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<br />I <br /> <br /> <br />L <br /> <br /> <br />84 ...... <br /> <br />006853 <br /> <br />cA'') <br /> <br />(6) To use the loan evidenced by the note solely for purpoaes authorized by the Government. <br />(7) To pay when due all taxes, liens, judgments, encumbrances, and _~nts lawfully attachina to or ..-..ed <br />"Pinst the ~peity, including all charges and assessments in connection with water, water rights, aad water Stock JlC"..... ain. ,N... <br /> <br />:~~t'l:! =:~~o ~~b':~~~e:tyP:ru:e~ ~~= -:;~d h~:~..:1 =:r:::=: :t:..._. :,'...dtii.'..,."'".'i <br /> <br />debtewss under the laws of Nebraska, and promptly delMr to the GovernmMt without demaad m:dpta .~... <br />payment.. >> ._ <br />(Il) To keep the propeny insured as required by and under insurance pdicies approwed by the ~Il m:.>\.'~..'........>. at... . <br />its request, to deliver sw:h policies to the ~nment..> '\,> , . <br />(9) To maintain improvements in good repair and make repairs required by the GovernmMt; CIJlf""the <br />in a good and husbandnwdike manner; comply with such farm conservation practices aad fann aad home <br />as the Gowmment from time to time may prescribe; and not to abandon the property, orcausc orpermit__, <br />impairment of the security covered hereby, or, without the written consent of the Gowrnment, cut, _ove, or <br />timber, gravel, oil, gas, coal. or other minerals except as may be nece......y for ormuy domestic purp_ <br />(10) To comply with all laws, ordlnant:cs, and regulations affec:ting tbe property. <br />(II) To pay ortcimburse the Gowrnment for expenses reasonably nccessay or incidental to the protection oEtheliea <br />and priority hereof and to the enforcement of or the compliance with the provisions hereof ami at the JlGte amI..y ......- <br />mentary agreement (whether before or after default), including but not limited to costs of cridcace of tide to amI_yoE <br />the propeny, costs of recording this and other instrumenu. attorneys' fees. trustec:s' fees, court costa, aad espemaoE adftr- <br />tising, selling and conveying the property. . . <br />(12) Neither the property nor any portion thereof or interest therein shall be l_d, aHiped, sold, traRsferrH, or <br />encumbered voluntarily or otherwise, without the written consent of the Government. The Goftmment shall a- the .ole <br />and exclusive rilthu as mortgagee hereunder. including but not limited to the power to grant CORleftts, plnial reIe-. __ <br />ordinations. anJ satisfaction. and no insured holder shall have any righu, tide or interat in or to the lien ex any bene6ts <br />hereof. <br />(13) At all reasonable times the Government and its agenu may inspect the propctty to uc:ertain wllctlacr the coy- <br />enanu and agreements contained herein or in any supplementuy "Ifeement are being perfurmed. <br />(14) The Government may (a) extend or defer the marurity of. and renew and reschedule the payments on. the debt <br />evidenced by the note or any indebtedness to the Government secured by this instrument, (b) release any p8rty who is <br />liable under the note or for the deht from liability to the Government, (c) release portions of the property and subcwclillate <br />its lien. and (d) waive any other of its rights under this instrument. Any and all this can and will be done withOllt affec:tiac <br />the lien or the priority of t~i~ instrument or Borrower's or any other party' ~~ the Gowl1UllClnt ~ payment of the <br />note or debt secured by th15 mstrumenl.3l.nI<<!nt-""J'r<>tI,,;n".,,-nrwrllillj!-1fOWEVE~any lorbcar&iiCe by <br />the Government whether once or often-in exercising any right or remedy under this instrument, or otherwise afforded by <br />applicable law, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. <br />(15) If at any time it shall appear to the Government that Bonower may be able to obtain a loan from a production <br />credit asooc:iation. a Federal land bank. or other responsible co"perative or private credit source, at reasonable rates and terms <br />for loan. for similar purposes and periods of time. BorTower will. upon the Government's request, apply f.". and accept such <br />loan in suffICient amount to pay Ihe note and any indebtedne.. secured hereby and to pay for any stock neceSSllfY to be <br />purchased in a cooperative lending agency in connection with such loan. <br />(16) Default hereunder shall constitute default under any other real estate. or under any personal propcny or other, <br />security instrument held or insured by the Government and executed or assumed by Borrower, and default under any such <br />other security instrument shall constitute default hereunder_ <br />(17) SHOULD DEF AUL T occur in the performance or discharge of any obligation in this instrument or secured by <br />this instrument. or should thelanies named as Borrower die or be declared an incompetent, or should anyone of the parties <br />named as BOtTower be declare a bankrupt, or an insolvent or make an assignment for the benefit of creditors, the Govern. <br />ment, at its option. with or without notice. may: (a) declare the entire amoum unpaid under the note and any indebted_ <br />to the Government hereby secured immediately due and payable. (b) for the account of Borrower incur and pay reasonable <br />expenses for repair or maintenance of and take possession of. operate or rent the property, (c) upon ~plication by it and <br />production of this instrument. without other evidence and without notice of hearing of said ~plication. haw a receiver <br />appointed for the proper.y, with the usual powers of receivers in like cases, (d) foreclose this instrument as provided hffein <br />or by law. and Ie) enforce any and all other rights and remedies provided herein or by present or future law. <br />(18) The proceeds of foreclosure sale shall be applied in the following order to the payment of: (a) casu and expellses <br />iacideRt to enforcing or complying with the provisions hereof. (b) any prior liens requin:d by law or a competent court to be <br />so paid. (c) the debt evidenced by the note and all indebtedness to the Government secured hereby. (d) imerim liens of <br />record required b). lAW or A competent court to be so paid. (e) At the Government's option. iUly other indebtedness of 8or. <br />rOwer owing to Or insured by the Government, and (I) any balance ro Borrower _ At foreclosure or other sale of all or anv <br />part of the propert!. the Gowrnment and its agents may bid and purchase as a stranger and may pay the Government's shar~ <br />of tite purchaae pnce by crediting such amount on any debts of Borrower owing to or insured by the Government. in the <br />order prescribed aboft. <br />(19) 8~ .gees that Ii,., Government will not be bound by any present or (uture State I.w. (a) providill!! for <br />~ti<>n. ~, homestead or exemrtion of ~he p~~rty. ~b) prohibit!"g maintenance of an ACtion fot a defiClell'" <br />~..t or Iimitintl the amount thereo or the tune within whICh such action must be brought. (c1 preocribintJ; Any other <br />statute of limitations. (d) allowill!! .any riltht of redemption or possession following any foreclosure sale. OJr (e) limiting the <br />conditions which the Government may by regulation impose. indudinf( Ihe interest ratc it may charge. AS . condition of <br />approving a tra".fer of the property to a new Borrower, Borrower e.pressly waives the l~nelit of .nv SUdl State bw.. <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />..J <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />~ <br />