<br />_""_,:~".,~...,~.,,,lr :'~' ': ,.' ~'~_ '"...........-~.-.....' -~'.'",. .,,.._.,~,--.,-,.,,,,,._~-:-. ,.,.,....,:~~
<br />
<br />
<br />SPECIAL CORPORATION \lAR~.N'ty DEEtl 84 -00678~
<br />
<br />Devco Investment Corporation, D corporati.on organized and extsting under
<br />the 1a1o1S of the State of Nebraska. GRANTORJ in conaidel'ution of one dollar and
<br />otner valuab1.tl consideration receiv~d fror.GRANTEE.,M.ax W. Linder iHid Patricia
<br />L. Lindf!r, ns joint tenants .....ith right of su::vivorahip. c.onveys to GRANTEE.
<br />the follO\dngdes.;;ribed rea] e.,tate (bS defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. 76-201):
<br />
<br />Condominium Unit No. 707. The Yancev. a Condominium J A Condomini Ull!
<br />in accordance with the Declaration ~ecorded on October 17, 1986,
<br />u~der Docoment No. 84-005507 of the County of HallJ State of
<br />~ebraska. records.
<br />
<br />GRANTOU covenants (jo1,ntly und lH'veral1y. 1.f TIwn thv,n \)ne) ..:ith GRANl'EE that
<br />GRR1TO R :
<br />
<br />1. i8 lawful:y seised of such rea] estate, and that it is free
<br />from encumbrances except special assessments, covenants. conditions,
<br />variances. easements, agreements and restrictions of r<ecord and except
<br />for the Declaration and the nttached Exhibits A through F, recorded on
<br />f')ct('ber 17, 1981,. under )Joct:.ml."nt No. 84-005507 of the County of Hall.
<br />State of Neb,;n;ka. records; and except encroachments. overlaps, boundary
<br />line disputes and any other matters which would be disclosed by an
<br />accurate survey and inspection;
<br />
<br />
<br />_1t__. 1984
<br />
<br />a Nebraska corporation, Grantor
<br />
<br />By ~~~d:;,
<br />
<br />)
<br />) 58
<br />
<br />. The foregoi,ng in(;trum~nt wasacknowle,d.ge,~. be!ore me O.P. DeCetnber.9.) ,
<br />1984. by ~---l\. C A'{' \:.e 'e ' \J \1'.R. V!~Q,<L~JiLI\.^ of Devco Investment
<br />Corporation, a Neb.'raska corporntjon, on behalf of the corporation.
<br />
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<br />\ (";.0.:.. I
<br />Not:~r:1 Put,li
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<br />f, U cYl.,,)O j~
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<br />StElte of Nebraska, County of Hall
<br />
<br />t.~. CUIUl"OIA~Y-S.""'IIl'.""'"
<br />. ~ ROSE(, VODVAR~
<br />~, -c? My Ctmm Elp lol'? 't
<br />
<br />Flled for H'!cord end entered in Numedca:: IlIdex on
<br />
<br />19 . at o'clock _.m.. and '(.:,corded in Deed Record
<br />Pag';';--
<br />
<br />Gounty-C;r"-Deputy County Clp.rk
<br />Register or Deputy Register
<br />of Deeds
<br />
<br />lSIArI:ME1::J..J;A DACHfJ)
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<br />
<br />\ . 0 E C 3 ~ i9B 1
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<br />$ 7$ ..- BY
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