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<br />84-006810
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<br />9. ea.....uIk.. The proceeds of any award or claim fc.r damages, direct or coasequenlial, in connection with lIAY
<br />condemnation 01" otIIer takinJ of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are ,hereby assl&acd
<br />and sball be pUd to Leodef.
<br />In the event of a total takinfk::r:,,: Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums. SCl;:URd by this Deed of Trust.,. '
<br />with .tho OJICQS, if any, paid to cr. In the event of a partial taking of lhe Property,. ullless Borrower and Lender
<br />othcrwlle apein wririn&, tbcre shall be applied to the sums secuRd by this Deed of Trust eucbpreportion Qfthe~
<br />as is cqualfu dUll proportion which the amount of the sums SCC\IRd by this l)ccd of Trust immccJiatiJlyprior to "'CliWof
<br />taltiq. bears to the fair llllU'ket value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking,. with,'. the, IWance of, ,.the""..',,...,.. oc_.. lis.
<br />pUd to Bonowcr. . \ ,', .., "/'\'
<br />If tho Preporty. is abandoacd by Borrower, 01" if. after notice by Lender to Bonowcr that the ll9Qdemlllr~to~
<br />an award or settle a cIailn for dama.., Borrower fails 10 respond 10 Lender wilhin 30 daYS.afblr thodlltcll1lCJi,:,~+ia,'
<br />lRlIiIocI, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceccIs, at Lender's optioa. either to rostoradonOl"..".. ,
<br />Property 01" to the _ secured by tbis Deed of Trust./\ ..' .
<br />UntasLender aad Borrower otherwiscalfllC in writing, any such application of pt'(lClIeda to principal shall not
<br />01" postpone the due date of the n.onthly installments referRd 10 in plIragrapbs I and 2 hereof 01" c-811 thelUftOUllt of
<br />such ~.
<br />1.. Ierrower Not....... Extension of the time for payment or moditk:alion of amortization of the sums IICCUI'C1
<br />by this Deed of Trust ~nted by Lender to any SUCCCllSOr in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the liability of the onginal Borrower and Borrower's sUCCQSors in interesl. Lender shall not be requiRd to ~
<br />proceedinp ap/nst such successor or refllSe 10 extend time for paymenl or olherwise modify llQIQftizatlon of the _
<br />secured by 1IUs Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made bv the original Borrower and Borrower's IIUCCCSlIOI'I in intere5!.
<br />11. ...........,. Lemler Not. WlliYer. Any forbearance by Lender in exercisinllllAY right or remedy hereunder. or
<br />otherwise alfonlcd by applicable law, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such riJbt or remedy.
<br />The procurement of insurance or lhe payment of laxes or olher liens or characs by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accelerate the matUrity of the indebtedness secured br Ihis Deed of Trust.
<br />12. --.... ~e. All remedies provided in Ihls Deed of Trust are distinct and cumulative 10 any other risJlt
<br />01" remedy under this Deed of Trust or afforded by law or equilY, and may be exercised concurrently, indepeadcmdy or
<br />succcai~
<br />13. ~. lIIIlI ~ IIotmd; Joint lIIIlI Several LiIIbIIty; Captlons, The covenanls and agnements herein
<br />contained shall bind, and the nghlS hereunder shall inure 10, Ihe respeclive successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower.
<br />subject to the provisions of paragraph 17 hereof. All covenanls and agreements of Borrower shall be joint and several.
<br />The captions and hclIdinp of tho .::f.aphs of this Deed of Trust are for convenience only and are not to be used to
<br />interpret 01" de6ne the provisions .
<br />14. Nofke. Except for any notice required under applicable law to be given in anolher manm:r, (a) any notice to
<br />Borrower provided for m this Deed of Trusl shall be given by mailinll such nolice by certified mail addressed 10 Borrower at
<br />the Property Addren or at such other address as Borrower may designale by notice to Lender as provided herein. and
<br />(b) any notice to Lender sball be given by certified mail, return receipt requesled, to Lender's address slllted herein or to
<br />-a. ...tIiilr~ar~-dt:5ilPlllte-bytll)tiw"1l:rlklrro\Rra>proYided-hemrr:L'rnyIwtiw'pro'VideltfuT-in-thi1i-'-"----------~-"-
<br />Deed of Trust shall be deemed to have been liven to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner designated herein.
<br />15. ~ Deed of TnIII; GoftrRiIIa I.aw; SevenfJlllfy. This form of deed of trust combines uniform covenants for
<br />national use and non-uniform covenanls wiih limiled variations by jurisdiction 10 conslitule a uniform security instrumenl
<br />covering real property. This Deed of Trust shall be governed by Ihe law of the jurisdiclion in which the Property is located.
<br />In lhe event that any provision or c1allSe of this Deed of Trusl or Ihe NOle conflicls wilh applicable law. such conflicl shall
<br />not alfect other provisions of this Deed of Trust or the Nole which can be given effecl without lbe confliCling provision,
<br />and to tbis end the provisions of the Deed of Trust and the Note are declared to be severable.
<br />16. lief...... Cop,. Borrower shall be furnished a conformed copy of Ihe Nole and of this Deed of Trusl al the time
<br />of execution 01" after recordation hclreof.
<br />17. ,.....,...ofdle~; A_pdoD. If all or any part of the Property or an interesltherein is sold or Iransferred
<br />by Borrower without Lenders prior written consenl. excluding (a) lhe crealion of a lien or encumbrance subordinale to
<br />tbis Deed of Trust, (b) the creation of a purchase money security interesl for household appliances, (c) a transfer by devise,
<br />deKcat or by operation of law upon the dealh of a joinllenanr or (d) the gran I of any leasebold interest of three years or less
<br />not COlItainin, an option to purchase. Lender may, at Lender's option, declare all the sums secured by Ihis Deed of Trust to be
<br />immediately due and payable. Lender shall have waived such oplion to accelerale if, prior 10 the sale or transfer, lender
<br />and the person 10 whom,lhe Property is to be sold or transferred reach agreement in writing that the cRdil of such person
<br />is 5lItiMactory to Lender and thai the interest payable on Ihe sums secured by this Deed of Trusl shall be al su"h rale as
<br />Lcmfcrshall~. If Lender has waived the option 10 a"celerale provided in this paragraph 17. and if Borrower's successor
<br />in intere5! bas ellCCUted a written assumption allreemenl a"cepted in writing by Lender, Lender shall release Borrower from
<br />all obIiCr under Ihis Deed of TnlSt and lhe Note.
<br />ft exercises such option to accelerale. Lender shall mail Borrower notK:e of acceleralion in accordance wilh
<br />~ 14 hereof. Such notice shall provide a period of nOI less lhan 30 days from lhe dale the notice is mailed wilhin
<br />",hidl iorrower may pay lhe sums declaRd due. If Borrower fails 10 pay su"h sums prior 10 lhe expiration of such period.
<br />Lender may, without further notice or demand on Borrower. invoke any remedies permilled hy plIrallraph 18 hereof.
<br />NON-UNIfORM COVIlNANTS. Borrower and l.ender further covenanl and aJl'cc lIS follows:
<br />.1. Ace................... Except as pI'OYldetI .. pIIl'lIlInIph 17 Itenof, uptIIl 8omlwer's IImIch of ..y CO".... or
<br />:rUB....I of au-. .. dill Deed of Trust. iIIdtIcIIaI the (Oft....... to plI)' wIIe1t .... l1li)' _ IImftlI IIy Ibis Deed
<br />Trust. ........ pdur te acceImdioII ... IIlIlII notice to Iktrrower .. pI'OYtded .. ,.. lit...... 14 ........ 1pIdf,..1 (l) tile
<br />IIIetIdt; (2) die ..... r1IfIIIImI te cure .... brnctt; (3) . ....., not '- than 30 duys r..... the tIMe the notice is ...... te
<br />.............. ., wille. .... ..... IIIMl be cvml; lIIIlI (4) IIlat ftIIIure to cure .... IImIch DR or Wore the ..... .....
<br />.. the notice IIlIII)' result .. 8C<lleratilm of .he .._ seund .,. tbls Deed of Trust lIIIlI .... of tile .....,...,. 'I'M IlDdce
<br />daB flIIdter ........ ............. of tile .... to Rinstate after acceIer8tt8R lIIIlI the .... .0 ...... a C8Mt ..... to _n
<br />the -....... of a ...... or l1li)' oilier cIe'- of Iorntwer 10 acceIer8tt8R lIIIlI sale. If tile IImIch Is not cund
<br />DR or ...... ... ... ....... .. t'" rmdee, ........ III Le.....'. opdoD may declare all of the __ IKumI ..,. dill Deed
<br />of Tr8at to ... I..... IIIIII'''' .... lIIIlI peydie wldlout flHther tIemlIIIlIlIIl4I _y ..". tile power of ....lIIIlIlIII)' oilier .........
<br />........ :'=NIJh law. ........... be entlfle4, to coiled all fe_au.." COlIIt8 lIIIlI e~ ItIcuned .. .......... the
<br />....... ill dill porIIIlI.... 18. IateIudIatL hat Rot IIaIIt1NI to. r_.n.11 __y's r-.
<br />If... power of .... III ....... 1'..... ...." nconI . notice of t1ef8lllt .. eadt COlIIIt)' ill wlddl the .....,..., lit' _
<br />... ............... 1IIl4I... ..... eepiM of .... IlDdce .. ... _ prescr11114 ~.... law to Iktrrower _ Ie the
<br />oilier ....... .-..... ., 1"'1: J...... law, After........ of IHK. time as _y lie IIy 1IpIIIk.... law, TruIIt<<e shall
<br />.. JLI.. .... of .. to pen- _ .. tile _ ptCSCritIed IIy appIIc law. TnIIItee, wtthut ....... DR
<br />~. ... .. tile .........., III ..... _.... to tile ...... IIkhIer III t'" tlllle and place lIIIlI __ the __ ........
<br />ill ... IlDdce of .... ill ... or __ plIrCOIlIIIlI .. eadt order .. T..... _, dlNI ftoIm,. T..... _y ......... .... of aU
<br />or . ..... of ... ....., .,. pIIIIIh: _meet III .he lime _ place of IIIIy preriotnl)' 11<'........... LentIer Of
<br />~ ........ ..., ..... ... .........., lilliii)' .....
<br />v....= of IIIIIJ'ma\IIt of ... price lIW, T..... ..... Mvcr to file porrlIaHr TruIIt<<e'. tIeetI CIMITC"" file ........y
<br />...... ..... ill IHi T.....'. ....11 daB lie prima facie IlYhIenc, of t'" fnIth of tile lttIt,mt_ made ttmoIn. T......
<br />....... tile ....... of tile .. ..... ~ <<mIm (.. to aU re.u....11 COlIIt8 lIIIlI ''- of tile ... .......... bot
<br />....... to. ~ ... of.... _re ..... '" of tile IIf08 .... price, re_..1lIe 1ItforMy's r- _ COlIIt8 of
<br />-~ eM to 1II_ ---.. .y dill Deed of TnMlllll4l (el file elll....... If ..y. to tile .....- Of ...- ......... .......
<br />....... .........:-
<br />if. ....__..4..........~. NOlwllh3tlllWillS L.ernler', accel<ir.lill/l 1.1 the oum, !l<<llrl!d hy this Deed of Trus..
<br />hrr~t m.IIltaw tile riPt 10 heV1~ afit)' pt'0I.-S1f1l!l ~lIn by Lendllf 10 enfofl:l1 Ihill Dood of Trust diiK:Onlinulld al
<br />lIIl!lIf lIfI!le pt'lm telM oorlitr ll:>> lK'fillr ,,)if (i) tllo fifth ,tll;Y bfitmlrhe ...~ 01 rhe Pr.lf'*IY PUf$U31l1 10 rhe pl.lwer 01 .all! cotllailmJ
<br />ffillIi!h~(If Trwor(ill.rym a lu~t Ilmon:mll 111M ~ of Tllm If, (a) BonOWllr payo/endllr all Sllmo which would
<br />he di!im ... under tM ~ <il' 1w,", tlie Note 3M 00Ift ..Ufli'Ili! FUIlJl'lI "4V11:~', il allY. had no acceleuhnn oCl:urrro:
<br />(bl ~ l:llf" all Itr_,* of IIIlY Plhel COVellall" Of alll("4Il<tllt. ,,/ h'w",,,. tOnllllrl<ld tn lhi. ~ ", Tnul;
<br />~I hr~ fMl'" all r~ lll_PC_ hlltUfflltl by I..lIndll, and 'I,,,.,@<: in ",,1"''''''11 ,Ile ,ov"nanh and lllr<l1:mellt. of
<br />~ e_llimld !rl ,h16 ~ ",I' 'Trl:lllC ..nil III Il'llf"""inlil 11!1l<k1'" ond '1'111"'''''' '"m"dK:. ,a~ prm-Id.:u '11 I'flI'aSIltI.h 1M
<br />~. ~, but "0' lll'l~ 10. ft~ lItl"''''',,, f",,, and (.11 ll<>fft.we, Mh. ",,,,h ..n,,," a. I elldlll ",ay l'I.'Il\l.lt.l>I"
<br />~N 10 a_'I! tlllll 'Ile 1"'111 .., IhlS ~ or Tn"l, L~dIn, mine.. '" Ill<! I'WI'<!rlY olld Rorf4lwl.'r\ "ltli~lili,\n ", I'~}'
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