<br />200804681
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<br />If the Index is ,no longer available. the Note Holder will choose a new index that is based
<br />upon comparable information. The Note Holder will give me notice of this chOice.
<br />(C) Calculation of Changes' .' . " ..' . '. .... '. . ....
<br />Before each Chatige Date, the Note Holder will calcljlate my new interest rata byadd(ng
<br />TWO AND 750/1000 . ' > . .... '.. '. ',. ...... '. ..' .... percentage points
<br />, { .. .... . .'. . ". ..~~750%lto,the.current Index, the NotlilHolderwill theM rOljndthetesult
<br />of thisadqition'tO ..th6Marest'.o'rie-eighth'o{ Qnepercentage ,..point{O;11!S% LSubject,tO ...the'
<br />, Ji rnitS,$tBtediri, Secti 0 h4(Olbelo w;thi$:iqundedamql.lnfw ill,hftr'TlY, ,I1EjW ... i!"lteyestratfj,u ntil Jne '.
<br />next Change Date, .'. . .. ',' '... .. .. "".. '
<br />The Note Holder' will then dlitettniiie .theamolJn't oftheirTi(?n.thly payrtlentthatw6uld be
<br />sufficient to repay the ,unpaid pril1cipi3l that 113m expected to' Qweat,the Change Dateinfu.ll,
<br />on the Mahiriw Date at · my new interest rate in substantially equal payme'rns,' Theresllltof
<br />'this calculationwIIIPEnhe'newarnoumofmymonthlypaYrrleht. . . ... .
<br />(0) LiirlitsOil InterestRateChariges , . .. .' . ....
<br />The.. interest, ri3tel.amrequired, to pay aUhe first, Change Date, ,wiU not . be ,greater than
<br />" . .7,250 %:orI68$ than, . 3.2$0 '%" Thereafter. my adjustable" .
<br />,interest rate will' neVer be iricreas,ed or decra,,!sed Many slnglaCharige Oateby more than
<br />two percemagepoints frornthe rate of interest I have been paying for the preceding 12
<br />monthsl My interest rate will never be greater than 10.250 %. .
<br />(E) Effec.tlveD8te ofChanges, ...., ". . .... . ...... "
<br />My neliVinterestrate'WiUbecome'effectivebneach Change Date. I wiUpay the amourit
<br />,of mynewrnonthly paymentbeginnlOg on :the first monthly paymenioate atter the,. Change
<br />Date until the1imo'unt of my rrionthly payment changes again. . .
<br />(F) Notice of Changes
<br />The Note Holder will deliver or mail to me a notice of anych'anges in my Initial fixed
<br />interest rate to an adjustable, interest r,ateand of any changes in my adjustable interest rate
<br />before the effective' deteof any change. The notice will inClude the amount of mytnonthly
<br />payment. any information rl:!quired.. bylaw to be. given to me ahd also the title andte/ephone
<br />number oJ a.person who \iviUanswerany question 'I may have regardlngthe notice.
<br />1. Until Borrower's initial fixed interesiratechanges to an adjustable interest 'rate under
<br />the terms stated in'Sectlon A above. UhiformCovenarit 18 of,the Security Instrument shall
<br />read as follows:'
<br />TranSfer of the Property or a Beneflclal lnterest in Borrower. As used in this
<br />Section 18, "Interest in the Property" meansahylegal or benefiCial interest in the
<br />Property. ,including;' but not limited to, those b.eneficial interests transferred in a
<br />bond for deed. contract for deed. installment sales contractor escroW agreement.
<br />the intent of which is the transfer of title by Borrower at a future date ,to a
<br />purchaser,
<br />If all or any part of the Property or any interest in the PropertY is sold or
<br />transferred (or if l~orroweris nota'hatural person and 'a' benefidial lnterE)stiri
<br />Borrower is solei ortransterred) without l.ender'S prior written consent/Lender' may
<br />require inimediate paymenr in full 91 all sum~ securadby this SecLiritylnstrum'ant,
<br />'. ." n.A ~.... ....OU0280606
<br />IMlals: .il.L.. . .'. ..'
<br />VMP @-843R (0405l.01 Page 2 of 4 '.. Form 3182 1/01
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