<br />200804681
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<br />'As a result of theSe agreements, ,Lender, any, purchaser of the Note, 'another insQrer,any reinsurer,
<br />any other entity, or any affiliate of any of the foregoing, ,may receive (directly or indirectly ) amounts that
<br />deri ve from (or might be characteri7,ed as) a portionQf Borrower's payments for Mortgage Insurance, in
<br />exchange for ,sharing ot "modifying the mortgage ,insurer's' risk; or' reduc,ing, losses, ',' If such agreement
<br />provides that ,an affiliate of Lender' takes a share of the insuter's tis,kiIi exchange for ashateof the'
<br />premiums paid to theinsurer,the arrangement is otlenterined ';captive reinsurance." Further: ' '
<br />,(a) Any sU,ell ,agrwl11entswiU not ~ffect , t~eamounts.t"atBo~tQwer has I.-greed to pay for
<br />Mortgage 1I)s1lrance, or any "othert~rmsof th~ 1,()4n;~utb ,agree~ent$,' will ,D()t Jncrefisclbe ailU)luit
<br />Borrolyer will, owc forl\f()~agc ~nsj:ara~ce, and they will not entitle ,BorrqwertQa-ny.reftind, ,,' , ' " ,
<br />" ,,(b) Any sucbagr~ments WIU notaffecttbenghts norrowerbas;.lfanr ~,:with respect to the
<br />Mortgage losltranceunder the, HomeoWu~rsPro*ection Actor 1998oi'any Qther law, These rigbts
<br />luay hicludet~lc'rigbt torecei'vec;ertain disClosurC$,' torequ(!St an(i obu.,illcilncelhlti6li , ,of the
<br />Moftgagclnsurancc,to, have. ~heMortgageInsurailcc terminated aU,tomaticaIlY,arid/Qrto ,re<<ivea
<br />termjdo,f ,any Mortgagelnsurall(:cpremiulns >that w~e unearned at :thc'Jim(i of such, cailceHatioll 'or
<br />
<br />. .. :m1~~t'be.~~~~~;:F.rl'd!.";..AlI....M;,ce)1""'U.~'..~.~~t. ...
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<br />,,',' If .th~ 'Prop~rty is ~iullas~" slich . Mi~cellaneQus ,', P,r6cee(:!s,sllall Qe "appliedt() restorati(}n, or repair ,Of
<br />the Property, iftM' restoration ,'m: repair, is eool1Omical1y Jeasible and I~~nder' S secl,)rityisn()t.J~$sened.
<br />During sucl1 iepaJr:and restor~ti()l,l period,' Lendershallhavetheright to hold Sll~hMisceUaneOtis' PtoC4;leds
<br />until l,.endcrhaShad anoppottunity tohiSpectsutiliProperty,tocnsure the w(jtkhasbeehcoriipletedJtl
<br />Lender's satisfacti()n, provided tl:liit suchihSpection shall beun~rta.ke~ prompt1Y.~(j4er m,aypay for the'
<br />repairs and restoration ina -single 4isbl,)rsement, or in a series Ofpr()gri;:sspayri1ent~ ilStM : work Is
<br />compkied,'Unlessan'agreement:i$made, in writing or Applicable Law requ~resinterest to be paid ,on such ,"
<br />'" Miscellaneous 'PIo~~ds,Lendt:r shall ,not ,l>etequ~red t() pay'Bcirr()wer ,any. intetestoceamings onsllch
<br />MiscellarieousProceeds. Ifthc restoration or repair is noteCOilOniici.tlly feasible or Lender's, security would
<br />be Jesstmed,the Miscellaneous proceed,s shall be applied totl1e sums secured by this Security 111strument,
<br />whether otnotthen du~, with the eXC~SS, if any, paid to aorrower: Such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be
<br />applied in the,order prOvided for in Sl:Ctio1l2." .,', , ',' ' " , ",' '" " '
<br />" In the event. of'; total taking, destl:1lction, ,or lo~sin valtieof the, Pr()perty, the Miscellaneous
<br />Proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security,InstrtllUent, whether Or ,not then due, with
<br />the excess, jf any, paid to Borrower., ," '" " ' , "'. " ' , " " ' " ','
<br />In the event of a partial taking, destruction, or loss in vlllueof the Property in which the fait market
<br />,'value of the Property immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value is equal to or
<br />greater than the amount of the sums ,secured by this Security Instrument immediately' before the partial
<br />ta,king, 'destruction, or loss ili value, unless Borrower-and Lender otherwise agree in writing, ihe sums
<br />secured by this Security In~trument shalL be reduced by the amollnt of the MisceIlaueous Proceeds
<br />multiplied by the' following fraction: (a) the tOtal amount 'of the sums 'secured immediately before the
<br />partial taking, destruction, or loss in value divided by (b) the f!lir market value of the ,Property
<br />immediately before thep~~ial ta~jng,Mstruc~ion, or loss ,ill value. Any balance sh~U bepaid to B~rrower.
<br />In the event of a partial taking, destructIon, Of loss m value of the Property m which the faIr market
<br />value of the Property immediately i>et'ore the partial taking, destruction, .orJoss in value is less than the
<br />amount of the' sums secured immediately before the partial taking, . de:strutltiOn, or loss in valoe,unless
<br />Borrower ;lnd Lender otl.ler:Wise agree in writing, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the sums
<br />secured by thi,s Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. , ,,' . '
<br />If the Property is ab!lndoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by 'Lender to Bortower that the
<br />Opposing Party (asdetined in the next sentence) offers to make an award to settle aclaim for damages,
<br />Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is given, Lender is authori7,ed
<br />to collect and apply the Miscellaneous Proceedseitherto res,toration or repair oCthe Property or to tue
<br />sums secured by tl1is Security IJistrument, whether or not then due. "Opposing Party" Ineans the third party
<br />that owes Borrower Miscellaneous Proceeds or the party against whom Borrower has II right of action in
<br />regardto Miscellaneous Proceeos, ,. ,.. '" ,
<br />Borrower shall be in default if any' action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that, in
<br />Lender's judgment, could rcsultinfotfeiturc of the Properw orothennatehal impairtne~t of Leilder's
<br />interest in the Property or rights under this Security Instrument. Borrower can cilresuch a default and, if
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<br />, Initials: .f!1l!1.il .,0110280606'
<br />',... . r Form 3028 .1/01
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<br />CIt-6INEII04071.02
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<br />PaO.9 01 16
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