<br />
<br />84,~
<br />
<br />0067'1
<br />
<br />
<br />See L 23,865
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 24,300
<br />Evans and Patricia A. Evans, each in his andhltr
<br />
<br />KNOW AU. MEN BY lllESE 1'RESEN1S: Tbet Duane M.
<br />
<br />own right and as spouse of each other, MortplJOr,.........OIICIor_,iD ., A-........
<br />Eight Thousand Five Hundred and no/100
<br />..... to _ mortpeor by The Equitable Bl.llIdIns and Lou As8ociatioa of Gaud IsIud, Nmub,.........lIpGIl 85. .. . i.. . . i..i"~
<br />_ ASSOCIATION, CertiflClte No. L 24,300 , do herotIy 1fIlll, lXIIll'C)' and IlWf1ItIIe uatO die _ ASIOCL\11ON*"'"
<br />dncribed lUl Mate, sitl/Bted ill naU county, NebruIa;
<br />
<br />Lot 'lWo (2), Bluhm SUbdivision, Hall County,
<br />
<br />Nebraska
<br />
<br />toptMr with all lhe te_IS, heleditamcnls and appurlenances thereunlo belooging, including attached floor __. II window -.
<br />wimIow shlIdcs, bIiIIds. I$orm windows, aWllJ1l8S, heating, air conditiottillg, and p1utnbintl and water cqvipment 1IlIl__ tbImo, (IlIIIIIIa.--'
<br />Rlfripraton. and otha fixtures and cqvipment _ Of hereafler a1tac:bcd to or IIICd in connection with raid lUl estate.
<br />
<br />And wIIcrca ,he.said IDlIflII80r has asr-l and does hereby apee lhal the mortpgor shall and wiD ply II tuA and a I. InW or
<br />aanacd upon raid pnl1IIi8ca ami UJIOII this JOOrtI!lll" and the bond secured thereby before lhe same shall become ~; to fumiIh IpIIIIMd
<br />iIIsuraAce UJIOIIlhe buildinp 00 said pnl1IIi8ca ultlllled in the sum of S 8,500.00 payable 10 raid ASSOCIATION and to tWi.- 10 said
<br />ASSOCIATION lhe poIicics for said illlUran.:e; and nol 10 commil or permil any wasle on or aboul raid pnl1IIi8ca;
<br />
<br />In CIIC of default iIIlhe performance of any of lbe lerms and condilions of this mot1l!l11" or lhe bond secured herotIy, the ~ shall,
<br />on demand, be entilled 10 i1m'nediale JIOMCSOII of lhe mortp(p:d premises and lhe mot1pgor heccby UIi&ns, lramfen and ... OWl 10 the
<br />mortppc II the: rmls, rnmucs and income 10 be dcriwd from lhe mortpgcd premises during oudl time u the cnortgII(It iRdebtetIMa... ,.....
<br />UIRpIIilI; and tlte> mortPll" shall haw the power to appoinl aay agenl or agenls il may desire for the purpoIIl of ropairiaa said pmIIian and rnliDI
<br />the _ and coIIccIing the rents, rewnUllS and income. and il may pay oul of said income all expenses of repUrilt& raid pmIIian IIlIl ~
<br />c:ommisIiom and ellpctlse. IIlCUned in renling and managing lhe same and o' coIlccting renllls lherefrom; the balance rmWaiIIa, if 811)', 10 be
<br />lQIlItied toward lhe cIiIcltarac of said mortl!lll" indebledneu; lhese ri&lllS of lhe mortPll" may be exercised at any time during the cxiIteacll of aud1
<br />delauh, irmspraiw of lHIY lemporary waiwt of lhe lime.
<br />
<br />1'!Inc Pracnl., howcwr, are upon the Conditior., ThaI if the said Morli\llllOr shall repay said loan on or before the maturity of raid..... by
<br />payIMfIl; pay _Ih!y 10 said ASSClCIA TlON of lhe sum spcciflCd in the Bond secured hereby a. inlerest and priIIcipaI on raid loan, OR or lJefoR
<br />the T_icth day of cadi and every _h, unlil !IIid loan is fuDy paid; pay aU lues and _lslnicd apind raid pmnian lIIIllon dIia MOf1IIIIt
<br />
<br />..... IIle IkIRd sccurc4 thereby. before c!cbn-qucn<:y; furni$b lIJIlIfO\'Cd inNran<:c UJIOIIlhe buildinp lhe~ in the sum of S 8,500.00 (III)"lIWc
<br />10 said ASSOCIATION; repay 10 said ASSOCIATION UJIOII demand all moM)' by it paid for oudl taXC$, a_IS and ~ wide iDteIeIllt
<br />the _imum Icpl rale thereon fr"",date of pay_nl all ofwhidJ MorlPlOfhereby a;n:es 10 pay;pcnnitno WIlle on raid pmIIian;keep IIlIlClOlllply
<br />
<br />witll alIllle lIIIf'lC_S and oonditioM of lhe Bond for S 8, 500 . 00 this day giwn by lhe said MorlJIIIor 10 raid ASSOCIATION, lIIIll ClOIIIpIy
<br />wid! all the roquircmeBls of the Comtilulion and By-Laws of said ASSOCIATION; lhen lhese .......t. shall become nuD and void, othcrwia they
<br />.. rcmein in fuD forr:c and I1liIY be forccJoocd II the option of lhe said ASSOCIATION alle. failure for tIucc _the to IIIIIkc any of raid
<br />~s or be tllrec _tM in ar.... in malting said monlhly paymenlS. or 10 keep and comply with tile .- and r:onditioaa of lIic1lkmc1;
<br />..... ~ ...- 10 haw a recciWr appoinled forlhwlth in sucb forcdosun! procccdinp.
<br />
<br />If IMrc ill any diItItp in ownenhip of the retll cshtc I1tOftIIlIIld Itcmn, by IIIIe or olhcnrise, IheIl the mtn rmWaiIIa _lit,.. 'II herotIy
<br />__ shall, It 1M optiotl of The Equitabk: IIuilcIiiIIg and L.oaa AssociIItion of (;rand Island, Nmub, become itMICdlately cIuc IIlIl (III)"lIWc without
<br />fllftha __, ..... lhe amount rcmai1Iing due under said bond, and Iny other bond for illY additloaaI advuen macIc Ihcrcundcr, shall, fmm the
<br />..... of _me of said optjorI. bear inlemt allhe maximum IcpI rale, and this IIlOf1PllC may theft be forcdo8cd 10 satiIfy the _ due OR raid
<br />1Iand,..... 811)' other boo4 for lKIdiliottal ad_,lopther with all sums paid by said The Equitable BuiIcIlag and Loan AIIoAatinII of GrIIlIllsland.
<br />~ for ~, 1_ and _Is, and: abstracting eKlcmiot1 dIaracs. with intemt lhemm. from dale of ~nl al the muimum
<br />Icpl .....
<br />
<br />As ~ in llIe IlumI _cd hereby, wllile lhis morll!lll" .ema"'s ill effect the mortPll" may hereafter ad_ lKIdiliottal _ to lioc
<br />IIIIIkcrs of _ 1Jon4, lheir osoips or _5 in inlCfClC. which sums shall be WIthin the lleCUfily of tllll mortPIIC lhe __ IS lhe funcla 0fi8iMIIy
<br />-.f t~, 1M lotal_t of principal debt _ In ellc:ecd II any lime lhe original amounl of this mortPIIC.
<br />
<br />DafelI this- 26th day of December '\. n.. 19 84
<br />
<br />
<br />~~~---_......_...............
<br />J-'~~ t't)" '.. ~/q ~0!A~~_____
<br />Patricia. A. ~
<br />
<br />STATI!Of f<lDRMKA.t
<br />!!!i.
<br />c:ouwrv Of If AU.
<br />
<br />O"Ihis
<br />
<br />26th
<br />
<br />De<.'f3nber
<br />
<br />l'l R4 . before me.
<br />
<br />,lay or
<br />
<br />the unden.pe<l, a NoI.aty Publie lfl and fo....id l'OWlIy, per..-'Iy...-
<br />~ M. EvaN and P<1ltrl.cia A. Evans, each ill his and her own right a.nd as I:lPOU_ of each
<br />othIilr, . "tin arp "",ronaIty "_10
<br />
<br />_ k. " 1M ~ica4 pem...S ...IM.... _.li! an' .f1hed to I:..., .Ix,.., ...~;;;, as 0...."I\I1II''' s .nd th.'y ,",....mlly
<br />
<br />IIM"'~ tire MM1lMtr_t to l>e ttw~ir .,,11lfl18ry 0<-1 IUlll ~I /1
<br />Ml'NNlll my '-'l ..."" "'"llItUlI S"'Illlw d.l. .I"._id ...
<br />.' / ," ,.". ._.,:;i '\ '
<br />
<br />l:2:)dt/ /~:? ~~~...'-.~iL
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<br />