<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />~ OJ' 1l81'AL Ptl(ll.'~
<br />
<br />'Pab MIIIIon.~4_ of lefttal '_1 ~t (.............,. .... .. enU.
<br />'21""'" day of ......1'. 1_. ., .. bet:weft tile Ullftnipe4, plI~'" .
<br />aptlI'Rent _t(.)' (~) .. Ileveo lIweat1lilK COl'l'outioft, . ~ .
<br />ta .... with rete_ to tile foU_al: .
<br />
<br />A. 'Dlb ~:t.JlII_ is to iNttate tIlet the OIIMI' .....~ . .
<br />~ dace;! ~ 27. 1_. fin- 'DIe Yaay etIl1'Oll1ai_. ,,~,
<br />..........the ....1 ..tate "scr1bed, to vit (tile "Ua1t"h .
<br />
<br />~_1Jft1t(al~,.10ll4. 'DIe YllllCllI7.11 C4n...trttu.~
<br />A ~nl_ta~withtlle D'lIc:lli11"lItlcm~_
<br />October 17. 1_. uadet ~Ifo, 810.005507 of the County of
<br />lall. State of ........, ncOl'lle.
<br />
<br />I. A copy of at! Ufteaeeuted Reatal Pool Acr_t 1.a l1leOl'pCmlt........1,.lt.....~i;~.
<br />Declaut1en. RCOI:ded on October 17, 1_. undu ~t 110. 8Io0000SS07of .~ClouftcJ..of_l,
<br />State 'of lIelIra.u. reccmls.
<br />
<br />C. 'DIe Rental Pool AlIl'e_t UlIeuted by the Owner .. Apnt state. thet IIfttU. J..i30,
<br />1990. tile VR1t(s) w11 be ....t.4. 1....4 .14 subleand tllrouab .. pl.ce4 1a tIle.'DIe<"lllllCey
<br />reatal pool in accordance vitll the tet'lU .. conditions .. defined ill the llefttal Pool~t,
<br />
<br />D. 'DIe 1lelIt.l 1'001 AIT_t .lso states th.t IIftleu the OWller re"ne. the riPt to __
<br />the VRit(.' occupied by the Owner or the Owner'. t.ediate flllS11y. tmsiDellS cUeats or ..,1.,...
<br />(tlHe1nafter reful'ed to .. "hnotUll Use"). the Owner wll pllrticip.te in the reata1 pool
<br />ftt)ject to certain te.... a1ld c0ll41tlOll. a deflned in the !le1ltal Pool Acr_t.
<br />
<br />It, 1be~.-ftstf:M<<" tM Aieftt ~'UlIift-&'Itilt-on behalf '*~--___.
<br />the reate1, l_tac .nd .uble.ai.. of the lInit(s) until JUfte 30, 1990. lIUbject to the tema ...
<br />condittem. as dafined ia tile ....t.l 1'001 .....-nt.
<br />
<br />t. All netic.., ~. inquiries or doc_ts ebat are Jemitted or required to be ai_
<br />or ..rved herewde.. .1Ie11 be in Wl'itlna an4 w11 be served by certified or r..btered _U,
<br />poet... '.....i4 to the OWllen at the a44re.. appearina below, .... to tba a\pIlt .t the ........
<br />appeeriDl Mlow. hdt ...re.... ..,. be c:hanp4 frlllll tiae to tlM by either party ., "!'VIas
<br />notice .. ,nvided a,",,".
<br />
<br />'DIe .....t and un4entped Owner b... ueeueed tilt. !le1ltal 1'001 At:re-t on the Itay and y....
<br />fi...t .-... written.
<br />
<br />"OImon'"
<br />
<br />"......t"
<br />
<br />tII1Q) 1....:1:_ COIlJ'OMT1M
<br />A ICfll>rHka c011lOraUon
<br />,c
<br />
<br />" ~.
<br />Iy l\.~~ e-
<br />title . 1 J', ,C.t.-+-
<br />Add"..: 4616 rterce ,"i
<br />!',O. Box 4~
<br />Lincoln. N: 63504
<br />
<br />44 4' ~2/~
<br />
<br />lUll or IlIIUlIICA
<br />QJIIIft ~u.%:;
<br />
<br />...
<br />
<br />"'_, pe .,... flil1'~ 1M
<br />~,'" C.
<br />......1-1 of tile
<br />
<br />,"" ___le4p4 ufore IIIe thb '2 'J~.ay of ~,. (In ~ .
<br />h..,.... . of 1Wfco tnve.l:IIant torpor.UOll. . lIelIraelta corpoI'aUem, em
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />"" It __
<br />Ql>,"'I,ML !'iOTAmAl.
<br />~,,;;>]i::i: ,,,,- L" " ,. I
<br />.. Of..!!":ll"t:",:::=^.~tlt.
<br />._ -/ . I r~.~, aM:.
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<br />".. ___le4p4 betore IIIe thh '211:>-da,. of '\).:c;.U'L\.~ .
<br />&II It...?-)TY lIClt and It...,
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<br />Mo~~
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