurance praceeds and shall be the sale <br />abligatian af Barrawer. If the restaratian or repair is nat econamically feasible ar Lender's security <br />wauld be lessened, the irtsurance proceeds shall be applied to' the sums secured by this Security <br />Instrument, whether ar nat then due, with the excess, if any, paid to' Barrawer. Such insurance praceeds <br />shall be applied in the order pravided for in Sectian 2. <br /> <br />If Barrawer abandans the Praperty, Lender may file, negatiate and settle any available insurance claim <br />and related matters. If Barrawer daes nat respand within 30 days to' a natic~fram Lender that the <br />insurance carrier has affered to' settle a claim, then Lender may negatiate and settle the claim. The 30- <br />day periad will begin when the natice is given. In either event, ar if Lender acquires the Praperty under <br />Sectian22 ar atherwise, Barrawer hereby assigns to' Lender (a) Borrawer's rights to' any insurance <br />praceeds in an amaunt nat to' exceed the amaunts unpaid under the Nate arthis Security Instrument, <br />and (b) any ather af Barrower' s rights (ather than the right to' any refund Qf unearned premiums paid <br />by Borrawer) under all insurance policies cavering the Praperty, insafar as such rights are applicable to' <br /> <br />Ntl'~S((A ~ Sinlllc Family. Fannie M.l!!trtddlc Mill!; UNlFORM INS'fllUMENT <br />02004-2007 Copyright Complianoe Systems, Inc. CD6D.238E - 2007.10.173 <br />Sin Ie Fami.l 'Real E:l:ta'te - Seourit Instrument DL2047 <br /> <br />Pa.4oflD <br /> <br />Form 30'S 1/01 <br /> <br />800'968-8522. Fax 616-956-1868 <br /> <br />lnitio.Is <br />