<br />
<br />84......006798
<br />
<br />11. 0P.ti0n to Foreclose. Upon the 0ClllH1'InC8 of MY defIuIt hereunder, Beneficiary IIIaH ~ meoptlcm to
<br />fotftlose this TNIt Dlldin the IMnnlIf Pf'OVidId by law for the fonIaIoIure of mOt t.. .Ql'I AIIII pntpIfty.
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />17. F...'tl,,*wllIQfliUrY .1'__ '"" e.... Any foI,ll'J;.alC6 by .......'~TfV~. in
<br />1IC<<CiIing any ~ 01' I'IlftIdy ............, 01' otheIwieI ......., by appliclDle law. lhlllnut _ . '...."". ,..
<br />cIude the ..... of any .. rigItt ... J-.dy ---... LiMwiIe. the -- by......fM.V.T......eflltf
<br />defIuIt of TRlIIIlIr UftIter this Truat ,Deed IhIII nut be ~ to be e wanr of any Gther or sImIar 4eflIiidb......
<br />....--
<br />
<br />11. TRlIIIlIr Not ~ Ext8Mlcm of the tifM for PIyment 01' modIficlIeicm or _al____...~
<br />SIClUNd by this TNIt DaId...... by 1k._1i..4,' 1ft any........ in ~ of TNItor thlIII____
<br />in any 1MnnlIf, the Iillbility of ~ originII TRlIIIlIr aM TNItor's _ in inWast. 1flj~~Rtb...v
<br />requiM to oommenCl Po IUlllliRga IIgIIinIt 1UdI........ or I'tIfuIlI to III(tn time for ......_
<br />~ of the IUMt _red by this TfUIt Deed by ,..., of any demend IMdeby _eriginel T_and
<br />TRlIIIlIr '1IUCICIIIDrI in intlnst.
<br />
<br />11. 1IInefIci.-v'l P-.n. M1bout effecting the liIbiIity of the TIUItor 01', any __ ~ ..... fer _
<br />IJIYfMIIt of any obIiption tt4nin men,icmed, and wflhout affectmg _lien orcllet1ll ofthlsTnnt8eed upon
<br />any portion of the f>ropany not 1Mn or 1hefelofore ~.. -itv for the fuIIllMUftt of _.~'II...itIClllns,
<br />8eMficiary may, from time to time end without notice (il retMe any penon 10 I", {iit IQIRd tMma1Urity or
<br />lIlter Il'IY of the t<<mS of lilY such obliptions, (iiil gnmt othar incMgInCIe. (lvl ,..... or recorwey,on.qno_
<br />......... or ,....w.~ at lIlY time at lIenefIcilIry's options lilY PlI'llIII, portion or IN of the Protwtv, Iv) take.
<br />~ any otfm' or edditionel _ity for any obligation herein mentioned, or (vii make <Xl/~. other
<br />M....JMntS with dttJtors in relation themo.
<br />
<br />20. Reconvevence by Trustee. Upon _itten rlIqUfit of ~ sming that .11 sums _red hereby'"
<br />bien paid, and upon surrender of this TNst Deed and the Note to TNStIe for cancellation and l'lIbIntion and upon
<br />PIyment by Trustor of TrUstee's flies. Trustee shall reconvey to Trustor, or the penon or penIOl1S lepIty IAtided
<br />~. "",lthout _11II'It~. an; portion of the f'roplTtV tMn held herlllMer. ~ ill such -""'lIIf"'~ ('f
<br />MY IIlIUen or flCtl shall be conclusive proof of the truthful,.. thereof. The grantee in any I'tIIXIrIVeY1IA may _
<br />dncribed llS "the penon or persons IegeIly entitled 1hefelo".
<br />
<br />21. Notice&. Except for lilY notices, cIemends. requestS or other cormnunic:etion ~ under IPPIicIble
<br />liIW to' be given in another manner, whenever Beneficiary, Trustor or Trustee gives or servtl$1IlY notice (induding.
<br />without Iimation. notice of <<Smult end notice of _I. demands, requests or othar communication with mpect
<br />to this TfUIt Deed, 8ICh such notice, demand. request or other communic:ation shall _ in writing and shIlf be
<br />effective only if the _ is deIlvered by penonlIIwnice ormeiled by certified mail, PGIst8IIfI~, return ~
<br />requested, addnIlIIId to the eddrea llS let forth at the beginning of this TfUIt Deed, A copy of lIlY notice of deMm.
<br />any notice of .... rlIQUired or PlIf""ined to be given hereunder, shall be mailed to eectI penon who is.1*tV hereto
<br />at the ..... set forth at the beIJinninI of this Trust Deed. Any perty may at any time chlnge its address for
<br />such notices by delivering or mailing to the 01'* perties heme, as aforeg;d. I notice of suctI chi.. Any notice
<br />hereunder IhaII be cIwmId to tl8ve been given to Trustor or 8<<wficierv. when givtlf'l in the manner desitnatlllll herein.
<br />
<br />22. Governing L.aw, TM Trust Deed shell be governed by the liIWs of the State of Nebraska.
<br />
<br />23. ~ _ ~ This Trust Deed and ell terms. conditions and obligations herein apply to and
<br />inure to the benefit of and bind ell perties hereto. their heirs.legMees. _~ ~ 11IPt_ltatives. IUCICIIIDrI
<br />I1'1III ...... The term "Beneficiary" IhaII mean the owner and holder of the Note. whettter or not named.. s-
<br />fiMry ~
<br />
<br />24. Joint _ $llverel u.billty, All COV~ end ...v....tts of Trustor shall be jotM and llIYeral.
<br />
<br />.:t. ~. In the IIVIIftt any OM Of more of the PI'O\'iMc:lm llOMained in this Trust Deed. or the Hote or
<br />any otMr IIIU'itv inItnlment pen in c:onnRtion with this for any ,..., be MIld te be ~. illegel Of ~fofce.
<br />.. in any ~, .. ltweliOity. illepllty, 01' u~ity shall. It the _ion of ~. IIOt ~ any
<br />other IlfMislun of U* Trust DelIIlI, !Nt thlt TfUIt Deed shall be ~ llS if such ,m-at.. ,IIepl, or llnen~
<br />IlfMislun '*' IMI\f8I' beeR ~ herein or therein. If the lien of thil Trust Deed is invalid or \I'*tfo,~.llIllS to
<br />any pert of WItt debC, 01' If the lien is im-1Iid or ull8l'tflw~ III to any pert of the ~Y. thll un.-rld or
<br />~ IIIIIM'lIIlI pOrtiOn of the deIiIt Ihel4 be GontflIRtlly J$eld prior to the PIyment of the ..-ning and __ or
<br />~ SIClUNd ~ of the .~, end all ~ I'II1IlCIe on the debC, ~,,~ Of under~. Of
<br />other .....~ _00 or ~., IhaII be ~ to ha\fe been first ... on and --'1<<1 to the futi pev.
<br />.... of thin ~ 9f the ~ wtlich is not _,. or IIOt fullv _,. by the lien of this Tnm 0MIa.
<br />
<br />:a ~ I!1f ~~ ~er uM herein, the Ii.. oumbef &lml ~ the plural. the plwel,
<br />......., aM the II" of any pnfiIet mall be ~l. to all ~
<br />
<br />21. ,~, by T"lIII!I!: TNttlIEP ~ thIS TN51 wner. this TfUSt 0MIa. eM." IIlulwted and ~~.
<br />.... Itll"illllN.. ~ ~ es ~idd by 1_,
<br />
<br />~* 111M
<br />
<br />".5<>l6
<br />
<br />