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<br />NON.UNlFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenanl and agree as follows: <br />19. AcceJeratioa; ........ Le8der ..... _". aotJce to Borrower prior to acceIeradoll followina Borr..... <br />IIreldI of.., Cln'e!UIat 01' .IIRll.t ......Secarity I~ MIIIt (ht _ prior to accetentioa lIIIlIer..............13....11 <br />-- ~,"...18w JlI'Midet odterwUe). TlleaotJce.....spedfy: (II) dledefaalt;Ot) dleactlell...........to_dIe <br />~ (c) a..,_.. dllit3tdap froM die..... die aotJce ill.... to Borrower. b'.wIIidl....defaaIt ......CtIftlCI; <br />"'(1) dIat taOare to _die tIeIuIt.. 01' before .................. die aotJce ..,reRJt ill lIetellrat1e4oftlie..... <br />............""_of tile PreIlertJ. ne lIOtIce...fllrdaerWonaBerrower~\tIlId~;to <br />........ .. .........caurt.actIoa to ~ tIIe.........I.of.~~aIlJ':,.... <br />""01 Bono- tolCCllerld.. ......lIt1ie..,.IIlU._ __.. 01' ~ dIe...~.... . <br />.U........,........ 'wqrilate ...,.....tIIlIoflll __ ......'......s-rity.....l.C <br />............., iImIb.... ..-.01_ .....,..... ..t~\'tI-;;x....-'1iII <br />ceIIecC.......... UIcamid .............r..a.preyhW fa .............1tliMF ~,..IIlat...:t..;i <br />.1.. ...Ja&tonIep'....f'lItaofUde........ . . '. ,'<.>;'f,;c <br />It. ..-.of_ fa.......1'nstee ..rICIOnI.... ofdefaalt ill eacllCOUIIt1'iIl~;aIlJ"~':~;tU. <br />PreIlertJ ill.............. COIIItIof.... ....iIldle """")II'eICrfbed ..,. , <br />.... ..... ........ .., a""'''' law. MIr.... time ....... .., ~... bnr.1'n*t ......... ~..:~.~,..., <br />- to .... .... _Ia die ........ )II'eICrfbed . ....1111.11 18w..TraRee, witItoIIt ...............11.,' ~..]1!ilItfljt. <br />Property lit....... to dIe.......1tidder at.... time.... place _ .......... tenAI...JI'III......II!.....Of~~ <br />... 01'.............. ill.., onIer TruRee d... -..... Trutett.., ptlItpoIIe _ oflll 01' "".JlI!'tIie!~:.. <br />.... -...1I118C at .... ... ... place of.., pI.~Ln.Ii). ...... ... ......... 0I'1ts..........,......... <br />PreIlertJ at...... <br />u,.. I'MeIIIt of ...,.. ot .... price bid, TI'IIItee sIIaU deU", to tile JIIU'clIBer Tl'lIItee'Ii deed -....:tIie <br />PreIlertJ. ne ........ tile T........ deed..... ... )lri8Ia facie m.teace. ot tile tI'IItIa of tile .1 nl ....111....,.... <br />TruRee... ....., tile....... ot.... _.. ....foUowtq order: (s) to aU ....... ot....... tacl .. .t."DOt.1IIiIftlId <br />... 1':nIItee.. ... . .......... . ."Ih.'" law ... ,.8...1. attonaeys' feel; Ot) to III ... ............ ~ <br />... I I;'" (c).., UClIIII to........... 01' ..... ....y IIItitled to It. <br />· lAMer .. PilTIIlllllll. Upon IKXderation under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property, Leader (in <br />penon. by acent or by jlldicial1y appointed receiver) shall be entitled to enter upon, take possession of and IIIAIUIp tile <br />Property ... to collect tlIc tmts of tlIc Property including those put due. Any rents coUccted by Lender or tlIc r.cciYer <br />5IWi be applied first to payment of tlIc COltS of manqcment of the Property and collection of tmts, incJudina. but not . <br />limited to, reccivcr's fees, pn:miuim 011 receiver's bonds and J'l!lL..wI"h~ AttOm..yc' f_ ..nd.J- ... '~-llT--./.. <br />~------~~--------- <br />2L RuJ....,-. Upon payment of aIlswas secured by this Security Instrument, Leader s1Ia11 request Trustee to <br />I'eCOIWCy tlIc Property and 5IWi surreader t1ria Security Wtrument and aU notes evidencing cIcbt secured by this Security <br />... Milt to Trustee, Trustee slIalIl'eCOIWCy the Property without warrenty and without charac to the person or pcnoas <br />IepIIy IIItitJad to it. SlIdl person or persons 5IWi pay any recordation COltS. <br />n. S , 111... TI'UItee. Leader. Bt its option, may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a succaaor trustee <br />to..y Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded. <br />Widtout COIIYCyUICC of the Property, the succcuor trustee shall succeed to aU the title, power and duties conferred upon <br />Trustee herein and by apptic:abIc law. <br />D. ...... for Netka Borrower reqtMItS tbat copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrower's <br />acldreeswhicbis~~~~~Ul"J~~~ ~wc<Wieli of 5eit ~~_~fault am ~ <br />be ~~iWI OM or morenaa;areeMCU~~8Dd'~ toptherwitlt <br />this Security bsttument, the covenants and agrecmcats of each such rider s1Ia11 be incorporated into and shall amend and <br />supplement tlIc coveaants and ~ of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s) were a part of this Security <br />Instrument. [Check applicabk boA(es)) <br />o AdjuetabIe Rate Rider <br /> <br />o Graduetee! Payment Rider <br /> <br />o Other(s) [spdy] <br /> <br />84~ 006708 <br /> <br />,. <br />, <br /> <br />r <br /> <br /> <br />o COIIdominium Rider <br />C PIanaed Unit Dndopment Rider <br /> <br />o 2-4 Family Rider <br /> <br />BY SIGNING BELow. Borrower ICCepts and ...- to the tc:rms and covenants contained in this Security <br />IIIItIllmCut aad in my rider(s) executed by Borrower aad recorded witll it. .1 /J <br /> <br />,,4~,,?:?,z&.;4...,M..,...&-::J.J~~f4~(SeaJ) <br />J".am.lil R, Nord It.ltlrl ..:..eo.- <br /> <br />".?{:,::.,.,..f."'~'l":"""'_"\(""/"~:'f:""j,.I.(.t.~/...,{...~) <br />Naomi L Nordlund ~ <br />I..... ..... TlIiII I.ine ,., -II..! 114, .1) <br /> <br />State of: NebrailKa <br />County of: !Ilia 11 <br /> <br />~ss: <br /> <br />On this 27tl1 day of ~c"bltr , 19 i'l4. before me, a Notary Public in the State <br />of Nebraltb . personally appeared Jii!li<lll ;{. NQrdlllnd and N<lomi t. Nordlulld. <br />hlJ&baM lmd wH-.: , to _ personally known to be the person(lI) named <br />1n aM who liIHcuted the fClregoing instrument, and acknowledged that th~i executed <br />the 11_ as thdr vol\1Rt~.ry act and deed, <br /> <br />l <br /> <br />"' C0IIlD1881Oft expirelll).( i,"'l~~ <br /> <br /> <br />, /" <br />~,/ '('(,'11 <br />COUNTY AN~ ~TAfE <br /> <br />.L ~VANZn <br />.' ClDlIIAlNO'lAllV.~GINdir. <br />Mrc--. IiIIl. 21. "" <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />-.J <br />