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<br /> <br /> <br />84,-006806 <br /> <br />16. OPtion, to ForedoIt. Upon the _rrence of any defatlt hereunder. ~,~II1Jiw~~optioft to <br />forec....1hlsTrust.Oeed in the..~ prorided by 1M for the foredotute'of mot..... on ..... ~;' <br /> <br />17. F~ bylen~" T~ Not ..... Any <br />IlCIf'Oiting IfIV rigttt or ......, .,.,.,..,. ........... IIffor4Id by _icIbIe 1M, <br />..,....... ,JIl1Nite,of1flV1IIGb rigtttor...... hlnunder. U...., the Wl/ver <br />defatlt of TMtOr' IIfIderthk TRItt DeId shill. be deemed to be . WIIver of lAY <br />~Y -rring. <br /> <br />16. T~ Not ~. ElItIMion,of the time for PlIVIMM or <br />IlICIII'Id by dliI Ttutt DeId lII'Iftt1d by 8tnIficMIfy to lilY ..~ in in1lIIWIt <br />in lIftY 1llInner, tIk liabiltt-, of the originII TNIlIor and TNMf's ...... in <br />requil'ld to commen. PI'OGIIdlnp epinIt 111Gb I\Kll:eIIOr or refufl/ to ... time for <br />lII'IlOrtlzetlon of the NI'IlI IlICIII'Id by this Trust DIId by rIIIOrl of BI'IY dImend <br />Trustor's lIUCCIIIOI'lI In interest. <br /> <br />20. RICOIWIYInc:e by Trustee. Upon written of a-fIciery steting that all sums IlICIIred hereby hive <br />been peid, and upon surrender of this Trust Deed and the Not. to Trustee for canc:eUlItlon and retention and upon <br />peymlllt by TNMf of Trustee's fees. Trustee shell reconvey to Trustor. or the penon or penons 18lIIHY entitled <br />. . ther8to'. without .werrII!!i, 1'!Y..JlOrtl~~f th_~,!'rQ~!W.1~.h9.ktbenlunder._. Thll.I1ICt8I",.iII such r8(!0!W__ot <br />-------- iny'inItUfS.o,fICU shall be conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof. The grlntee in any reconvevenee mev be <br />described as "the penon or penons Iege/ly entitled thereto". <br /> <br />l <br /> <br />ft. 8enefIcilIry's Powers. WI1.hout affecting the Ii-.Jflty of the Trustor or lItYothertM.I~I"",.forthe <br />PIvment of llfIYobUgatIon herein mentioned, and without affelltIng the lien orchelteoftMIT.'Dledupon <br />lIftY portion of the Property not then or theretofore released as IlICIIrity for the full-'.of aII\1nf1l1idobl/glllons, <br />Beneficiery mev, from time to time and without notice m rei... any person SO lieble, (iil extend the mat\lrlty or <br />aIt<< any of the terms of any such obligations. liiil grant other indulgences, (Iv,. ....1IIIl!!!!"reconvev. or _ to be <br />reIeaaed or reconveyeclllt any time lit Beneficiary's options any P8rCIl,ponion ,or ell ~!the Property,(vt tiki or <br />..... any other or Iddltionll IlICIIrity for any obligation herein mentioned, ... (vil mike compositions or other <br />Iffll1gll'llllltS with debton in r.lation thereto. <br /> <br />21. Notices. Except for any notices, demands, requests or other communic:lltions required under lPPIicIbIe <br />1M to blt giv~ another manner, whenev.r a-ficiary, Trustor or Trustee gives or SltVes any notice (including, <br />without limit.ion, notice of default and notice of ..leI, demands, requests or other communicetion with respect <br />to this Trult Deed. eech such notice, demand, request or other communicetion shill be in writing and shell be <br />effectiye only if the SII'IlI is delivered by penonaI SltVice or meiled by certified meil. postqe prepMI, retUrn rKIipt <br />requested, Iddretlld to the address es SIt forth It the beginning of this Trust Deed. A copy of any notice of detallt. <br />any notice of SIle, required or permitted to be given heramder, shall be mailed to eech penon who is a perty hereto <br />lit the Iddna SIt forth . the beginning of this Trust Deed, My PlII1y may at any time change its Iddress for <br />sud1 notices by delivering or mailing to the other Plnies hereto, as aforesaid. a notice of such change. Any notice <br />hereunder shill be deemed to have been givan to Trustor or B_fieiary, when given in thellllnner desiglllted herein. <br /> <br />22. Governing ~. This Trust Deed shall be gov.rned by the laws of the Stlte of Nebr.... <br /> <br />23. SWcessors and As$igns. This Trust Deed and all terms. conditions and Obligations apply to and <br />iflUl'l to the benefit of and bind aM PlII1ies hereto, their heirs, legatees, devi--. penonel r.-ntlltives, successors <br />and lIIIigns. The term "Beneficiary" shell meen the owner and holder of the Not., whether or not named as B_ <br />fieiary "-in. <br /> <br />24. Joint and Several UlIbility. All covenenu and agreements of Trustor shill be joint and severel, <br /> <br />a. Severability. In the .1IIt any one or more of the provitlom contained in this Trvst Deed. or the Note or <br />any other ......ity instNlRlftt given in connection with this for any reuon be held to be invalid, il..... or unenfonle. <br />able in any respect. SlIGh inwelidlty, i1.....ity, or unenfon:eebility shall. lit the option of a-fieiery. not affect any <br />other provision of this Trust Deed, but this Trvst Deed shall be construed es if such Inwalid, ill..... or unenforeubl. <br />prGllision hed never been conmned herein or therein. If the lien of this Trust Deed is1nYe/id or ulllnfo<<:eebfe as to <br />MY PII1 of the debt, or If the lien is inwalid or unenforceebie es to any pen of the PrOfllrtV, the u_red or <br />PIrtleIIy ......ed portion of the debt shill be completely peid prior to the peylnl1\t of the remaining and secured or <br />pettieIIy IlICIIred pOrtion of the debt, and all peyments made on tha debt, whether voluntary or under foreclosure or <br />other enforeanmtt IGtfan or ~. shell be considered to hIVe been first peid on and applied to the full pay. <br />ment of thet JlOl1/on of the cIeDt which i, not secured or not fully IlICIIred by ttiillien of this Trust DIId. <br /> <br />:II. NumI:ler lI!lId ~. ~er used "-In, tha singuler number shall include the plural. tha plural, <br />the singuIer, and the ". .f any gender shell be app/icHle to en gender.. <br /> <br />27." l* I<< T~ Truit4lll eooepts this Trust when this Trust Deed, duly executed and Kknowl. <br />.... is made II fJUD/1c t'IIOtd III provided by 1M. <br /> <br />Aft. 711M <br /> <br />PIl9fI& 0' {; <br /> <br /> <br />..J <br />