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<br />Document Prepared By:
<br />RonaldE Mollara, 888-362,.9638 ..
<br />When :Recorded Return To:.
<br />~>"',A!d- ~:
<br />111lAlderRl.11 Drive
<br />Suite 356
<br />Alphar,tta, GA 30005
<br />PropenyAddress:
<br />402 E"PLUMSTREET
<br />nONlPHAN, NE 68832
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<br />T.... Spaco ~orR.cord.r" \T'. Only
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<br />I WELLS I 7Q8 I' '." . 0257787374
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<br />MIN #1' ,10016, %$, 0, 0,' 043, 6, 63:, 78
<br />MERSTelepltone if:
<br />. 888/67"~6377CRef#:OS/28/Z008..PRetw;R089-POF
<br />Date:04l2S/200S-Prlnt Batch U>:50950 .
<br />Recording Requested By:
<br />WellS'FarlloBan~, N.A.
<br />NEstdot.~R2,006/07/2007 Copyrislft (c) 2006 byDOCX LLC
<br />
<br />WIIEREAS, that certain' Deed of Trust4escril:ledbelow l'rqvidesthat the 'holder of the Note secured by
<br />said Deed, of Trust mayal'point' a succes50rTrl,lsteetoapyTrust"'etherewlier appointed; and
<br />WHEREAS, the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust havingbeenfuUy paid and satisfied:
<br />NOW THEREFORE,Mortg"lIeJl:ll~trQQicRellilJtr.tionSYltem.; Inc.; whoseaddressisP,O. Box
<br />2Q26,FUntj M148S01..2026, being the present legal owner and holder of the hldebteqness secured by said
<br />Deeq,of Trust, does hereby substitutean<i appoint F~delity NatiQllal Title IIl.uranee Company, whose
<br />add.ressis,l1l1 Alderman Drive,Ste.#J50, Attu:~e..e Dtpt.,Alpbaretta,GA "OQ05. as successor
<br />Tl11stee, and the Trustee does hereby reconvey, witho\.lt warrantY,tothe Person or persons entitled thereto, all
<br />the estate, title, and interest, held by it,asTrustee,under said Oe~ of Tl11st, to the, property described therein.
<br />QriginalBorrower(s): 'JUSTINR. PEKAR]tKallclMEGANL. PEKARE~HllSBANDANDWl'E
<br />Original Beneficiary: MORTGAGE EL]tCTJ\ONl<= RE;GJ$TRATION SYSTEMS, INC. "MERS" AS
<br />Date of Deed of Trust: 07/30/2007 Loan Amount: $161,020.00
<br />Recording Date: 07/31/2007 Book: N/A Page: N/ADocUlllent #: Q200706508
<br />Legal Description (if required): LOT SEVEN (7), 1I0FF1\:k\N SEqONtl SUBtllV!SION, A.N
<br />and.recorded in the official records of theCOUQty ollla11, StateofNebraak.aaif'ecting Real Property and
<br />,moreparUcularly 'described on said Deed of Trust referred to hereIn.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF,' the undersigned has ~aQsed,th'sepresents to be executed on this date of
<br />O$/~/2008.
<br />M:ortll1geEle~troDiI; Rqiltration System., IDC.
<br />
<br />FidelityNation.l Title JD.urqp:ce Company
<br />
<br />i"~' ('... i'Y\. .~
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<br />.A.I~Vko_,.~'.Qo<u_~t~.
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<br />,~* ','" ",~...tMl2J~ )
<br />PatIQngston ~-- - ^
<br />VieePrelideDt
<br />State of GA
<br />County of Fulton
<br />On this date of05l0S/2008,beforeme, theun4ersigned aut4ority,a Notary Public duly commissioned,
<br />qualified and acting within and for the aforementioned State !WiCityIC~nm,ty, personally appeared the within
<br />named Jesawa N. Obde and Pat Kinlstodj known tome (or identIf!.edtome on.'U1e basis of satisfactory
<br />.".evidence) that they are the Aut. VieePte.';LoaDnoO\lDl'.tattoDIlndVi~P"e.td'lttofJl'i4,lityNational
<br />Title Insurance Company and MortllalleElfiletr~lli"RelliJtr.~iQuSy.tellll,IDc.respectively, and were duly
<br />authorized in their respective capacities to executQtheforego.ing'illstrumi;nt(s)foranc:l inthenameand in
<br />behalf of said corporations and that. said corporation$' executed the same, and further stated and llcknowledged
<br />that they had so signed,executed and delivere4saidJustrument(.) for the consideration, uscs and purposes
<br />. therein mentioned and set forth.
<br />Witness my hand and official seal on theclate:hereinl:\~.~~_e' setJorth..,__
<br />, '. ",111'"'''''' ' Salley". K, lrchner
<br />... I$;"~ KlItQJv. ' ,',,'
<br />,<";',,~'':'.,,',,~,',','','''''~~, NOT ARYPVBLIC
<br />~ 't:::/' '4. ,,' " 'ffl~~~.'\ Fulton County
<br />Notary Public: .. / ," , ". tl".....,{l State Of Georgia
<br />'iw>~,~.~,;.~~:~ "My Commission Expires
<br />~~;., r:~~bl"uarv 19.2011
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