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<br /> <br />r <br /> <br />.. <br />84......" 0067.16 <br />ADJUSTABLE !tATE RIDER <br /> <br />'r <br /> <br />THlSADJUSTAILE RATB IUDD is madedds28th _of <br /> iIlc:orj!O(4tldilitoudslulll,lIe..... to __ ud .""lIT R>1 tile MonaIIt.Deed of'I'NR.OF.~torrr, <br />........., of tile..... date.. lly tile nill _Iii (tile .......'') to_lten'oMr's ~~~~;; <br />MVINCIS . LOAItr J.8IOCIA1'I8N OF .... .-..o.'IRr'.AUA (tile "1 , nlfll"ti or1lle', " <br />ud -ms tile property dac:ribod in tile Securky ~ ud IocIJed at: <br /> <br />1412 Coventr Place Grand Island Nebraska <br />(I'nJpIrty Addms) <br />TIle NeIe ___ ........ ....... ... .... ill die .... m... <br />........ ... ..._..."lI......., ...-... .. .. ....... If tile <br />a.-'........,................. <br /> <br />ADDITIONAL COVENANTS. In additicm to tile ~ ud .-u IIlIIcIe in the <br />furdm toVCIIIIIlt ud aaree 8& fo/!ow$: <br /> <br />A. INTEIIIST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENTCHANGIS <br />The Note provides for an iIIitlal ilItcmt rate of 1 1 ... Section" of the Note provides for chaaaes in the <br />moathIy pa)'lllClllS. as fo/!ow$: <br /> <br />... INTEREST ItA TEAND MONTHLY PA YMENTCHANGES <br />(A) DatIl <br />TlleilltcmtratelwilpaymaYcbatlaeonthe 1 c::t day of F<>hn.",T'Y , 19-Ji1&-,.... <br />on tIIat day of the moatIt ~ 1 7 DlOIItIts thcmll'm. Each date on which my inu:rest rate could clwI&e is called a "OIlIap Dati;.. <br /> <br />..TIle.... ,_________ <br />It _' ..;.. with dletint a-.e tiMe, mi~.iilC-wfinle band 00 1III "IDdei:;;'nc-j.-ildiC-~ a-. yield Oft 1JIIiMd,.. <br />~ -mes adjusted to a COIIItIIIt maturity of ena JUn. as made available by the Federal Ioent. The IIIOIt <br />~ IIIda fipre available as of .., days before eedl ChaDp Date is called the .'CIImmt tllda." <br />If the tllda is 110 Ionpr aVllilable. the Note Holder win cbooIe a MW index which is band upoa comparable iuformalioa. TIle Note HoIdIr <br />wiD 1M _ n<<icc of ib dIoice. <br /> <br />(Q ("' I 11.... CIIRIIs <br />Before eedl ChaDp Date, the Note Holder wiI c:aIc:ulate my new interest rate by acIdiJI& t WG and one - ha] f percenta&e pointI <br />( 2 .5 "") to the ClIrrcat Index. and I'OlIIldina to the _t liS"". The _ wiI be my new ilItcmt rate, TIle I1IiJIimln iatemt rate <br />OR" ~ wiI be no !ell diu _~_ ,,", The IIIUimum interclt rate Oft wiI be no more than 14. A7"i ... <br />The Note Holder wiI t'- clctcmline the amount of the monthly paymenl tIIat would he sulT1dmt to repay in fuU the principal I lIIIl <br />~ to owe on the ChaDp Date in 5IlbiItMtiaUy equal paymentS by the maturilY date at my new int_ rate, The rault of .. caIculatlon <br />willie the new amount of my moathIy paymcnl. <br /> <br />CDt ...... Dale.. CIIRIIs <br />My new iIdcnsc rate wiD ~ effective on ead1 Cbaqe Date, I will pay the &molIRt of my new monthly paymcnlllelinninl Oft the tint <br />moathIy paymc&l date after the ChaDp OIle LIII1iI the lIIIIOUlII of my monthly paymcnl c__ qain, <br /> <br />(E) N..-..CIIRIIs <br />The Note HeIchr will mail or deliver 10 me a n<<icc before ClICb Cbaqe Date. The n<<icc will ad.rise me of: <br />(i) the new interclt rate 011 my IOatlIl5 of tile ClwIp Date; <br />(it) llIe amount of my moathIy pa~ followiaa the ChaDp Date; <br />(Ii) aay ackIitioMIlIIlIUers whidI the Note Holder is requind to di8close; aod <br />(tv) the title &lid ~ __ of. penon who wiD_ allY ~ion I may b8ve n:prdinllile notice. <br /> <br />.. au.-. UDII <br />UI1ifemI ~.. of tile SeIlurily ~ is ~ to read III fo&low1: <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />.. ~....... ~ .. pay 8lItun, llUllnUlllS, aod ociler clwaa, fi_ and impositions atlributable 10 lhe Propmy whidI may <br />.. a priedy - tIIlI5ecIu1ty I~. ud IMMtIoId paymcnls of around rems. if lIIIY. in tile __ provided under parqrapb 2 iIereof <br />or, If DOt paid in sudI_, by Borrow<< makina paymcnl, __ dllC, clirectly to lhe payee lhereof. Borrower sb811 promptly furnish to <br />~ all -- of lIIIIOUlIts due IIll4er .. .....".... ud in lhe _I Borrower Wll make PlI)'IDeAt dirCl:lly. Borrower sb8ll promptly <br />..... to !.alder ~ ~ sudI ~. Borrower Wll promptly diaclwee any Iim which Iw priorily over lhis Security <br />... II I~~, Borrower'" not IIercqulred lodMdweeallY mch Iim solOll8 III Borrower: (I) sb8Ilaarce in wriltllllolhe pa~ of <br />lIIe~ --.t by sudllim in a _ ~ 10 lAnder; (b) shall in aood failh COOlest such Iim by. or cld'end &pill5l mf_1 <br />of ..lIetn, Iqalllfoec Idi. which in tile opinion of lAnder operate 10 prmmlllle enforcement of lhe Jim or forfeilure of lhe 'Propcny or <br />., ... tbertof; or (e) ..... *ure from llIe holdat' of sudlllCll all aareemenl ill a form salisfIK1tlfY 10 LmdcIr Sllbordiatllilll such Iim 10 Ibis <br />~~, <br />If I.aIdIr ""-minll IMt 8lI or allY part of IIIe Propeny is M1bjoct to !llim which mill)' a!lain II priorilY over Ibis SecurilY Ill$tlll_t. Lender <br />.. "" Borr.... 11'** idlml1fY\f1c sw:h 1lCll. Borrower Ib8Il taIlor)' such lim or lake one or more of lhe 1K1lO1ls Ml forth lbove within len <br />.,.of em ~ of 1M 1Kllklll, <br /> <br />C. NOnC:r. <br />~~ 140f I,", lhwrily IIISUI~ ~ ~ 10 read lIS folio..." <br /> <br />.... N..-.'~ 1m IHI)' ~'e ~ IIll4er ~ Itlw 10 be llil<l!ll ,n lIIf10lhfl _. ,I) All)' Il(IIk'0110 Borro_' provided for in this <br />~,.I-- Wllbe lliYllllb1deli\'>CriIlIl1 or b1mHiae II by fIn4 clUJ Milo Borr01lOef AI t~ P",peny AiWr.,..or III SlICh othflllddt_ <br />.. Borf_ mIJ ~ by m~~ 10 I~ 116 provl4ed~. and (b) ImY Il(IIlt'e to tendel .hall ~ given b)' firsl du, IImil 10 I ~', <br />~ ~ ~ Q<f 10 ~ 0<11_ ~lM" t~ ~y ~e lIy nt'li,'t ttl Borf01lOef .. !lfllVttled hflelll,.\IlY ll11tkt I'IIl.kWII hit III the. <br />~wl!J)' Ilmr~ !lUll tor __Il' MYB ~ 1Ii...I.llmt.....eI or Lender ..hw 1I....n on I~ m4IHli1f d..'ltinlllw htu'", <br /> <br /> <br />..J <br />