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<br />,~ <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />g'. r. <br /> <br />EDIilHT IIA" <br /> <br />200804600 <br /> <br />A b-act ot land comprising a :part of tbe Solithwe9tQilArler ot the Nodhwest Quarter (SWlj4NWIj4) <br />of Section Twenty Four (24), Townshill :Eleven (U) North, lUnge Nine (9) West of the 6th. P lvI., llall <br />CO\Ul.ty, Nebraska morel particularly descrIbed all tollows: With reference to the Southwest cornel' ot <br />sud. SWl/4NWlj4; thel(lCe running on an A65wned bearing of N 000 00' 00" :E on the West line of sajd <br />SWl/4NW1/4 for a di/ltance lit 260.00 teet tll tbe actual :POINT OF :BlWINNING; thence S 890 56' 58" <br />E parallel with the NlII,th line ot said NWl/4 Cor a distance or 528,00 feet; thence N 00. 00' 00" E Co'r <br />165.00 feet; thence N 8~go 56' 58" W for 528,00 teet to a )?lIint lIn the West line of said SWl/4NWl/4i <br />tklence S 00. 00'1 0011 E on the West line of 6aid SWlj(NWlj4 (or a distance of 165.00 feet to the POJl'.!T <br />OF 8EGlNNING <br /> <br />'.~ <br />