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<br />
<br />006705
<br />
<br />I promise the following thiflgs:
<br />
<br />1 , All payments on any note or other debt secured by this mortg... witt, be
<br />when due.
<br />Z. An insurance policy fo.. fire and extended coverage will be kept in forc:e:QIj
<br />property in an amount at least equal to the debts secured by this~'
<br />any other mortgages listed in paragraph 6. The insurance company IIIust
<br />satisfactory to Commercial, and Commercial will be a named insured ontIW
<br />policy.
<br />3. All taxes and assessments on the property
<br />delinquent.
<br />4. No waste will be c;ommitted on the property, and it will be kept in good rep4lir.
<br />5. !he pro~r:ty ~1I1 not. be SO.ld (including by land contract), leased, and no
<br />-------- -- --ir;,ta~as-t in ,-t--wcn -be. as-s.gned:n an""--wWT-------------
<br />6, I own the prope..ty free and clear of any other mortgages or encumbranees
<br />except: Commercial Federal Savinas ~ loan
<br />7. No other mo..tgag. or lien on the property will ever be allowed to be in default
<br />or qe foreclosed.
<br />
<br />MORTGAGe
<br />
<br />I, PaulO, Edwards ~ Patricia E. Edwards ,h.reby give
<br />SAVINGS ANO LOAN ASSOCIATlON (Commercial) a mortgage on
<br />
<br />lot One (1), in Block Fifteen (15), in Packer and Barr's Additiontothe:;Cit
<br />Grand Island, Hall County, ~.ebraska.
<br />
<br />If more than one person signs this mortgage, the word "I" means "weu'~
<br />
<br />This mortgage secures a loan made by Commercial. A note dated the
<br />this mortgage contains the terms for repayment of that loan. If that note is.,
<br />or replaced by a new not., it wll/ still be secured by this mortg....
<br />
<br />If any of these promises are not k.pt, th.n Commercial can decla..e all of the debt
<br />immediately due and payabl. without advance notic.. Th. int....st rate will inc..ease to
<br />19.00\ or any greater rat. allowable by law at that time, and this mortgage can be
<br />foreclosed. If thtl debt is accelerated, then , also assign any rent or othe.. income from
<br />the prope..ty to Commercial,
<br />
<br />Ce..tain amounts can be paid by Commercial and added to the debt secured by this
<br />mortgage. Th.y a..e any taxes or insu..ance , have ag..eed to pay but fail to, any
<br />attorney fees or court exp.nses Commercial pays if it is made a party to any legal action
<br />brought by someone else concerning the property, and any attorney fees 0.. cou..t
<br />.xpenses which the law might allow if Commercial has to go to cou..t against m. to collect
<br />the debt or foreclose this mo..tgag., If any of these things happen, then the additional
<br />debt will accrue int...est at the same rate as the rest of the debt and must be paid
<br />immediately.
<br />
<br />If this prope..ty is ever condemned und.r the pow... of eminent domain or any simila..
<br />method of taking property for public us., any proceeds of the taking will be paid to
<br />Commercial up to the full amount of the debt secured.
<br />
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<br />
<br />On thl. 26th day of December , 19 84 , before me, II notary public in
<br />anct for, Mid county, jMrsonaUy cerne Paul D. Edward'$TPa~ricia E. ~d\ter_ know to be
<br />the i""tic:at person Of' persons whose name is or nernel are affixed to the above mortgage,
<br />anct they, he or she severally acknowledged the said instrument and the execution thereof
<br />to be thelr volunta..y act and deed.
<br />
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<br />
<br />WITNESS my hand and notarial seal the day and year last above written.
<br />
<br />.L ItOMItO VAN 1:\'1.
<br />.1ll.AU.IOTAlIY. S.....GfNollr.
<br />MyComnt._~1HI
<br />My c::ommluion expi ro._ / <I>1r _ ;," ,~
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<br />N6tary Public
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<br />CL-27
<br />PEV 4/82
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