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<br />r <br /> <br />84-...... 006791 <br /> <br />NON.UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br />19. Aeceleratioa; Remedies. Leader sIIaIl gift notice to Borrower prior to a<<:cleratioR followma Borrower'. <br />InadI of oy covenot or qreemeat in dais Security IllItrunleIlt (but ROt prior to acccIeratioR under paraarapIas 13 _ 17 <br />unless appIkaItIc law pro'fi4les otherwise). TIle notice sIIaIl specify: (a) tile default; (b) tt.c actioIl required to _ tile <br />cWault; (c) a date, ROt'" t_ 30 da)'ll froIR tile date tile notice is gi.. to Borrower. by wtucla the default IIUIIt be C1ImI; <br />_ (4) tIlat failure to _ the default 011 or before tile date spedfted in tile notice may rewIt in aeeeIeratioR of tile ..... <br />seeured by dais Seeurlty IRStnI_t _ sale of the Property. TIle notice sIlaU further inform Borrewer 01 tile ript to <br />rciaItatc after aeccIeratioa _ tile ri",t t1) briIIa a c:oart actioIl to lIIICl't tile IIOIl<CXiltcace of a default or III)' other <br />defcIIIe of Borrower to aeceleradon _ sale. If tile default is ROt c:1InId on or before tbe date.&pedJied ia tile ROtic:c. Leader <br />at its optioR _y fICIUire immediate paymeat III lull of an ..... ICCIII'Id by tills s.c.rlty I........... 'IridIout fw1IItr <br />deMamI _ _y i.YOke tile power of sale _ oy otber l'CIIIeCUeI pcnnitted by applicable law, LeRIIer sIlaU be entitled to <br />ceUeet all ex...... incurred i. pIIrI8iaa tile l'CIIIeCUeI promled i. tills )tlIrlIII'IIIII 19. iacludlal. but ROt Ibnitell to. <br />rtllIIlI.... attorne)'ll' fees ami costa of title emIeace. <br />If tile power of _ is Idvokcd. T....... sIlaU reconI a notke of cIcfauIt III eadt county Ia wIIida lIfty part 01 tile <br />Property is Illcatell ami sIIaIl _U copies 0I1Ud1 notice ill tile IIIlItIaeI' preseribe4 by appIieaWe law to Borrower ami to the <br />otber penoas preacribed hy ~ law. After tile time required by IIpp1ia1b1e law. TntStCe sIIalI gift pabIic notice of <br />sale to tile .-- ami ill tile ........ preseribe4 by appIicabie law. Trustee, witbout cIeIIIaml on Dorronr, .... .. tile <br />Property at pubtic IWdioa to the hi"'" bHWer at tbe time ami place _ under tile t...... '1IIpo.telI Ia tile notice 01....111 <br />ORe or more pwc:eIs ami in any order Trutee detmIIiaca. T....... _y postpone .... 01 all or lIfty ...... 01 tile Property ItJ <br />puWic: lIRIlOUIICemeat at tbe time and pIac:e oIl1fty preflouIy sclaedIIIed ..... LeRIIer or its ...... _y purdIaae tile <br />Propert)' at oy ..... <br />Upon receipt of payment of tbe prlee bi4, Trutee sIIaIl cleUYeI' to tbe purdUllu T......... deed conft)'itll tile <br />Property. TIle recitals in the T........s deed sIlaU be prima facie evldeac:e 01 tbe tnIdI 01 tbe "'UIII.."'" ..... <br />Trutee sIlaU apply tbe ~ 01 the sale in tbe followint onIcr: (n) to all eXJlClllCl5 01 tile..... ladu'ln..but _ ...... <br />to, Trustee's fees u peI'IlIitteit by a,pIic:abie law ami ~_Ie attome)'ll' fees; (b) to all ..... HaIRd ItJ tills Security <br />I~t: ami (cloy excea to tbe penon or penoas Iqally eatitW to it. <br />20. Leader in P~ioa. Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property, Lender (in <br />person, by agenl or by judicially appointed receiver) shall be entitled 10 enler upon. take ~ of and IIllIMIC the <br />Property and to collect the rents of Ihe Property including those past due. Any rents collected by Lender or the receiver <br />shall be applied first to payment of the costs of management of the Property and colkctlOO of rents, includma. but not <br />limlled to. receiver's fees. premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys' fees, and then to the sums secured by <br />Ihis Security Instrument. <br />n" iCitKoliTCY8ace.Uponpayment of all sums secured by this Security In"strument. Lender shall request Trust<< to <br />reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencilll deb! secured by this Security <br />Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey tile Property without warranty and without chuge 10 lhe penon or penons <br />legally entitled to it, Such person or persons shall pay lIny recordation COlltS. <br />22. Substitute Tl1IItee. Lender, al its option. may from time to time ranove Trustee and appoint a SUCCCSllOf trustee <br />to any Trustee appoinled hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which Ihis Security Instrument is recorded. <br />Without conveyance of Ihe Property, the successor trustee shall succeed to all the tille. power and duties conferred upon <br />Truslee herein and by applicable law. <br /> <br />23. Request for Notices. Borrower requests thaI copies of the nOlices of default and sale be sent to Borrower's <br />lIddros whICh is I he Property Address. <br />24. Riders to tllis Seeurity lutrulllCnt. If one or more nders are executed by Borrower and recorded "..her with <br />IhlS Security Instrument, the covenants and agreements of each such nder shall be incorporated into and shall amend and <br />supplement lhe covenants and agreements of Ihls Secunly Inslrument as if the nder(s) were a part of this Security <br />Instrument. (Check applicable box(es)) <br />i'1Q Adjustable Rate Rider ['Xl Condominium Rider 0 2-4 Family Rider <br /> <br />Graduated Payment Rider CJ Planned Unll Development Rider <br /> <br />Other(s) lspecify) <br /> <br />Ih SIGNING BELOW. Borrower accepls and agrees 10 Ihe lerms and covenants contained in Ihis Security <br />Instrument and In any rider(s) executed by Borrower and recorded with it. <br /> <br />.. ..,../~:1.'!:f......4!..."{~.r;;..~.,...,....,...,..,,.(Seal) <br />Max w, Li.ndcIt --- <br />.--. } ~ . <br />(::;/~tt,{",C~.~<C-;{,'J.<:"...~-:.Z::f,h~~'(Seal) <br />Patricia L. Linder-hf- <br /> <br />'--.---------,------. ls,.c. IIeIow TlIla lone for ^<:1u.._I&-"-'I] _.__.________,_ <br /> <br />STAiE OF ~~BRAS~A } <br />} <br />COl...INiV OF l.ANCAS:TER } <br /> <br />The l'~'Y'lI'goln!;l lngh't.Hl'HllI!nt w<iI\s.acknowllll'dgl!ll!d bll'foY'1I' f\llll' '::>n <br />December ':;?'l._1 1984 by &K...~.w..:_fb1.IE~.___.iiAnd ,";?1UtI(,M.k / ...u........... <br />hl..lllSl:Hllnd <lIIn<:1 wi film, .. . - -......,~:. <br /> <br /> <br />My ComMl!IJ!!!IAOn t:"piY'lI'!lie <br /> <br />~, ..~ .... '0'" ~~ .~ ~, ,~ <br />~_.._...., <br />~_ HtMY......... ffi-f tU~_'lIll<(' I <br />OR KItA' <br />Moo COO1m 1'1> k <br /> <br /> <br />
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