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<br />A sum equllto the ground rents, If any, next due, plus the premiums that will next become due and payllbie,.9Jl
<br />policies of fue and other hazard insurance cOVOl'iftt the mortjlIged property _ plus tUft ami ISIleS$lMftts...~
<br />on the mortgasod property filii /l$ eslinwled by me AIortMee) 1m all sums already pai(itlter::for>dimecU.)',...
<br />number of months to elapte before one month prior to the date when such ground rents, premiums, tlIXes~
<br />_ts will become delillquent, such sums to be held by Mortpgee in trust to pay said grOlJlKl rents,i~
<br />miums. taxes and special a_ssments; and , . ,'.., ' ,... .
<br />All payments mentioned in lhe two proceding subsecti01lS of this paragraph and all payments to be m"~
<br />the note secured hereby shall be added tOj!.ether. and the aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Mo~
<br />each month ill a single payment to be applied by the Mortgagee to the following items in the order set forth:
<br />
<br />(b)
<br />
<br />(c)
<br />
<br />l
<br />
<br />x~xxxl~~~unl~I,
<br />xlt~~&utMdf'Il'lMa,..l<a"lUl:~~
<br />(II) gfOllnd rents. taxes. assessments. fire and other haurd insurance premiums;
<br />(fII) interest on the nOle secured hereby; and
<br />(IV) amortization of the principal of said nOle. ,
<br />Any deficiency in the, amount of any such aggregate monthly payment shall, unless made good by the Mort.
<br />gagor prior to the due date of the next such payment. constitute an even! of default under this mortgage. The
<br />Mortgagee may collect a "late charge" not to cxceed four cents (411) for each dollar ($1) of each payment more
<br />Ihan fifteen (15) days in arrears to cover the extra expense involved in handling delinquent payments,
<br />
<br />3. That if U1(' tolal of the payments made by the 'Iorl!!agor under (b} of paragraph:! prect'ding shall t'xceed
<br />the amount of pa}lIleats actually malk> by the ..Iortgallee for !!fOUnd rents. tallt's and assessment..;; or insurance pre-
<br />lIIiUlllS. as the case may be, ;ouch excess, if the loon IS current. al the option of Ihe Mortgagor. shall be credited b)
<br />Ute \Io~ee on subsequenl pa)'ments to be made by the \Iortllagor, or refunded to the Mortgagor. If, however, the
<br />_thl)' payments made bv lhe Mortgagor under (I,) of paragraph 2 preceding shall not be sufficient to pay ground
<br />raiL, UIAe~ ana iIS~t"~~I~ ur In~t.iii'ii.'i-----ptemlum.~. a~ Ine t"4L.-n. m.~' 0.... wnt!fl Ute :same ~naii 0e<<.."'01Re Que .... pay'"
<br />altIe, then the '\Iortg~ shall pa). 10 the 'Iottgagt'(' an)' amount n{'cessary to make up the deficiency, on or before
<br />the date ",hen paymeat of ,,;uch ground rent,... taxe,.. a.sse,.sment" or insurance premiums shall be due. If at any
<br />tilllt' the \IongllF shall tendt'r to the "Iortga~e, in acconlance with the provisions of the note secured hereby,
<br />full pay_t of Ihe entire indebtedrte"~ repre,.,;ented thereby. the 'long~l'e shall. in I~ompllting the ameunt of sach
<br />indebtednellll, (.Tedit 10 the account of the Mortgagor all paymenls made under the provisions ~2
<br />XkRRd~"""""'XWI~~...WX_M_~"'kd~~t
<br />xlllllk.........._ J I I ..h.A.lfJIIMlIJt.MMMb~Jt____ (b) of paragraph 2 hereof. If there
<br />l'lItall be a default under any' of the Ilrovisioo" of this mortj!llj!e "'"ullinll in a public ,.ale of the premises covered
<br />herehy, or if the ~ acquires me proJK'11y otlh,.'Wi,.t> dtN dt>fault. the \Iorlj!agee shall apply, at the time of
<br />the (_remetlt of "llen prot'l't'din~", III' at the fimt. Ihl' propert)' is othl'r",j,.p lI('quired. the balance rhen fI'main'
<br />in~ in the funds ac('umulated unlk>r !; I of para~fllph :! I)fN.('tlin~. a.... a l'fedit llj!lIin,.t th(. amount of principal then
<br />remaining unpaid under ,.aid note. m~K\t~mUQuXHW~lnntlf~Xl[1
<br />XlltJ""'<<W'"tk
<br />4, That the Mortllllgor will p,n IIfllund rent', lase', ""e"menh, "aler rales, and olher governmental or municipal
<br />.harIC'. tines. or impositions. for whidl pm\'''''," has nol heen made hereinhelorc. and in default thereof the Mortgagee may
<br />pay the same; and that the Mort~r I' ill prompll\' Jeh'er the offiCIal rcceipts lherefor In rhe Mortgagee,
<br />~, The Mortgagor wil! pay allla\c' "hlCh may he Icned Ill'on the Mortgagee's inleresl in said real eSlale and improvc.
<br />ments, and which may he le\'ied upl'n tt", m"rlg38c ()f the deht secured herehy IIml only to the extent that such is nOI prohibit.
<br />ed by law and omJ)' 10 the extenlthal such will not make Ihis I..an u,uriou\l. hUI excluding any income lax. Stale or Federal.
<br />imposed un MorlNee. and will nit: rhe ",flk'ial re.'elpl ,hO"lIll! such pllymen! wilh Ihe Mort/llliee, Upon violalion of this under.
<br />takill8. or if the Mortgagor IS rrohibiled I>\' an\' law ""Yo ..r herei1fter esislin/l from paying the whole or any portion of the afore.
<br />~id tllxes. or upon the renderil1ll of IIn\"JIJrl dene~ prohlbilin!! the pllymenl hy the Mortgagor or any such laxes, or if such law
<br />or decree provides thai any' amount s.. flaid hy the Morlgagor ,hall he ,redited on Ihe mortgage debl, Ihe Mortgagee shall have
<br />the riPt to give ninety days wrillen norice 10 the owner ('f the mort~d premises. requirinl! the paymenl of Ihe mortgage
<br />debt, If!>llCh notice be given. the s..w debt slwUl ~come due, p..~"hJe "nd culle<:liblt: "llhe e~piration of said ninety days,
<br />6, That slwuld lie fail 10 pilY any '>lUll or keep anYCO\lt"HlOl pronded for m this Mortgage, rhen the Mortgagee. at ils up.
<br />tion. may pay or perform the slime. and all expenditures so mllde shall be added 10 the principal sum owing on Ihe above 1I01e.
<br />!>hllll be secltfcd hereby. and shall belil1 interest allhe rale ,elforth to rhe said note, unlil pllid,
<br />i, That he herehy auiJllS, transfers and sel' ..ser 10 the MOrlSlltlee, 10 he applied loward Ihe payment of rhe nole und all
<br />_s >>ecllled hereby io Clue of a defllLlll III lhe f'Cr1e>rmanc.. "I an\' 01 lhe terms and cond,tion, (If Ihis Morlgage or the ,aid
<br />lIote. all the rentll. reveftUCs and income to he deri\'ed from lhe m"rt~d premises durin.!! such rime a, Ihe morlga~ indehted"
<br />TleS$ 'IIlIalI ~ ullpllid; w the MOI~ shall lutve power III lIp~'inllln" "sent or agent' II mll, desire for the purpme III
<br />flI~ ~ pl'cmises aDd oj' rentinllt.he S<lme and wllcCtll1lllhe lenrs, re.enues and income. and it mas pa, out Ilf ,"id in-
<br />,_lIll e~pellMS vi repllirina ~ preml!ICS and ne.:eUlNY wmm".ions lInd espen.cs II1I:urred in rentln!! and IIlana!!ill!! the
<br />\lame W of eolleetme ,enllUs rherefrOlIl: lhe Nlmlce remllinHltl, If allY. tn he .<rphed "'''aId rhe d,M:hllrgc of 'aid mort/(lIlle
<br />iM~,
<br />II, TIwI1 he will keep lhe imprt.vemenls now e X!SIlI1ll 0>1 heruller erccled on the m"'tllatted propel I \. 1I1,ured ;" mil \ he
<br />re~ fr_ lime 10 lime "y lhe MlI\fl~ "ll'Imsl Iou n\l fire "nd olher hlll'lIlth, casllallH:" '!Ild l'nlllin~n,'ic, III 'u,IJ
<br />~!MId for sucll pefi04~ lIli ll'IJilY I1e rel.luirlld by rhe Mortll~t' "ntl ""II p~, pwmplh _ Yo hen <illt', .01 prenllllflls "n SIKh
<br />~ pl'ovm- f\1{' Pl!Y.''Rt of whi.:h ha~ _ been "U\lde herelllbrfure "1I1O'"r.n,'e ,11,,11 he ,,,met! ill ',"mp~nK" ~p'
<br />prtl~ by tbe ~ imd tile polic~~' "00 rellt'",,,I, lhe,enf _hall be held toy the MOrl&llli!ee .1Ild h.\(' "Il,,,hetl lherell' II",
<br />1lIIl:l'IIWc .~!IC~ ill f...<< f1I tmd if! form K':Cpl~C 'n lhe MortSlltlee In nenl 01 t.." M."llli'&l'" "Ill ~I\e Hnmed."te n"li\:c h\
<br />~ 10 lbe ~. who nl4)1 mMl4' l"f....,f (If I,." ,f Ill>! .n.we rwmplh h, M''fl/lajl,'r, il!ld e~dl lll'tIf~n..c '''fIlpllnl' (<,",
<br />.'fi~ ~ ~ wlmmUltl "nd direne'~ 1<> make ,'"ymenl tor 'l..h Ims Ihrecll; hllh.. Mo"Ij>lUllec 1!I,It'.d III I" lhe Mllflllllll<'l
<br />W the Mort~ ,,"tly, lmfI tilt, 1fl'1<I,onn I"",:e<<l" or ~ny p"rr rhe,.,.!. "'''' I.... "!'rlied ", the M,'rlll"llee allh "!'I.......llhel
<br />I@ t!w~.. oItbe '*b1tId<Tlel;5 hemhy "i'nM~ ur 10 till' restt""lum '" ,eplllr of the rwper!;' d"mi<ll~, In nenl ,.f f,.,,'./o
<br />_ 01.- ~"" <>tber IIM.fltf llf Iltle I... the m<>ft~ "wperr~ rn e'llflll'ol"h,nent "llhe IIltlchteth..." ,,'\l1f0'.! h"I<'I-\,
<br />~ 1!IIIl..!lnd im<<...~1 of the MUI'IIilIII<>f 10 ~ntllo "n~ InSllr"'''e p,.locK" Ihenm IOl\e ,hall 1'"" III Ihe rur,hil'''' 01 ~'"'I11<'''
<br />.., 'Illelll;\ ~KlN<llOnd (:IMllIler>>1 "Cnmlv fll' ,he p~\.f11<<nl ,.1' ,IK' nule tlcs,"nhet!. and all ,ulm 10 h""'"ll' "U" IInd.., Ihl'
<br />~. !'he ~ hell~"" ~"'lln~ 10 rhe M'lIlli1<1~e .11 !'f"Ill> , r..,..n....,, r,,\'~lll(", f1~hh .lId ',<,nel'" .,,""lIn!( h' Ih.,
<br />~~ ~f lmfI all,.,il ~nd lI'lJO In.e' "" ,;1&.1 pr..ml"", "llh lhe Filii'll III ,e,<,,,,<, ,,,,d re"~'1'1 1<., Iii., .,lIne ..nd "1'1'1,
<br />l!!em ",...w IltIlIlre ~\~l'" defa'Jllllllhe LOOdltl<"" 01 II,,, m"t1~"!l'" _.",j Ih.. M,"I;r"I!l'" 'lI," ,h~lIlaf1". 'Ill"
<br />f.....oo rlln'"t;f !lilY ....1. QIfIIl'l,!t' "'kll'"Vitl>Ie, hlt ,hitll flnl ~ reqnn,',j '" h',1" Illl,,,,'~"'nl'''' I' h. "'"nlll'"''
<br />~ h$:{-~""~ ,fj-~ \'O~ up*Jj!l rdt'ine flit ItH\ muff~e
<br />
<br />1~IID ~u, .11M U 1\~'
<br />
<br />
<br />I
<br />
<br />..J
<br />