<br />200804425
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<br />. Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority oyer, this Security Instrument unless
<br />Borrower: (a) agrees in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by,tJ1eHep. in a manner acceptable
<br />to Lender, but only so long as Borrower is performing such agreement; (b) conte$ts the lien in good faith
<br />by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal, proceedings which in Lender's opinion operate to
<br />prev~nt .the.enfo~ment of theUenwhiletho!il~.pt:pceeditl~~aJ'e pend~ng, ,b\ltonl)' until., S\lch proceediA~s
<br />are concluded;, or (c) ,secures from tbeholderpf ~elien an, 4ir~ntsati8fllCtOl.'Y. to Len,det:, SUbordinating
<br />theJiento this ~ity h1struA1Cmt.Jf41ldeJ;det!:l~~ that ~y;Partof tJ1e Propert)'.iSS\lbjecttoalien
<br />whicP can ,ttilin prio~ity overtbjs,SecurityInstl'Up1ent,.Le~rmaYiiveBorrower anoticeJdentifyingthe
<br />!iep. Within 10 day~ofthe date on. which that notice is given,.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or
<br />more of the actions setforthabove ip.thi!ilS~tion4. ',,',"., ."" "
<br />Lender maY rcmuire Borrpwerto pay ,~one~ti1ne chari.e for areal estate' tax verification and/or
<br />reportin,g service used by LeA<ier"",in",co"",.nnection, with.this Loan. . . . ."
<br />S. Pro~y lnsuraD~.Bqrrpwer slWl'~the .in.lprovements now exi!itina Or hereafter er~ted on
<br />the Property insured ag~t 19s~,Jwfire,1laz;~~ipcl1.1d,~witA,inthe tenn. "e~te~ c;:overage," and any
<br />other'~ar4s,including, . but nqt limite<lto,e~quakes ,an,q"tloods, Jor,.which ~nderrcmuit:es"insurance,
<br />Thisin.surancesha11 be majnt~intheamQUDt'(includingdedijCtiblelevels)IUlP.t9r the periods that
<br />Lender rtyquires. Wh.at. Lender rcm1.l.ires', PUfSlijlQt tQJht\pr~it:lgseJltences can cl1apge .Quring the tenn of
<br />.the Loan.,.The~y.rance ~er providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's
<br />right to disapprqye ~olJQwer's choice" whicl1rightsh~lnotbe ex;~J:'~is~UDJ:HSllnably, Lender may
<br />require ~m)wertQ.pay, in connection wi~ W~ LolU1!,eiPler:(a)a one,..~ charge for flood zone
<br />de(ernlination,~i{icationand tracking ~et'Vices;.or.(b)aone.timechlij'g~ Jor floodr zone determination
<br />and certification services and. subSequent . ~ies,~. ti~J:'e1l1apping~!.>~s~ changes " o'Wfwhicb
<br />reuonablYrnight .affect such cletennination or certificatioll, BorrowergpaUal$O be respoD$ible for th~
<br />paymmt of any, fees . impo~tXl,.by."tl1e.,',~tXll;}r~. ~rgency MaJijlge11lcot Agency'jn connection with ,t.he
<br />revil:wof~yflo()d ~ne4ete~~ipn re$Ultip.gfro~an.,pbje(;tiop.bY !JQrrower.. .
<br />IfSorrower falls to maint~ aq)' of tbecoverages,descri~ed. above, ~lld<rr may obtain insurance
<br />coverag:e, at Lend:er's option,and,BOJ'l'ower'.s,ex;pense. .LtlP4erisunder nooWgation to PUJ:Chase.any
<br />particUlar type' or amount of coverage, Therefore, such coverage shall cover I...ender, but might or'might
<br />not protect Borrower, Bo11'ower's equity. in theJ?I:9perty, or the 9?ntents of the,.Pr()p~rty. against any risk,
<br />hazard or liability and might provide greater or lqsser~yerage tllllJlwEls.previQuslYin effect, Bonower
<br />llClcnQwledges that tber,;ost. Qf theinsurancecoverageSQobtainedmigqt significantly.e;1lceed the cost of
<br />insurance that Borrower could have Qbtained; J\ny mm>!.UltS disbursed by Lender Wlder$js Section 5 shall
<br />~me additional debt of Borrower, SCC11fe(.f py this Sec1.lrity Instrument: These, aniountsshall bear interest
<br />attbeNote rate from thedate9f pisburscr~nta1\4sh.ull>e.paYable,witllsuch inW~st, JlpOJ\ notice.fronl
<br />Lep4er to BorrowerrequestipgpaYU1Cllt. , ',' . '.. ".. " .,.. '" ,.,.".. . " '" .. ..'
<br />All' insurance, pOljciesrequired by Lenderi\11dreX1l\\\V~s of. sucPPoliciesshalJbe . sUbj'r"t ,tQ ~ndef' s
<br />right .todisapproves1.Whpolicies, shall inclPclea ,stamiwcl mc>l1gage clause" and shall~Lendl:r.as
<br />mortgagee ' and/or. ~ ,an additi"nal'lpssPayee.Lender . shall llave. the right to bold. the, policies and renewal
<br />,certificates. If Lender requires" Borrower shall promptly give tpLendef aJLreceipts ofpald. premiums and
<br />tepewa),notiCC($.' If Borrower op~ns/UlY..{QJl1lo{ insl.tl;'llPce cQveras~;,.no~.. Qthel'Wi~erequiredby Lender,
<br />for,~ge,to, or destructiou.,pf, the Propel1)' , S1WhP()UcY,Sl1all~I\l.dea,stand.ar(l JIlC!rtgageclause and
<br />$.all nameLElndet:as mortgagee and/orasaqadditionalJp~spay~,. ,", , ",. , . '.
<br />. In the event of loss, Borro\yer~hallgive proU1pLnoticet9tl1e~l.tl;'~lfiUTierandl&nder . Lender
<br />maY.makeprqof of 10Sli, if not.~, prQmp~Y.bYBorrow~r'lJnlesli Lem1er ap.d..'Qprrowerotl1el'Willc agree
<br />in writing, any ip$urance prpceeds,'wbe~er9.rnotthelUlde~ying insurancewM1Cquirea by Lender, shall
<br />be applied torestoration, or repair of the J?ropel1)', jf.therestQr~t~op orrepairisecollomi~IYfeasibleand
<br />Lender's ~1J1'ityis nQt1essened.punng sUl;hrepairanqrell~Qr~iollperiod,Lender shall have the right to
<br />hold such insuratlCC proceeds, \lIlti!, Lender. has had atl. QPportlJPity ,to, illSpect such. Property", ,,' to , ensu, re the", '
<br />'. '" ' "., L""','" '," ,'"".;"".' ,",' .:','" ",' , to,"" I
<br />
<br />
<br />CIIl-SCNE) (0407).02
<br />
<br />Paoa801 115
<br />
<br />Inltl~'B: Q:lJIi
<br />
<br />Porm 3028 1/01
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<br />;'j 0 0 (I, 0 ~.'I ;~ :'
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