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<br />" <br /> <br />Exhibit" A" <br /> <br />200804411 <br /> <br />l <br /> <br />, A tract of land comprising a part of tht Wt3t Half of the West Half af the Southell$t Quartet (Wl/:2 <br />Wl/z SE1I4 ~nd a part of the Southwt1lt Quarter (SW1/4), :all being ;0. S~ction Thirteen (13)t Tawnship <br />Twelve (12) North, ~J)ac Niue (9) WC3t oK ih~ 6th P.M., Ball CountYt Nebraska. and mo.X'o particularly <br />de$~ribed .., follow.: <br /> <br />:a1!'l~JJ.n~J;l,i at th", .sQ" comer of said Southwest Quarter (SW1l4); tbence S 900 001 00" W (assumed <br />beatini) aloni and upon tbe line of said Southwest Quarter (SW1I4)t a distance of Two Thousand Two <br />Hu~dred Sixty Four and Ninety Ei2ht Hundredths (:2;264.98) feet; thence N 280 15' 32"'W, a distance or <br />Thr~e Hundred Twenty Nine and Thirty Oue Hundr~dths (329.31) feet; thence S 890 44' 34" W, a distance of <br />Two Hundred Thirty and Fifteen Hundndtbs (230.15) feet to . point on the west line of said Southwest <br />Quarter (SWl/4)j thence N DOll 151 26" W~ along and upon the west Jj~e at: $l~d Sol\tbwelSt Ql\art,r (SW1I4), <br />a distance of One 'l'housand 'rWo. Jl~ndred Ninety 'r.hree .nll Nh\cty Five Hundredths (1293.95) feet. thence S <br />890012' 41" E, a di,tam:c: of One Thousand Seventy and Sixty Three Ilundredths (1070.63) feet; thence S ~~Q <br />031 10" El a distance of'l'wo Hun,dred Forty Su. and. Forty OJ\~ Hundredths (246.41) feet, thence S 86" 11' <br />1511 :E, Ii distance of Six Hundred Sixty Nine and twen.ty lAve Hlll\d..edt~s (669.;15) feet; tbence N 71019' 3811 <br />E, 8; distance of Two Hundred Fifty Six and "twenty ll'our llundredms (256.24) teet; thence N 4SQ 14' !l1" E, a <br />di.s~nce of S~ HtmdndEighty One and Eighteen Hundredths (681.18) feetl thence N 15Q 42' 19" E, 8 <br />d18t.nee of Five Hundred Sixty Eight and Thirty One Hundredths (568.31) feet; thence N 4'0 091 26tt E~ a <br />dlJt~nce of Two Hu.ndred Twenty Seven aJ;l,d Ninety Nine Hu..dredths (227,99) f~~t; th~n~e N 880 39' 55" E,. <br />distince of Four :au.ndred lforty NiJJ.e and Seven 'l'e~fl\$ (449.70) feet to a poiJJt on the east li.De ofsald We$t <br />Half of the West aalf of the Southeast Qu.arter (WI/'). Wll2 SEl/4); thence S 000 01' 56" W, along and UpOAl <br />the /.Iut line of said West Half of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter (Wl/.2 WIll 8E1/4), a distanee ot <br />Two Thoutiand Five Hu.ndred Sixty One and Eleven BUlldredths (Z~61.11) feet to the southeast corner of said <br />West Half of th~ West Half of the Southeast Quarter (W1I2 Wl/2 S:Ei/4); thence S 891;1 '46' 41" W, along and <br />upop the south )joc of $aid West H~if of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter (W112 W1I2 SEl/4), a <br />dist~nl:e of Six Hundred Seve~ty F~ve a,Qd 'J.'WI!lAty Oo.c Blmdndths (675.~1) feet to the point of be~nninl <br />