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<br />r <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />84- 006787 <br /> <br /> <br />If Lende1" required moopp iRSUrllftCe as a condition of maltillJ the loan secured by this Security Instr1ImClI1t. <br />Borrower shall pay the premiums raquircd to maintain the insurance in eftCct until such time as the requireR10llt for the <br />insurance terminates in accordaace with Borrower's aad Lcnder'1I written asroement or applicable law. <br />I. I.....etfoll. Lend<< or its agent may make ...-able entries upon aad inlIpactionlI of the Property. Lender <br />shall give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to all inspcction specifyins nlIIOIlIlble cause for the inspection. <br />9. C-IllldelllRIItkm. The proceIld$ or ally award or claim for damapa. direct or COIUlequentiaJ, in connectioawith <br />any condemMtion or other takin& of any pan of the Property, or for conveyance in lieu or com:Iomnation, .... hereby <br />as.'li1lMd and shall be paid to Lealie.. <br />In the event of a total takinll of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security <br />Instrument. whether or not then due. with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, <br />oo1ess Borrower and Lender otherwise acree in writing. the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by <br />tile amouat of tile proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) tile total amount of the sums secured immediately <br />before tile tllking, divided by (b) the fair market value of the Property immediately before the takinS. Any balance shall be <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if. after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor oI'ef'll to <br />make an award or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is <br />siven, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at its option. either to restoration or repair of the Property or <br />to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. aDY applicati~n of proceeds to principal shall not extead or <br />postpone lhe due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragrapbs I and 2 or change tbe amount of such payments. <br />18. BerTower Not Releued; Forbe8ra8ce By Lender Not a Wai"er. Extension of the time for pa)'meDt or <br />modification of amortization of the sums secured by tbis Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in <br />interest of Borrower sball not operate to release tbe liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's Successofll in itmftlt. <br />Lend<< shall not be required to commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to exteAd time for <br />payment or otherwise modify amortization oftbe sums secured by tbis Security Instrument by reason of any demand made <br />by the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercisins any right or remedy <br />stllilll not tie II. walveffio"-pfei:-riioHiie exerosc 01' any rigiilOt-FCflJei:iy:-- ~~~--_._~-_._._-----~---~--_.----- ~----" <br />n. Succe.on IIIIlI AIIiIu Bound; Joint IIIIlI SeYeraJ Lialtility; eo..ipers. Tile covenants and alfecments of <br />this Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. subject to the provisions <br />of paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security <br />Instnlment.but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing tbis Security Instrument only to mortgage. grant and convey <br />that Borrower's interest in the Property under tile tenns of this Security Inslrument: (0) is nOl pel'SOrnllly obligated to pay <br />the sums secured by this Security Instrumenl; and (c) agrees that lender and any other Borrowcr may llgree to ellteAd. <br />modil)'. forbear or make any accommodations with regard to tbe tenns of tbis Secunty Instrument or the Note without <br />that Borrower's consent. <br />12. LoeB 0uIrps. If the loan secured by tbis Security Instrument IS subject to a law w'hlch sets m:uimum loan <br />charges. and that law is finally Interpreted 'iO that the interest or otber loan charges collected or to be collected in <br />connection witb the 10lUJ exceed the permitted limits. tben: (a) any such iOlUJ charge shall be reduced by the amount <br />necessary to reduce the charge to the pennitted limit; and (b) any slims already collected from Borrower which ClICeeded <br />pennitted limits will be refunded to Borrower. Lender may cboose to make Ihis refund by redUCing the pnncipal owed <br />under the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower, If a refund reduces principal. the reduction will be treated as a <br />partial prepayment without an)' prepayment chllrge lindeI' the Note, <br />13. Lelislatioll -'ft'ectiq LeJKier's R....ts. If enactment or expiration of applicable laws hlt!> the deet of <br />reRdering llny pro\'ision of the Note or this Security Instrument unenforceable according 10 us terms. lender. 011 ils option, <br />may require immediate payment ill full of all sums secured by IhlS Secunty Instrument and may InvtJke any remedies <br />permitted by paragraph ]9. Ifl..cnder exercises this option, Lender shall take the steps specified in the second paragraph of <br />pllragrllph 17. <br />14. Netices.. AllY notice to Borrower provided for in thIS Secunly Instrument shall be gnen b~' delivering II or by <br />~g it by fint class mail unless applicable law reqUll'ei use of another method. The notice shllll be directed to the <br />Property Address or any olher address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be j!.iven by <br />first cl_ mail to Lender's addreB!l stated herein or any other address Lender dCltil\llates by notice to Borrower. .-\ ny notiee <br />pnmded for in this Secunty Instrument shall be deemed to have been all\'en to Borrower 1>1' tender when given as provtded <br />III t1m paraJfllph. <br />15. GeYemiaI La,,; SeftfBWllty. Thit> Secunty Instrllment shllll be g(nemed by federal law illld the IllW of the <br />F~11Ol11J1 which the P1roperty is located, In the event that any provisllm or daufoC of Ihis Security Ittstrumcnt or the <br />~ cooiecb with applicable Illw. such conflict shallllotlllfect other proHSIOI1S of tlm. Security Instrument "r lhe Note <br />wMch C<ID be lIVen elfllCt withouI the confiictmg proviSIon. To thiS end tbe proviMOl1S of this Seeurily Instrumelllllnd the <br />'Note llfededared to be lieverable. <br />16. IJorr&wer', en,)'. Borrower shall be given one (1m formed CI'I'Y of Ihe Nnle /lml of this SCf.'unly' Instrumem <br />17. TraMfer of tllll Pntpen)' or II HeaeftclallllWe8t in Borrower. If' all or /lny I,*rl of Ihc Property or lmy <br />tft~t in !llsl.old or IrllllMerred (or If a benelkl3llntere!lt In Borrow~r IS sold or Iral1sferrl-d and Dorrower IS nola natural <br />wlth<lIAl Umder'~ "flor writtcflI:Onl>ent. Lender mllY. al lis "phon. r<<lulr<: Immedlllte payment III full of 1111 ~ulm <br />b" 11m. *urity IO\lrumen\. However, tlll!> opllon shaH nOl be c~elci"ed by Lender If ,',,,rl:l,,,, 's pr<>l1l1:>1I00 lw <br />~lIlli1iw Ill! of tile r.IiIitc: ohllltl _Ill'll Y I nmumenl. <br />If ~ exercl_IIIIS OptKlIl, l..coder ,hllll g"'c nor rower nollce of lIcl:e1erllllon. Hit, l1olln: ,hllll plmlde a r<:no.J <br />oifl(~ leH lUll ,30 day" frum the dIIte I lie notICe i, d<<livered or mltiloo wilhlll wlllch Borrowt~r musll'*Y all sum, secured by <br />KIil., ~tM:,ty IMlfllIMPI If Borrowtlr failltn Plil)' lhac \lUlls prtlll' to lhe rxplIlltion "f IhlS penod. lemle,' llIay I\l\'llke lUl) <br />~,.m.u~ by thit.$ecurily I,"trumenl without further l1olKeor del11llllld onllt'lwwel. <br />81. Ihr.__'. RIIbt ,.. Rel...#. If IJorrowl:'r meeh I:ertilin I:onl.hllons. IIPHower' ,hall hll\<' Ihe nglH tll hllVl:' <br />~.~ ,lflhl~ ~lIrll:Y 1l1!1trumelll dtli1.'orllinued ~t any lime pnm tn lilt: !tar Iter "f: (II) ~ ,hIY' (or sudl other I'erll~ liS <br />1iIi... mill)' ~~Ify 1'01' feil1MlIll1'menl) ~fore 'Illle of tIN: Propefly pUI\wUlllo /In) I'"wel ". sak n'III<ill1cd 111 II", <br />l~lItf_t; or (IIi "lllf) OI31I1d~m"'1l1 ellfoll:lIli t!u~ ~lInt) Imlntltl"t11 Th.."". tHlllhllllfl' IIfC Ihllt IltlrrnWt~1 <br />t~f 311 ~lIrn~ '~Ili~h chef! would he du.: Illlut'r Ih" ~\lllt~ In'lfllment 3ml tht' Note h~,t Ill' ilcn'klllllnn <br />tb) nil"" Nt)' deflllUlt of allY olher n"ef\lIn"~ .,1' nlle<t/lH?llh; \\:1 flltY' 1111 eXllt~/l":s IIIUlfI'l'l111l enl"IC'ltl/llh" <br />mdlidll'lll. hut not limtted to, rea",-"ulb!1I' l>lh'rn1l'~" f,'I:"<, 31\<1 tdl lilkl:" "lel1 ~CII"" iI' I ('I..kl n\in <br />f~IH'''' 10 ~'Mlr<;, thllt the lUim of lhl~ SocUrtly In,Ulllllcl1l. I,ender', "lIh" '11 the I'WI"'II\ ,,"d IIn'I<''','I', <br />'~!ilIl'I""1l In lh~ "ml~ ~unl'" hy 11113 S<ltllr1l) rn'"UIIlIZIH "ulll "'''11 I Ill'" \Illfhan,w\l ';"11 ft'''''lal''lIltnt h <br />"''>ff'''''~I, Ihl~ 11l'1I'\lm"nllllllJ th~ oh.lll/.-Illlnl" '<<<\lred hCI~) .hlll! renl31111111h ,n,"Ilh' ,t' till" ""..I...a''''1I had <br />',-,c",,,,,j U""'~'e", Ill.. "mIll 10 f~lll,f.IlI~ ,hllll 'wI mf'l'l~ HI !he <:11"" P' m,-"e1"l'iHlPfI ",,,kl ,'I"alll~l'l" i 1, 'I I' <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />