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<br />. <br /> <br />200803329 <br /> <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br /> <br />A tract ofland comprning a part ofihe East Half of the Northeast Quarter (Elf2NEl/4) of Section <br />Fourteen (14); and part of the W.e&t Half of the Northwert Quarter (Wl/2NWl/4) of Section Thirteen <br />(13), all in Township Nine (9), Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebl:'aslm more <br />particularly described as follow!/: <br />Beginning at a point on the South line of !iaid Northeast Quarter (NEl/4) of said SectioD Fourteen (14), <br />nid point being Twenty-eight (28) feet East DJ the Southwest corner of said El/2.NE1/4j thence Northerly <br />paraUel to the West line of said El/2N'El/4,a distance of ODe Hundred Sb:teen (116.0) feet; thence <br />Westerly parallel to the South line of said NE1I4, B distance of Twenty-eight (28.0) feet to the West liDe of <br />said El/2NE1/4; thence Northerly along the West line of said El/2NE1/4 a distance of Two Thousand <br />:Five Hundret\ Seven and Seven Hundredths (2,507.07) feet to the northwest cornel' tJf :laid :E1I2NEl/4j <br />, thence Easterly along the North lien of :laid Section Fourteen (14), a distanc!! or One Thousand Three <br />Hundred .Twenty (l,3Z0.0) feet to the Northwest corner of said Section Thirteen (13); thence Easterly <br />along the North line of said Section Tbirteen (13), .II. distance of One Thousand Three Hundred Twenty <br />One (1,321.0) feet to the Northeast corner of said Wl12NEl/4j thence Southerly along the ;East Une of said <br />Wl/2NWl/4, a distanceo! Two :Thousand Thirty-two and li'o:rty-two Hundredths (2,O:U.42) teet; thence <br />Westerly parallel to the South line or said Northwest Quarter (NW1/4), a distance of. One Hundred <br />Twenty~eight 2nd Ninety-five Hundredths (128.95) feet; them:e Southerly parallel to the :E2St line of said <br />Wl/2NWl/4. a dbtance of Forty.,five (45.0) feet; thence Westerly parallel to the South line of said <br />Northwest Quarter (NWl/4) n distance of Suty-five and Ol\e Tenth .<65.1) feetj thence deflecting left 45" <br />25' 55" and running Southwesterly, a distance of Seveu HtUldred EIghty-eight and Fifteen HundredtM <br />(788.15) feet to the South line of said Northwcst Quarter (NW1/4); thence Westerly along the South line <br />of said Northwest Quarter (NW1/4), a distance of Five Hundred Seventy-four and Nin,ety-fouT <br />Hundredths (574.94) feet to a SOUthwest comer of said. northwest Quarter (NW1/4);thence Westerly <br />along the Sooth line of sllid Northeast Quarter (NElf4) of Section FD~rteen (14), a distapce of One <br />Thousand TWD Hundred Eighty~'Fo~r :L:U~ Thirty-Eight Hundredths (1,284.38) ieet to the place of <br />beginning <br />