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<br />TB%S TRUST DKRD made this d~y of M~y, 2008, bet~e@n ~ME S~OMAN
<br />and KENYA SANROMAN, husband and wit:e, ...s TRUSTeRs, whol!!le address is J.s1S:S w.
<br />Koenig, Grand Island, Neh:t'aaka 6860J.; JOHN M. CONN1NGHAM, a member of thl!!
<br />Nebraska State Bar Association, as TRUSTEE, ....ho..e addreaa il!!l 222 N. CeQar
<br />Street, Grand Island, Nebraska 68801., and DAWN M. PEARD, a aing1e person, whose
<br />address i., 3421 W. State Street. Grand Island, Nehrask~ 66803, as BENEFICIARY.
<br />
<br />
<br />That TRUSTORS hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and wa:t'rant to TRUSTEE,
<br />IN TRUST, the heirs, devisees. personal repre"~ntatives, SUccessors and
<br />assigns, with power of sale. the following-described real property,
<br />
<br />TO THlI C:ITY 011' QRANtI :ISLAND, HALL COON'l'Y, NEBRASKA, known ..
<br />1505 w_ XQen~g Street
<br />
<br />together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon.
<br />
<br />The TRUs'rORS hereby ,,"ovenant and agree with the TRuS"rEE and BENEFICIARY
<br />that they are ~awfu11y seized and the owner~ of the above-described property;
<br />that they have good right and lawful authority to sell ana convey said premises
<br />and that said premi~es are free and clear of all lieo8 and encumbrances, and
<br />fUrther, that TRUS'rORS will warrant and det"end the title to aaid premises
<br />:forever against the claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />
<br />For the PUrpo.;;e of ..ecuring performance or each agreement of TRUSTORS
<br />herein contained and the payment ot: NI~TY THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS (S93,OOO.00),
<br />the TRUSTORs have executed B Trust Deed Note bearing even date, at the rate of
<br />interest and on the terms and conditions Be set forth in SUch Trust Deed Note
<br />until paid. The principal "um and interest shall be p.yab1. in accordance with
<br />and upon the terms and conditions of said T~st Deed Note or even a.te, and in
<br />any event the entire principal balance due hereunder and any accrued interest
<br />shall be p.id on May 1, 2038. All payments due hereunder shall be paid at the
<br />address of the BENEFICIARY as above described, or at such other place as such
<br />BENEFICIARY or the holders of said aecurity shall designate in wr:i.ting. All
<br />installment payments hereunder Bha~l be applied ~ir6t to the payment of
<br />in~eres~ on the unpaid balance, pursuant to the Amortization Schedule, a copy
<br />of which has been provided to each of the parties hereto, and the remainder of
<br />each payment or such installment to be applied on principal.
<br />
<br />It is agreed by and between the parties hereto that while title ia vested
<br />in the TRUSTEE and until filing of Notice of Pefault, the TRUSTORS shall,
<br />
<br />A. Retain Posse",..ion of the property .at all times, except as may be
<br />otherwise agreed by the pa~tiee in writing.
<br />
<br />B. Maintilin the residence and any other imprOvements located on the
<br />real prOperty in good condition and repair.
<br />
<br />c.
<br />
<br />pay all. general and ..pacial taxa8 and all
<br />every kind levied or asees:;;;ad againliit or
<br />berore delinquency, and to deliver to
<br />receipts sho....ing payment of such taxes each
<br />
<br />special aSlileBsment.. of
<br />due upon said property
<br />BENEFICIARY copies of
<br />ye...r.
<br />
<br />D.
<br />
<br />Procure and maintain
<br />improvements, in sums
<br />the BENEFICIARY, in an
<br />
<br />policies of al.l-ri..k inSUrance on said
<br />and underwritten by companies accept~le to
<br />amount at least equal to the property's full
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