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<br />r <br /> <br />84 - 006761 <br /> <br />l <br /> <br />If Lender required mortJllle insUJ'llllCe as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security Instrument, <br />Borrower shall pay lhe premiums required to maintain the insurance in ell'ect until sucb ~ as therequiRment for the <br />insurance terminates in accordance with Borrower's and Lender's written qreement or~ _11'. . ... <br />8. Iupection. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and iaspcctions of the Property. l..cmder <br />shall give Borrower notice at Ihe time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable ceusc for the inspection. <br />9. ~. The proceeds of any aWMd or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with <br />any condemnation or other taking of any part of the Property, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. ~ hereby <br />assigned and shall be paid to Lender. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security <br />Instrument. whether or not then due. with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, <br />unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing, the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by <br />the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) the total amount of the sums secured imDiediatcIy <br />before the taking, di\'icled by (b) the fair market value of the Property immediately before the taking. Any balance shall be <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Propert)' is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor oICrs. to <br />make an award or settle a claim for ~. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the dace the notice is <br />given. Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at its option. either to restoration or repair ofihe'Property or <br />to the sums secured b)' this Securit)' Instrument, whether or nOlthen due, <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or <br />postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs I and 201' change the amount of such paymeats. <br />It, Borrower Sot ReIeaHd; ~ By Leader Not . Wail'ef. Extension of the time for payment or <br />modification of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in <br />interest of Borrower shall not operate to release the liabiht y of the original Borrower or Bc:rower's successors in iIItenst. <br />Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time fOr <br />payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made <br />by the original Borrower or Soccelili01'5 in interest, Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any ript or remedy <br />'.-Sm.iflMl'lelrWlllVeTol'urplaioo;;I11e-eJ(erCIiitOi~lhi)'TIgilrorremeoy,- ,------ <br />11. Se<<_on lIIICI AIIips BetmcI; Joiat lIIICI Sel'eraI UaItility; Co-sipen. The COVClWlts and agreemems of <br />this Security Instrument shall bind and benelltthe successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the pnwisions <br />of parlllrap!l 17, Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security <br />Instrumenl but docs not execute the Notc: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortJllle, grant and coovey <br />that Borrower', mterest In rhe Property under the tenns of this Security Instrument: (b) is not personally obtipted to pay <br />the sums secured by this Secumy Instrument; and (e) agrees thai Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend. <br />modify, forbear or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or lhe Noce without <br />thai Borrower's consent. <br />12. '- CINIrps. If rhe loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to II law which sets maximum loan <br />charges. and !hal law is finally interpreted so Ihat the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in <br />connection with the (oan exceed the pennitled limits, then: <a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amounl <br />necessary to reduce the charge to the pennitled limit; and (b) any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded <br />permilted limils .....iII be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed <br />under the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal. Ihe reduction will be treated as a <br />partial prepaymenl without any prepaymenl charge under the Note. <br />13. Legislatioa AlfectiDlIt l-ender's Rigllts. If enactment or expiration of applicable Jaws has the effect of <br />rendering any provision of the Note or Ihis Security Instrumenl unenforceable a.xording 10 its terms, Lender, at its oplion. <br />may require immediate paymenl in full of all sums secured by this Securily Instrumenl and may illvoke any remedies <br />permitted by paragraph 19, If Lender cxcrcises Ihis option, Lender shall take the steps specified in Ihe !ieCond paragraph of <br />paragraph 17, <br />14. Sotic:es. An)' notice 10 Borrower proVided for in this Security Instrument shall be givcn by dclivering il or by <br />mailing it by fim class mail un1c.oss applicable law requires use of another method, The noticc shall be directed to the <br />Property Addres.s or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender, Any nolice 10 tender shall be given by <br />11m claM mail 10 Lender's addres.s stated herein or any olher address Lender designates by notice to Borrower, Any notke <br />provided for in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have heen gi~'en 10 Borrower or Lender when given a~ provided <br />in this parlllraph, <br />IS. (io,ermlll taw; SenraWlity. ThiS Security Instrument shall be gCl\lerned hy federal law and the law of Ihe <br />jllnsdiction in which the Propert, is 10000ted. In the cvelll thaI any pro~i~lon or clause of this Secunty Instrument or Ihe <br />Note cOllfticts with applicable law. such conftlct shall not affect olher pro\lsions of this SecUTlly Instrument or the Note <br />which can be ahen effect without the conlllCtmg proVision, To Ihls end the pnwlsions oflhls Security Insrrumellland the <br />Note arc declared 10 be severable, <br />16. 8orrower's Copy. Borrower shall be gIven one ,'pnformed ,op~ "I' rhe Note and pI' this SCI:Unly Instrument <br />17. Tl'IIlIfer III the Proptrty or a Henelkial IlIterest ill Borrower. If all 01 allY part of the l'r"perty or any <br />1I11erat In" is sold or Iransferrro (or If it benefiCIal mlerot In HOHower IS spld or transfened lInd Borrower IS no! a natural <br />peflj{llll without Lender's prior wriuen consent, Lender may, at Us optIOn, require Immediate l'dymcnllfl full of all sums <br />'IC:l:ured by this Securily Instrument, However', th,s OpllOIl shall'\ll\ he eAelnscd hy Lender ,I' ner,',s<: 's I'rolnhik...J hy <br />federal law as orthe date of this Securlly Instrument <br />If Lender cxcr4'iS<:illthis llplioll, Lender shall gwe Hmwwcr noHee of aen'leraHon, The notice shall pr,wldc a period <br />of not I~ thall 30 days from the dale Ihe notll:e IS delivered or rlllllled wuhm will( h Ilonower TIlust ('4Y 411 sUTIls se,'uft...1 hy <br />tl'Us x.:W'lty Instrument, If Borrower falls to ray thc.e sUIIIS prlllr to rhe "'I"ut!l>l1 nfthl' ""rind, I ,'mkr may 101"'1.." ;l1I~ <br />remediell permitted by lhis Sct:urity Inslrumerll without further noti,:e nr dClmill<1 "nll"rn,wer <br />Ill. Ikwrower', RlPt 10 Reinstate. If Horwwcr n,,::eh ,'ertlllTl mlldlll""S, Born.",,, shall haw rhe ""Ill I" have <br />cmforc_m of this x.:urilji Instnunenl d!SCtJ!IIITlUro alllll~. !lIlle rm"r to Ihe "Mhl'l of (Ill ~ <llIys (m Slid, other l"'rI"" a' <br />~u;Jilbk law IllJly '~Ify for relfl,t;.lelTlent, "efore sale of the I'rop"n~ I'll I Sllllll I '0 <lilY pO""er of ".1,' "'Ill;mlt'd III rhl' <br />x.:unlji 1"'trMlmn!; or Ihl enlry "f II JYd~m...nt cnfon:illlllh!s SenlTl!y In'Hume,,!. Those ~ondlll.II" .lit' Ihal 11.,"..w", <br />1111 p"y. Lender ..1I '>Utn, whl~h lhen w..uld .'" clue uuder Ih" Sc<'urlt~ It''lrumelll alld the :-';..1" hll<l 110' .,.",'11""1101" <br />._IIHecd; 101 ,'UIl:' IIflY dcflll.lIl of lIll) oth...r ""'cnanh m "I!:r~<f1Iellh, h'! pay, 1111 "'1"'1"'" ""IIr1nJ '"~ l'IlI01""~ rhl' <br />"iolI"lIoty In..tmTtl<ilfll, 10"; 1 u<llllll, hut nOI IImlletJ r.., te"",mllhk ,,"urneys' f.,,,s, "1111 ,<111,'1..,', ',lIrh "rlln" ," 1,.'n<l"1 "iii' <br />r'(IlI""....bly r<'<jlme tn """"Ie thaI rhe !lell Ilf 11m SenmlY Instrllment, It'llller', fl~III' III Itll: I'h'I"'I;' ,'11.1 tI"I',''''''\ <br />(~'i'"!l<m tn 11.., '>lH1j~ _IIIIN hy 1111. ~UIl1~ I r"trll tI1elll ,11411 "'"III1Hlr 1J!l,hiHl~"" 11"'11 1\""'"11<''''''''' hi <br />ll,tnn't\'(L rh~'l. In"lUuttlent arni lhe: l..thhI2Iton\ !ii.~'Ult.J hefehy ...hitH ITffI"tlll fl~ll! dh.'l (1\\';1'" It "I.' ". ~l'l~'I.ll!l11l h.i1d <br />l it;,'t.I>.M $tid Uo\\. (;'ltt:j , 'hi'/, rlktht fp r'(~Ulst,1J1~ ,tUtll fl~)t app~) In 1 t\(~ l:I'1;1lC 1 ,t itltTkr.lIt Jl Hi II i Idd Pili .I~' ~\ph.... II I q <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />,~ <br />