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<br />fr <br />, <br />I <br />r <br />I <br />I <br />! <br />'" <br /> <br />L <br /> <br /> <br />84L.~ 006806 <br /> <br />chatges or to lNke My payments to lilY existing prio r lien holders or beneflcierles, Benefiel..., may proc;unt such <br />inIurIIlce end maIat such peyment. Ally emounu dI1buned by ......flcl..., to this ~8shdbecome <br />Iliktltlonef indtbtldness of Trustor _red by this Trust Deed, SuctI emountslhillbe ~upcnnotjctlfrom <br />8eneflcltfY to Trustor nIqIfeIting payment thereof, 'and shell bHrl~tfromthe," ~f.~~~i~,'rate <br />peYtblefrom ,u. to time on outItIIlCllng princlpelunder the NOte uii'..payment of hl~....lIt~;~~ be <br />con1f:ery to epptlclble Jew, in which event such amounts shallbW.intemt Itthe'hliI'lInt'R.!~IlItI~ <br />epptIcebleJew. Notbfngcontelnect in this PIratlrePh 8 shall requlre8eneficlerY toiiacUr lilY elCPIIlIt tJr. any <br />IICtion hereunder. <br /> <br />7, ~ent of Rlllnts. Beneficl8ry1hil1 have the right, power and autboritydUri",.~,of <br />this Trust Deed to collect the rents, i_ and profits of the Property end of Illy penoneI prapeny toHtlIdtMAJon <br />with or without taking ~ion of the property affectId hereby, end Trustor hereby ebsoIuteIy and unflOndi. <br />tlonefly ....... lit, such renu, 1Mu.. and profIti to Beneficiery. 8enefIclery,.' howIlwr,heteby consimu .._ the <br />Trustor', collection and retention of such renu, 1Mu.. and profits .. they _e and beoame ,..,... 10 lOng .. <br />Trustor is not It such time, in default with respect to payment of lilY indebted_ 18ClUNd' henbV, or In the <br />perfonnance of any 8gI'MfIlent hereunder. Upon lilY such defauft, BenefIel..., may It anytime, eittiir. in person, <br />by agent, or by a receiver to be appointed by I court, without notice Indwithout regerdto tbeedequeey of lAY <br />security for 1he indebtedn_ hereby secured, 'alenter upon and take pOlllUion of th. ProPerty or any part thereof, <br />and in iU own neme sue for or otb_ise collect such rents, inues end profits, including thOll PIIt due and unpeld, <br />end IfIPIv 1he SIIl'II, less COltS Ind IXf)eflItI of operltion and coIllCtion, including ~ lIttomeYs fees, upon <br />any indebted_ secured hereby, and in such order I' BenefIciary mey det_i..; (bl perform IUch ects of r8PIlr or <br />prottICtion .. mey be nec~ or proper to conserve the vek.te of the Property; (CI !ewe 1he SIIl'II or eny part <br />thereof for such rental, tlnn, and upon such conditions .. its judgmlllnt may dictate or termlJllte or Mijust the terlT1l <br />and conditions of any exilCing 1_ or .es. Unless Trustor and Beneflcilry lIgnIlI othefwise in writing, any IPPliCll- <br />tion of rents. issues or profits to any indebtedness secured hereby shell not extend or postpone the due dltl of the <br />illltlllment peymtl\ts .. provided in Slid promissory note or change the amount of such illltallmants. The entering <br />upon and tilling PORIIIion of the Property, the colltICtion of such rents. inues and profits, and the application <br />thertof . aforeseid, shell rlot _ive or cure any default or notic:e of default hereunder, or invalidlte any act done <br />~-. Slo'GtlllGtillG. Truster a._Fls to Bend/cia!;, ss-ful'tMl'-SIleIJrit'; fGf the p.,.-r"mlII'i(;lI of the obliga <br />tions secured hefeby, all PI'IPIid rents and all monies which mey heve been or may hereefter be deposited with Slid <br />Trustor by lilY '- of the Property, to secure the peyment of any rent or dameges, and upon deflUlt in the <br />performance of any of the provisions hereof, Trustor agr_ to deliver such rents IIld deposits to Beneficiery. De- <br />livery .of written notice of Beneflciery's exercise of the right' granted herein, to any tenent occupying Slid pramiSls <br />shall be sufficilllnt to require Slid tenant to pey Hid rent to the Beneficiery until further notice. <br /> <br />8. Condemnation. If title to any pert of the PropertY shell be taken in condemnation proceedings, by <br />right of eminent domein or similar action, or shall be sold under thr.m of condemnation, all -ros. dameges and <br />proceeds are hereby _igned and ,hall be paid to Beneficiary who shall apply such _cis. dameges and proceeds to <br />the sum secured by thi, Trust Deed. with the exc.... if any. peid to Trustor. If Trustor receives any notice or other <br />information regmtlng such ac:tiOlll or proceedings, Trustor shall give promPt written notic:e thereof to Beneficiary. <br />B-'iciery shall be entitled, at iU option, to commence, appeli' in and prosecute in its own name lilY such ection or <br />proceedings and shell be entitled to make any compromise or settlement in connection with MY such action or <br />proceedings. <br /> <br />9. Future A:lvanc:tll. Upon request of Trustor, Beneficill'Y at Beneficiary's option, prior to reconveyance of <br />the Property to Trustor may mike future edvances to Trustor. Such future advlllCll, with interest thereon, shall <br />be secured by this Trust Deed when evidenced by promissory notes stating thet Slid not. er. secured hereby. <br /> <br />10. Remedl. Not Exclusive. Trustee and Beneficiary, and each of them, shall be entitl<<l to enforce pey_ <br />ment and performance of lilY IndebtedlllllS or obIigatiOlll secured hereby and to exercise all rights and powers under <br />this Trust Deed or under any other agreement executed in connection herewith or Illy IllWS now or hereefter in <br />force, notwithstanding some or ell of the such indebted.... and obligations secured hereby mly now or hereafter <br />be otherwise secured, whether by mortgage, deed of trust, pkldge. lien, assignment or othelWise. Neither the accep. <br />tance of this TrUlt Deed nor its enforcemlllnt whether by court action or pursulllt to the power of .... or other <br />powers herein contIined, shall pntjudlce or in any menner affect Trustee's or Beneficilry's right to reelize upon or <br />lII\force any other security now or hereafter held by Trustee or Beneficiery, it being agreed thet Trustee and Bene- <br />flciery, and each of them, wit be entitled to enforce this Trust Deed and any other security now or hereafter <br />held by Benefielery or Trustee in such order and manner .. they or elther of them may in their absolute discretion <br />determlne. No mMdy herein conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Beneflciery is intended to be IIlclutlve of lilY <br />other remedy herein or by I4w provided or permitted, but each Ihil! be cumulltive and shall be In addition to every <br />other mMdy given hereu'*r or now or hereafter lIlisting It Jew or in equity or by statUte. Every power or remedy <br />~ ~ this Trust Deed to Trustee or Beneficl8ry or to which either of them mey be othefwise entitled, <br />me'll 1M ell~, concurrently or Independe"lly, from tima 10 tima and .. often es may be deemed expedtent by <br />'l"fUftee or IenefIclary and either of them mey pursue incOlllistent remedies, Nothing herein shall be construed .. <br />~- Benefltiery from Mlting a defIcieflcy JudlIment against the Trustor to the extent tud1 action i. per_ <br />mitttd IJy Jew. <br /> <br />n. !!D!!r of",. ~i ~tt\!fl, If ell or any per't of ttIe propeny or any interest therein is solei. <br />t_~ or eonveyed by TrustDf without Il_fleiary's prior written eOllllll\t, 1I1Ieluding lal the crtlltlon of a lien <br />or ,,*,~amIliIl\j~ to this Trust OlIN, 101 the creation of a PUlllhesll monlY security interest for house- <br />hotd _Ii. I0Il, Itl a transf1t.' 0\1 dwillll, deHent or by operatio" of law upon the dlllth of a joint tenant or ldl the <br />lIfiHl1i 04 any l...nold intemt of three yeers or kin IIOt c:onteining an otltion to purc:hesII, IlIflefilliery may, at <br />hfttfiCjary's O/Itkwl, dlICIM all the sums SlICUred by this Trust OelKlto b<I immedietefv dU1l1Od PIII/llbl.; l>ra.ided, <br /> <br />~l!V, 7114 <br /> <br />"iIIIII .3 of (I <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />-1 <br />