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<br />PARCEL 2 <br /> <br />20080285~ <br /> <br />A traet of IllDd comprising a part of the North Half of the Northeast QIJ~rU:r (Nl/2 NEl/4) of SedJon <br />Thlrteeo (13), 'TrrwDship TeD (10) North, Range Ten (10) West of the, 6th ,PM., h. HaIl Connty, Nebraska, <br />more particularly described as follows: <br />BeglJming at the Northeast Comer of said North Half of the Northeast Quarter (Nlj2 NEl/4); thence <br />running Westuly along the North Iioe of $3Jd North Half of the Northeast Quarter (NI/Z NEl/4) , II <br />distancc of Eight H1U1dred Filly Nibe an~ EIghty Nine Hundredths (859089) fee'4 to !he ad:UaI point of <br />bTol'llng; tbcmce deOedi.ue left SS- '06' 38" aDd l'llDDiDg Southerly a d.i.staJlce of One Thousand Three <br />Hundred Twenty Five aDd Seventy Eight HlUldredths (1325.78) feet.: to a poiDt OD the SQuth line of said <br />Nortb Halt of tile Northeast Quarter (Nl/Z NElf4); thence deOectiDg, right ~ 33' 48" and running <br />Westfrly along the Sou1h line of said North Half of the NOrtheast Quarter (NIl" NEl/4), a distance <br />of ODe 'IhDUS~d Eighl Hundred Eighty Three and Twenty Se'VCI'J. Hundredths ~~ wI, to the <br />Southwest corner' -of said North Hatr of the Northeast ~ <Nl/1 NEl/4)j thmc:e deflecting right <br />9:Z- 16' 16' aDd numlDg r;ortherly along the West line of said North Half of the Northeast Quarter <Nl/2 <br />NElf4), a distance of Nme Hundred Seventy and Three Tenths (97030) feet. to the Soutbwtst corner <br />of Amuncl50D SnbdMsion; daenee deflecting right 87. 16' 341 DDd running' Easterly aloug 1he South line <br />of AntUDdso>> Subdivision. a distanc:oe of Two lIundred Fifty Eight aDd Seventy One Hundredths (258.71) <br />feet, to the Southeast corner of AmundsouSubdivisioD; tbencr defleding left 87" 16' 34' and running <br />Northerly along the East line of Amundson Subdivision, a distance of Three HDDdred Forty One and <br />Seventy One Hundredths (341.71) feet, to the No1'1beast corner of Amundson SUbdivisioJl and to a point <br />OD the North liDe o[ said No11b Halt of the Northeast Quarter CNl/2 NEl/4}j thence deLIectint right <br />sr 16' 341 and runn1Dg Easterly aloDg the North line of said North Half of the Northeast Quarter (NI/2 <br />. NEl/4), a dista.Dte of ODe Thousand Six Hundred Five and Sevtllt)' FoUt' Hundredths (1605.74) feet. <br />10 the actual point or beg:inniDg. ' <br />