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<br />200803691. <br /> <br />EXHIBIT '''A" <br /> <br />A. tract of land comprlsiIl.g a paI't of thll :ESlSt Hatr of the Nor'thaAJlt Quarter (Elf.2NEl/4) of Seetilm <br />Fourteen (14); :1nd part of thll W~ Half of the Northwerl QUllrter- (Wl/2NW1/4) 01 Sec.tlon. Thirteen . <br />(1S), aU in Township Nine (9), Range. Eleven (ll) Wellt of the 6~ P;M'1 in Hall County~ :Nebl,'B!llca mort <br />plll'tiClularly described as folloWSI . . <br />Beginning :a.t u point on the Sonth lint of Bald North~gt Quarter (NEl/4) of said Section Fou'l:i:llllJ!. (14). <br />saidl'llmt being-IFw~ty.eight-(tft)fe~ast ~So1t.thwern; cornllr"lJ~ said E1n.~/4jthcnee Northerly <br />parallel to the West line of sllid E1/2Nl!i1f41 '!'- dl!tance of One Htmdred Sb:tee.n. (11.6.0) feet; thence <br />Westerly pllrllU~ to the Sl)uth line, of said NEl/4~ a distance or Tw=nty-eight (28.0) feet to the West l\De or <br />sllld El/2NEIJ4J thence !'forfherly along the W~t line of said. EIJ2N:E;l./4 Q distllt\CB of Two Thoulland <br />ii"e Bundr&{ Seven >lnd Seven Hundredths (Z,507.0?) feet tD the northwest corner of :laid :E112NE1I4j <br />, thence l!lasterly lllong the North lien of ~aid Sllr.tion Fourteen (14), a dirl1:n.c~ or One Thousand Thres <br />HlIDdred ,Twel1ty (l,3::Z0.0) feet to' the Northwest corner of sllid Secqon Thirteen (13); thetl.ce :Easterly <br />. along the North Une of said Sectlon 'Ihirte.en (J,3), a distance of One Thou!land 'nu:'llll Hundred Twanty <br />One (1,311.0) feat to the Northeast corner &f sald W1/2.NE1/4 ~ tbence Southerly along the )!\a3t Hue Dr nid <br />WiJ2NW1J4, ll- d,\stance 'or 'Two [,housand Thirty':'two and :Fllrt:y~two Hundredths 0-,031..42) feet; thence <br />Westerly parallel to the South line of sllid Northwest Quartet (l:'TWlf4), a dimnceof'Dne Hundred. <br />Twenty~llight 2nd NJl),et:y~five Hundredths (11.8.95) ferrt:j theBce. Southerly pulillel to the E~ line of said <br />W1I2NW1J4, II. distance of"e (45.0) filet] thence WesterlY parallel to th! Bouth lirta of said <br />Norfhwe!lt Quarter (NWIJ4) ll. distance of 8J.%1:.Y~:livC\ lUld QJ;l,l! Tenth. .(55.1) reet; thence. deiIecti:ng left 45D <br />25' 55" and running Southwesterly, .ll. distance or Sevan, HlJlJ,dred Elgllty-elght nnd Fifteen Hundredths <br />(788.15) feet to tbe South Ene of said JIIorthWfl$fQuuter (NWlf4)J them::e Werlerly along the Sonth llne <br />of slald Northwest Quartor (NW1I4), a displnc:e of F.lve R~ndred Se.venty-four and Nmaty~rDUT <br />Hundredths (574.94) fest to s. Southwest cornel' of said.northwest Quarter {NWl/4);.tbence 'Westerly <br />along ilie' Scnth line of slIid Northeast Quarter (NElJ4) or SectiOIl FOllrteen (14), a dlSIapce o! One <br />Thousand Two B:~dred Eighty-Ji'otll" llll9. Th1rty~]light :B:llndredths (l,284.3R) feet to the place of <br />h egiJ.llling <br /> <br />.' <br />