<br />th e tenant agrees to Pay ptanctuafiy where due: 85"" 001 � 8 [
<br />1.. Any miscellaneous charges arising from the Tenant's failure to perform his obligations under this lease ;aryl
<br />for any damages to the pnemises, furniture, fixtures or appliances resulting frrnrt negligence or misuse by the T(uant,
<br />his family or visitors.
<br />?. Said Ternt assumes resprLiibility for the proper maintenance of the property including yard space, fcrures.
<br />shrubbery, tnees, flower beds, etc. (Plot applicable in apartments)
<br />I Said Tenant is respcxisible for all Trowel household mintenance.
<br />4. Air Conditioning, heat. arxf mirror plumbing repairs, stoppage of sewer facilities - (chargeable to his use)
<br />and broken water lines due to R�ezintg (if cut off is provided) shall be the responsibility of said Tenant. (Not
<br />applicable in apartments)
<br />Try TPNAtJI' AGREES:
<br />1. Pets are not allowed. Any pet acquired during occupancy will be XTunds for immediate vacation of penises,
<br />?. Not to assfg thhis lease, sublet, rant., loan or give access to pranises except with the approval of the
<br />i auol loni,
<br />3. To a==_st >i d c x**x rote. with this l.tnit•u,i in tf*� c;ne cued minLenance of the premises and ccuply with al l
<br />rules, regilations and managerrent policies which or now or may hereafter be established for the premises,
<br />4. To permit the Landlord thrrcL& i t 's aprts to enter the premises at all reasonable hours to inspect, woke
<br />ifTnins, to tires the premises ani to rnn,v, pl,- vnrrfs, sigris, f ;xturP°, alterations, or additions placed on the pre
<br />rni:v :- without the permission of thc, 11iioirret.
<br />To zrtmit to tie i rxllor,i at lri^ r ,lux : :t. sing :;t atments in a form satisfactory to the landlord, setting,
<br />f-Orth the then pertinent facts as to tie Terant's %rxoehold composition and employmmt.
<br />n. To release the Landlord, it's r-prrsentatives, agp_ ts, servants, and employees fl,m liability for the injury
<br />U) the Tenant or the mtnrbers of his to_Li hotd, reszdtirg trrm any cause wtatsci ver, excepting only any such injury
<br />cc darage resulting from the willful acts of soh reprsetitatives, a eats and anployees.
<br />7. To indenfy the Landlord, it's rePrvsentatives, agents, servants, and employees from any liability for in-
<br />,iur -j to persons or dmgge to pvperty co_c;rritg on t}x ;itemises and arising cut of the Tenant's occupancy or possess-
<br />ion of the premises.
<br />8. That any notice required or allowed by law or the terms of this lease and delivered personally, affixed IA,
<br />the door of the penises, or Trailed to the promises stall be as binding upon Tenant as if personal ser%rice had beers
<br />redo..
<br />9• The Tenant agrees to and dries here hl, ;,dive 311 right to make repairs at the expense of the Landlord, or to
<br />vacate the said prmises on account of l unilorc'.' :; failure to make repairs should this ripbt be conferred upon; Tenant
<br />by the law of the juri,dic_tion in which the pusses are situated. Tenant further agrees that he will not remve
<br />atry tlrmttute, equipment, or app] iancc. installrtj in the penises without the prior cormnt of the Landlord.
<br />10. All O -Iced,; arxl chattels placed or stored on or about the premises are at the risk of the Tenant.
<br />11. Tenant ap yes to allow owner, agec,t m their contractors access to the premises for necessary repairs.
<br />umierstood agent has a key to the prupertj.
<br />1. Ttat the Tenant nos mde certain representations to the landlord regarding his occupation and /or the size
<br />are; caTasition of his family and that *s.•e said presses have been lea.rxi tc said Tenant in reliance upon these
<br />lons. ELcuri!lr, y un tiv� !,--_-1sr,1 sl??! 1 he in strict accordancee with the reparesentatims above -
<br />r. and :kKxukl !ha!; v rw : turn tr> iuitn>r, in ,lny fartic War the stung_ shall constitute a byNach of the
<br />',rin�z :sa curxjitioxvs of tilts _ti _-.
<br />The prerises have been 1Pased to the Ter_ont because of his occupation and after consideration of the number,
<br />, anr1 b10Cd relatim.hip cl" the persons to occupy the premises with him. Should there be a orange in t:- circum~
<br />,l' true Tenant as tr, hu L::v- nipaticn, :is :: the size and composition of his family, or should any otkzr person
<br />1 -rrroer of Terkant.'s ft,iijily tr, : hitttd to - tivir, . -01' the pr rases, the same raye, at the option of the Lad-
<br />.� ?, f�,t.itute a brrach of the terms aiK caadtticas of tt;is agreement.
<br />T*. is understr)rO ant *7m1 that, if tt*F t.erant rrrvr_i prior to the ccrpletion of said lease period or without
<br />:sip, rx,r.i c, t.hP gin � -xrw iy read -in fee wiI l be paid by true Tenant herein s`uuld it be necessary to have the meter
<br />rra_: :rte, Kaelin Go. sure. Tenant also agree to fay the original read -in The and i� ,ili pay all hookup fees.
<br />t:pxa written rxA ice to vaate, agent stall have the authority to erect a sign and show the property to
<br />Pa -,s.ptertive renters. if pr%., ty should be placed on mvket for sale, tenant_ stall allow agent to show property and
<br />:ir :ii 1t;ive Terar:! y mmr_h notice as. pra,tical.
<br />.. Da, -Lr..' „•vrd&aws nr:st he Drnperly draped wiU i5 days.
<br />storing of articles m hallways.
<br />-1 x r : ni,ror taalr_cny furmiit.ure allow where applicable but NO barbecuing (grills) on wood
<br />:c:Xlies. FIRE: (RjlPJANC£ _
<br />4,. !%r :'ir h3l-ard, artifi-_ia::nristrus tries rue recormtended.
<br />:sN':;r•r i.y &iJxzit, carn'r.)t be :lsp�j as last mxnth's rent.
<br />Lief ne hours of 9:00 a. m. or after 10:30 in apartment
<br />baildi rye :r mu; t !p1-- AF i lire units.
<br />= -a,0 ierretq :,,mss i f "N' ;re'j f'Vt.y r.aair. +s by hinitxrr after the rninirnm renter period, all conditions and
<br />.a air.i rY7iniu fix.+ iv €•. t , „ ,r. rental troll at that time be or, a month to month basis.
<br />