<br />')I,'
<br />
<br />] 84--006798
<br />
<br />funhlIr, mil TMt Deed mev, It Lender'. option. be dectand immediately du..nd peydleif (1) Borrower ita
<br />~lp - ..... or... by eny m-. wn.c-er eny I*'tnmhlp intertIt, Of 12t if Borrower is ..po,ltion
<br />- Bon'ower or its ...t ~ ... or __by IIl1V m_ whatIoever "or men of......
<br />of the ~ or PINn1: gorporltion or. if laid Bcwrower Of its .-nt~"""",inany~.wittt
<br />Ilft01Nr ~ or tn1itv. or (3J, if80mliwer is . COfPOf1Itfonendm.. is. "intM~~~~
<br />lien of tM "",of DirectIon ofthe8on'ower0f its ~ COl'pOllItiOli, or (4) if~fs.-'~"7ti~'.'...
<br />tMre is . CltIIngI in tM ,ptIfIOftof~~ om.of_ ~oritlfJlf'lftt~!..~
<br />sttetl haM welved lIUCh option to .clIlIIeme if, prior to tM _. tnINfer Of COlWeIt-, ....~......A-,.jT""to
<br />.mom the PNt*tV is to 1M IOId or tr~ rwch IgNIlMI'It in writing that, the cndlt of sudt..'.Pll'liDftil...
<br />fadIJrv tit IIneficlery end that the i.... payIIM em the sums teCUftId by tfIis Trust Deed.... tJe ....r....
<br />BIIIlfWaoV shill,.....
<br />
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />12. ~ UDCIl1 Defwk;.........= ~. Upon defw!t by TNSCOr in the payment of or ..,.,f$:...-
<br />of tM tIrmI_ condltionI of the Now. or any ...... moctifiGationl or ____ tMnIof,or the~ of
<br />any -- ~ SlIClUfId hereby or in the performanGe of MY of the COVll\aI\lIor ..-.......11....,
<br />..~ lftIy '.dIcIIre IIlllUl1ls teCUftId hereby immld"'" due _ _... _ tM_ .......................
<br />due end..... without pmentmant, demInd. PA*It or notice of .., ldnd. ThenlIhIr. .........V maydltiNr to
<br />T"""" . wrinIn dIclarItion of deftllllt and dIntand, for ..... TNIIIe shill .. tM pcIIIIIIt of_ of tMPnIparty
<br />and if Benefic:Wy decides the Property is to be IOId it sttetl depoait witn TNIIIe tfIis Trust Deed _the Nose or
<br />notes and any other documents evidencing MPlftditvfeS SlCUmd herIby, _ shill deliver to TNItee I wrinlnnotice
<br />of default and eIICtion to CllUse the Property to be 1OId, _ Tl\IItft. in turn. shill prepIfe . slmil.- notice in the
<br />form required by I.. whidt ihall be duly filed for record by Tru...
<br />
<br />I-I After the IlIpIe of such tinw .. may be raquired by law foBowing the ~ of Notice
<br />of Default, and Notice of Default and Notice of s.te hwing '-' gMIn .. ftlqUired by law.
<br />Tl\IItft, without demand on TfUItor, shall sell the Property in one Of monI pamets _ in
<br />such Older,,, Tl\IItft may determine on the 0. and It the time and place ~ in said
<br />Notice of Sale, . public -non to the hitheIt bidder. the ~ price payeb!e in CIIIh in
<br />lawfIH money of tM. urn~_~_~_~Jimt.pl~.mev.-
<br />~~.--_.__._--------_._------ any ___he or the deemt -Pldient, postpone the .. from time to time until it shill
<br />be COIftf&I.. and, in -V such case. notice of postpoltelMnt sttetl be giv.. by public decCI-
<br />ration m-f by such ~ It the time and place last appointlld for the _; PfQYided, if
<br />the sale is PGlICPoned for longer titan one n I day beyond the day dasignatlId in the Notice of
<br />SM. notice thenIof sbIIl be given in the SIlI1e manner as the oritiNl Notice of SIll.. Tru..
<br />shall exllCU1ll and deliver to the purchaser its Deed conveying the Property so sold. but
<br />without MY cowenant or warranty. express, or implied. The reciUls in the Deed of any
<br />mIttIIrI or fICtS shall be conclusive proof of the truthfulnea thereof. Any person. including
<br />wittlout limitation Beneficiary or Trustee. may purcn.e It the sale.
<br />
<br />!b) When Tl\IItft sells pursuant to the powen herein, Tru.. nll apply tile PfOCIlIds of the
<br />sale to PIYfIItAt of tile costs and expen_ of exercising the ~r of sale and of the Hie.
<br />incluc:Hng. without limitation, the payment of Tru..'s Fill incumlCl. whidt TI'U1tel!'s Fill
<br />shall not in the lIlIIflIIIte exceed the sum of Five Hundred and No/1OO 15600.001 plus 112
<br />of t" of the amount SlCUmd hereby and remaining unpeid end then to the items set forth
<br />in ~ptl (el hereof in the onIer therein $tiled.
<br />
<br />~ "-her ~ tM itemI specified in subparagraph (bl. if the sale is by Trustee. or the profl4If
<br />CCMt and other COltS of foreclosure and sale if the Hie is Pllnuant to judicial foreclosure.
<br />the ~ of .... shell be applied in the onIer SUtlId below to the P8'(ITlertt of:
<br />
<br />m COlt of IIftV evidance of title PI'OCUI'Od in connection witt! such sale and of MY reve-
<br />mil raql.tirtd to be paid;
<br />
<br />12t All sums ttltm ~ her1Iby;
<br />
<br /><<3) The~. if MY. to the penon .Iy Intitkld thento.
<br />
<br />11 .'lllllflMl ~ I~ TNSCOr, It its 1XfMfttI, wifl llX.,tll ami daiiver to the hneficillfY.
<br />~ upot'I ....... Mlh SlM'tty i~ II may be AlIiIUired by ~, in form and MlltllMe seti..
<br />~ to .......,.. ~ IIftV of the ~ conveyed by this TRItt OeM, wnidt MlUf1ty inmumertts
<br />.. be .IIICI.... SlM'tty felt TRIStof'. ~ 1*fo.1'I__ of 1111 of the terms. ~ ami conGltioosot this
<br />TnlIIl Deed. the "'Il) III.IV __ SlIIIlmId ~. _ any other _nty ~ts @)I.,tN in ~ wittl
<br />_It,!:> 1mll!\," ~.All'tIMS ~ be ~ Of filM. Trustor', fIIIlMmI.
<br />
<br />14. :.-' 1 ,~" ~ T~ 1In.~ may, fnml time to time, by II written In&tMnem filiI'
<br />~ - .1111114 Illig. t by ~, melled to TRIdOr end ~ in tile OOIIAty or COU"'* in wnidt the
<br />~ Is ~ and by ~ ~ing with the pmvl8ione of the 1II\IPl~ 13M of the St.e of 1'4..-.
<br />.wlN.Cthi1ill~. ~ to the T~ ~ herem or 1III!lting~.
<br />
<br />l
<br />
<br />III ~V, or its ~ ~tatlm or WIilIfilmefl. _ ailhoriUd to MtllI' m any
<br />rlli_~ ~ lMl' II'! IIftV "" of the ~ fw the ~ of ~"' the IllII'M and fnr tM 1lUf~ 01
<br />...~.f4lH~_MV of N 8Ilts it is (IIil~iQd to ~ "',.,.. the tmm of tIlefl'llit OM,
<br />
<br />~.1*
<br />
<br />1".4016
<br />
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