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The Southeast Quarter (SE4) of Section Thirty - <br />four (34), Township Ten (10) North, Range <br />Eleven (11, West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, <br />Nebraska, subject to easements of record and <br />public roads, and <br />The West Half of the Southwest Quarter (Wk SW4) <br />and the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest <br />Quarter ;SE4 SW4) of Section Twenty -eight (28), <br />Township Ten (10) North, Range Eleven (11), <br />West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, <br />EXCEPTING therefrom a tract more particularly <br />described as follows: beginning at the South- <br />east corner of the SW4, thence running West <br />along the South line of the SW4 a distance of <br />963.5 feet, thence deflecting right 141 degrees <br />38 minutes and running Northeasterly a distance <br />of 1,245.05 feet to a point on the East line of <br />the SWa; thence running South along the East <br />line of the SW4 a distance of 773.1 feet to the <br />point of beginning and containing 8.549 acres, <br />more or less, of which .714 acres is occupied <br />by public road right -of -way, <br />and to obtain a foreclosure of the mortgage and to have the same <br />declared as a lien upon the interest of the Defendants, Rollin O. <br />Packer and Joyce A. Packer, and to have the real estate and appur- <br />tenances sold to satisfy the amount so found due, together with <br />all costs of suit_ and to foreclose the Defendants, and each of <br />them, of all right, title, interest, lien, claim, demand and <br />equity of redemption in and to the real estate and appurtenances <br />thereto, and for such other and further relief as may be just and <br />equitable. G�i <br />Dated this L3 day of March, 1985. <br />THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE <br />SOCIETY E UNITED STATES, <br />Plaini.iff, <br />f� <br />BY V /196.417 <br />Robert L. Mills <br />MILLS LA74 OFFICES <br />P. O. Box 427 <br />Osceola, NE 68651 <br />(402) 747 -2011 <br />ITS ATTORNEY <br />0 <br />I <br />